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Usuario:Topbanana/RLRL SR Utility.js

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Nota: Después de guardar, debes refrescar la caché de tu navegador para ver los cambios. Internet Explorer: mantén presionada Ctrl mientras pulsas Actualizar. Firefox: mientras presionas Mayús pulsas el botón Actualizar, (o presiona Ctrl-Shift-R). Los usuarios de Google Chrome y Safari pueden simplemente pulsar el botón Recargar. Para más detalles e instrucciones acerca de otros exploradores, véase Ayuda:Cómo limpiar la caché.

// Create some search-and-replace tools - this uses a slightly modified version
// of [[User:Gerbrant/edit/regexReplace.js]])
importScript('User:Topbanana/regexReplace.js' );
function RLRL_SR_Utility()
   strAdvert = '  - [[w:en:WP:RLR|You can help!]]';

   // If we're not editing, do nothing
   if ( !document.getElementById("editform") )
   // Check for and extract 'RLRLS' (search) and 'RLRLR' (replace) parameters
   // Method based on 'gup' (
   param_match = new RegExp( '[\\?&]RLRLS=([^&#]*)' ).exec( window.location.href );
   parSearch = param_match ? param_match[1] : '';
   param_match = new RegExp( '[\\?&]RLRLR=([^&#]*)' ).exec( window.location.href );
   parReplace = param_match ? param_match[1] : '';
   param_match = new RegExp( '[\\?&]RLRLRD=([^&#]*)' ).exec( window.location.href );
   parRedirect = param_match ? param_match[1] : '';
   // First check if we are being asked to create a redirect
   if( parRedirect.length > 0 )
      // Check we have no other parameters
      if( parSearch.length > 0 || parReplace.length > 0 )
      // Check the edit box is empty
      if( document.forms.editform.wpTextbox1.value.length > 0 )
      // Correct the parameters provided
      parRedirect = unescape( decodeURIComponent( parRedirect.replace( /_/g, " " ) ) );

      // Okay, populate the edit box and summary
      document.forms.editform.wpTextbox1.value = '#REDIRECT [[' + parRedirect+ ']]';
      document.forms.editform.wpSummary.value =
          'Link repair:  Redirecting page to ' + parRedirect + strAdvert;
   // Okay, not a redirect.  Check if we are being asked to search-and-replace
   // If we've not got a useful set of parameters, give up   
   if( parSearch.length == 0 || parReplace.length == 0 )
   // Correct the parameters provided
   parSearch = unescape( decodeURIComponent( parSearch.replace( /_/g, " " ) ) );
   parReplace = unescape( decodeURIComponent( parReplace.replace( /_/g, " " ) ) );
   // Escape any characters with special meanings in regular expressions
   parRegex = parSearch.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
   // Find and manipulate the search and replace controls
   document.getElementById('tbRegex_SearchTextBox').value = parRegex;
   document.getElementById('tbRegex_ReplaceTextBox').value = parReplace;
   // Populate the edit summary
   document.forms.editform.wpSummary.value =
      'Link repair:  ' + parSearch + ' -> ' + parReplace + strAdvert;
$( RLRL_SR_Utility );