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126.º Regimiento de Caballería (Estados Unidos)

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126.º Regimiento de Caballería

Escudo de armas
Activa 1855–presente
País Estados Unidos de América
Rama/s Ejército de los Estados Unidos
Tipo Regimiento
Función Reconocimiento
Tamaño Escuadrón
Acuartelamiento Míchigan
Cultura e historia
Mote Second Michigan[1]
Lema Courage Sans Peur (Valor sin miedo)
Condecoraciones PUC, Elogio a la Unidad Meritoria
Guerras y batallas
Guerra de Secesión
Guerra hispano-estadounidense
Expedición punitiva contra Francisco Villa
Primera Guerra Mundial
Segunda Guerra Mundial
Guerra de Irak
Invasión de Kuwait

El 126.º Regimiento de Caballería ("Second Michigan" [1]​) es una unidad militar de la Guardia Nacional estadounidense de Míchigan. El 126.º fue originalmente un regimiento de infantería, posteriormente, se convirtió en un regimiento blindado, y luego se convirtió en una unidad de reconocimiento de caballería ligera, con las unidades subordinadas estacionadas en Cadillac, Wyoming, Dowagiac, y Manistee.


  1. a b «Special Designation Listing». United States Army Center of Military History. 21 de abril de 2010. Archivado desde el original el 10 de junio de 2009. Consultado el 13 de julio de 2016. 


  • Campbell, James (2007) The Ghost Mountain Boys. A historical account of the epic journey of the 32nd Infantry Division, including the 126th Inf. Rgmt, during their terrifying battle for New Guinea in the early days of WWII. Crown, ISBN 978-0-307-33596-8.
  • Britten, David G. Courage without Fear: The Story of the Grand Rapids Guard. Philadelphia, PA. Xlibris, 2004. General history of the unit since pre-1855.
  • Sawicki, James A. Infantry Regiments of the US Army. Dumfries, VA: Wyvern, 1981. General history of unit.
  • Jonker, Hartger. The "Old Command": Service History of Company "L", 126th Infantry. n.p., 1919? 51 p. #603-126.1919a
  • The 32nd Division in the World War, 1917–1919. Madison, WI: Wisconsin War History Commission, 1920.
  • Historical and Pictorial Review: National Guard of the State of Michigan 1940. Baton Rouge, LA: Army and Navy Publishing Company, Inc., 1940.
  • Blakely H. W., Major General. The 32nd Infantry Division in World War II. Originally Published 1957. Reprinted by The Battery Press, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee, 2000
  • Cannon, M. Hamlin. Leyte: The Return to the Philippines. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Military History, United States ArCmy, 1954.
  • Eichelberger, Robert L. Our Jungle Road to Tokyo. Nashville, Tennessee; Battery Press, 1989.
  • Kean, Tom B. Battle for Buna Mission. Typescript, 198?
  • Mayo, Lida. Bloody Buna. Garden City, NY. Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1974.
  • Medendorp, Alfred. "The March and Operations of Antitank and Cannon Companies 126th Infantry (3rd Infantry Division) in the Attack on Wairopi 4 October – 28 November 1942 (Papuan Campaign): (Personal Experience of a Patrol Commander)." Fort Benning, Georgia: Inf Sch Paper, 1949.
  • Mohl, John L. "Operations of a Special Patrol From Units of the 2d Battalion, 126th Infantry, (32d Infantry Division) at Saidor, New Guinea, 22–26 January 1944 (New Guinea Campaign): (Personal Experience of a Patrol Leader)." Ft Benning, GA: Inf Sch Paper, 1949.
  • Papuan Campaign: The Buna-Sanananda Operation. Washington, DC. War Department, 1944. Reprinted by The Battery Press, Inc. Nashville, TN, 1989.
  • Schweinler, Dale J. "Operations of Company 'F', 126th Infantry, 32d Infantry Division, Ormoc Road, Leyte Island, 1–24 December 1944." Ft Benning, GA: Inf Sch Paper, 1948?
  • Smith, Herbert M. Hannibal had Elephants II. "Story of the 2nd Battalion, 126th Infantry, 32nd Division over the Owen-Stanley Mountains crossing New Guinea from Port Moresby to Buna." Eau Claire, WI: Heins Publications, 1995.
  • Smith, Robert Ross. Triumph in the Philippines. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Military History, United States Army, 1963.
  • Stanton, Shelby L. Order of Battle, U.S. Army, World War II. Novato, CA: Presidio, 1984.
  • "13,000 Hours, Combat History of the 32nd Infantry Division – World War II." Public Relations Office, 32nd Infantry Division. The Philippine Islands, 1944.

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