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Usuario discusión:Sturanos

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Los escitas eran pueblos iranios existen abundante documentación toponímica y antroponímica que prueba eso, además del testimonio de los antiguos. Los pueblos túrquicos no se expandieron desde alguna región cercana al Valle del Orjón hasta unos siglos más tarde, por favor, revisa tus fuentes y no edites arbitrariamente sin haberlas comporbado, --Davius (discusión) 01:45 25 jul 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Scythians were a Turkic people. This is fixed with evidence. Sturanos (discusión) 18:32 25 jul 2015 (UTC)[responder]
Maybe you can not read much Spanish. There are many independent evidences of the Iranian identity of Scythians (toponyms and anthroponyms). You can add the opinion of Cahill (the turkic character of Scythians) to the article, but you must cite in addition the mainstream view supported in many evidences that scythians are Iranan and you CAN NOT delete information supporting mainstream views! --Davius (discusión) 07:18 26 jul 2015 (UTC)[responder]
Turkic peoples were equestrian-archer and nomadic people from Cenral Asia. Scythians were equestrian-archer and nomadic people from Central Asia and it shows that Scythians were a Turkic people. Scythians have Turkic names, for example; Alp Er Tunga, Tomris, Şu. Scythians Turkic-speaking people, for example; Scythian: anira, Modern Turkish: onar/ Scythian: daldu, Modern Turkish: doldur/ Scythian: vurun, Modern Turkish: vuruş/ Scythian: kutta, Modern Turkish: kat/ Scythian: val, Modern Turkish: yol/ Scythian: krou, Modern Turkish: kar/ Scythian: eor, Modern Turkish: er. All evidences indicate that Scythians were a Turkic people and nonexistence finding about Scythians were Iranian. If exist one finding about Scythians were Iranian, you show. Sturanos (discusión) 09:46 26 jul 2015 (UTC)[responder]
Many people in Central Asia were nomadic equestrian-archer (kushanas, heftlites, turkic, mongolic, sarmatian, alanic, scythian people!). Being nomadic or equestrian-archer does not imply to be turkic (check English wikipeda, please you will read the evidences in favor of the iranian origin). I do not know the names you spell, but probably you know the rivernames Dniester, Don or Dnieper of Scythian origin (related to modern osetian (an iranian language). There are no many evidences in favor of Turkic origin! Except the names you mention without reference, please go to the English wikipedia por more details. Here we are discovering the wheel, --Davius (discusión) 13:57 26 jul 2015 (UTC)[responder]
Here you can find the relevant details about the language of the Scythians: Scytian Languages (in English) --Davius (discusión) 13:59 26 jul 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Not same only equestrian-archery and nomadism. This is just one example. Scythians (known as Sakas) drank traditional Turkish drink Koumiss, Scythians played Turkish traditional game Mangala. Used by Scythians been kurgans is just in Turkish culture, already Kurgan is a Turkish word. Even burial ceremony of Scythians is same with burial ceremony of other Turks. And much more. Ossetian Language is not modern form of Scythian. Scythian Language in nowaday is Modern Turkish Language. Known all names in Scythian is Turkish. All inscriptions and letterings of Scythians is Turkish and written with Turkish alphabet. All words in Scythian is Turkish. Scythian Language was an ancient dialect of Turkic language. You can see more detail;

Also Kushans, Hephthalites (White Huns), Sarmatians and Alans were Turkic peoples and, Mongols and Turks have same descended. English Wikipedia is very Turkophobic and not a neutral area, therefor is can not be a source. But many scientists are accepted that Scythians were Turkic, for example. B. G. Niebuhr, Mordtmann, Zeki Velidi Togan, H. Triedler, Patricia A. Cahill. Saka is more meaningful Turkish word. Scythians (Sakas) in nowaday is Saka Turks in Yakutia, Siberia and ancient Massagetean people in nowaday is Meskhetian Turks (Mesket Türkleri in Turkish). Turanian (Turkish)-Iranian (Persian) wars were explicated in Persian epic Shahnameh and this Turanians in Shahnameh is Scythians. Persian emperor Darius told Scythians were unlike people according to Iranians. All evidences leave no room for doubt that Scythians were Turkic. Sturanos (discusión) 01:45 27 jul 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Thank you for your deailed explanation. I realize that your view is not the mainstream view about the question, as probably you know. You can reference to your non-mainstrem theory in the article, but, please do not delete mainstrem information in the article "esitas". Better you can try to convince the people in the English Wikipedia, they will give a lot of arguments against the theory you are trying to argue for, --Davius (discusión) 14:54 27 jul 2015 (UTC)[responder]