
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

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/* &lt;pre>&lt;nowiki> */

//Ajuste las siguientes variables de acuerdo con los datos que quiere que sean el fin de su pausa:
var year = 2007; //YYYY
var month = 02; //MM
var day = 25; //DD
var hour = 20; //HH
var minute = 52; //MM
var second = 30; //SS 

function EnforceWikiBreak() {
    var currentdate = new Date();
    var enforced_break_end = new Date(year,changemonth(),day,hour,minute,second);
    if (currentdate > enforced_break_end) {
      // alert ("Welcome back from your enforced wikibreak!");
    } else {
      alert ("Enforced wikibreak until " + enforced_break_end.toLocaleString() + " (currently " + currentdate.toLocaleString() + "). Bye!");
      window.location.href = ("http://""/w/index.php?title=Especial:Userlogout&returnto=Main_Page");

function changemonth() {
//thing to subtract 1 from the month. you can't use month-1 because it removes the '0' from the front
if(month==01) return 00;
if(month==02) return 01;
if(month==03) return 02;
if(month==04) return 03;
if(month==05) return 04;
if(month==06) return 05;
if(month==07) return 06;
if(month==08) return 07;
if(month==09) return 08;
if(month==10) return 09;
if(month==11) return 10;
if(month==12) return 11;
return 00;

$(function() { EnforceWikiBreak(); });

/* &lt;/nowiki>&lt;/pre> */
