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'''Victoria''' es una ciudad del [[San Fernando (partido)|Partido de San Fernando]], [[provincia de Buenos Aires]], [[Argentina]]; en la zona centro-este de la provincia y parte integral del [[Gran Buenos Aires]].
'''Victoria''' es una ciudad del [[San Fernando (partido)|Partido de San Fernando]], [[provincia de Buenos Aires]], [[Argentina]]; en la zona centro-este de la provincia y parte integral del [[Gran Buenos Aires]].

== Límites de la localidad ==
Río Luján, Del Arca, Quintana, Uruguay, río Reconquista, Hipólito Yrigoyen, Malvinas Argentinas, Roberto Payró, Pasteur, García Mansilla y Virreyes.

Good morning to you all: members of the government and opposion, chair person, time keeper, audience and adjudicator.

Today is a very important day, we are having a debate to discuss if private ownership of handguns does more harm that good.

Im going to define the words: ownership, handguns, harm and good. Then, Im going to…

The second speaker is going to talk about…

The third speaker is going to make a conclusion of all said.

According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary the word ownership means when you own something. A handgun is a weapon from which explosive containers are fired. Harm means to hurt someone or damage something and the word good means having a positive effect. Clarifying all the difficult concepts mention in the motion, these one means the following:


The mad idea of thinking being the private owner of handguns seems to me frightful. A handgun can never remove the fear of being robed. Maybe you are feel relax but you shouldn’t, you are now probably asking to yourselves why. Well, I’ll tell you then, being the owner of a gun can be a disadvantage.

Imagine you are at home watching T.V with your family, relax and comfortable because you have a gun surrounds you for protection. You live in a dangerous zone and you had recently heard a noise that came from outside; some minutes later you realized that was a thief breaking your door to enter. What would you do? Press the trigger? I wouldn’t. Reasons? I think it’s obviously. First, normally if someone has a gun at home for protection he/she doesn’t know how to use it so maybe a mistake and bomb, one familiar less. Secondly, maybe the thief entered alone but outside some friends were too. Third, the thief can be faster and take the gun from its place; in that case he can have two guns or one, if he doesn’t enter with any weapon. In this way you could be the culprit of your own death or of a member of the family death. Would that be funny? I don’t think so, it will be horrible.

The best way for protection in a situation like this one is not to resist. If thieves ask you for money give them what they want, don’t resist, your life it’s more important that money. If you die, you are not going to be again ever. Instead, if you survive because you give the thieves all they want you can work again and replace the money.
Do not put in risk your lives having a gun in your house, is dangerous and always will plays against you. Please, be conscious.

== Toponimia ==
== Toponimia ==

Revisión del 19:31 18 sep 2009

Plantilla:Ficha de localidad de Argentina Victoria es una ciudad del Partido de San Fernando, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina; en la zona centro-este de la provincia y parte integral del Gran Buenos Aires.

Límites de la localidad

Río Luján, Del Arca, Quintana, Uruguay, río Reconquista, Hipólito Yrigoyen, Malvinas Argentinas, Roberto Payró, Pasteur, García Mansilla y Virreyes.


El nombre a la estación se dio en homenaje a la reina Victoria de Inglaterra. En su reinado, se construyeron las líneas ferroviarias inglesas, todas con capitales ingleses.


  • 1887, la empresa "Ferrocarril Central Argentino" (ex Ferrocarril del Norte) planea prolongar su traza a Tigre y un ramal al "Muelle del Canal San Fernando". También quería construir, a su costa, una línea desde San Fernando, que llegara a Pergamino. Pretendían conectar esa línea con su vía principal Rosario–Córdoba y competir con la empresa del Ferrocarril Buenos Aires–Rosario.
  • 1888, se otorga dicha concesión en la presidencia de Juárez Celman (Ley Nº 2.386 de octubre de 1888). Pero para 18 estaciones, sólo se habilitan 3: Pergamino (terminal), Capilla del Señor (intermedia, hasta donde llega en la actualidad) y Victoria (en la unión con el Ferrocarril del Norte de Buenos Aires).
  • 1889, se aprueban los planos del edificio de la Estación y dependencias.
  • 1891, se inauguran las instalaciones ferroviarias. Por desconocimiento de la creación del nuevo pueblo, se tomó para conmemorarlo el 29 de agosto, día de veneración de la imagen de la Santísima Virgen Nuestra Señora de la Guardia.
  • 1918, David Piaggi, Luis Cataldo, los hermanos San Martín, Tomás Batista y otros vecinos fundan el "Círculo Social Victoria".
  • 11 de febrero de 1922, por mediación del Padre Maximiliano Pérez, cura Párroco de la Parroquia Ntra. Sra. de Aránzazu, "Don Orione" funda la "Casa Materna de la Congregación", con el nombre de "Pequeña Obra de la Divina Providencia". Este templo venera la imagen de la Virgen Ntra. Sra. de la Guardia.
  • 1936, El 20 de septiembre, es inaugurado el estadio del Club Atlético Tigre en un encuentro frente a Boca Juniors, bajo la presidencia del Dr. León Bourdieu.

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