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Anexo:Bibliografía de H. G. Wells

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H. G. Wells (1866–1946)

H. G. Wells fue un gran escritor prolífico de ficción y no ficción. Su carrera literaria se extendió por más de sesenta años y sus primeras novelas de ciencia ficción le concedieron el título (junto con Julio Verne y Hugo Gernsback) de «Padre de la ciencia ficción».[1]



Reseñamos a continuación el listado de novelas escritas por H. G. Wells. con su título o títulos en español (si cuentan con una edición española o hispanoamericana) y en inglés. El año entre paréntesis hace referencia a su publicación en inglés.



Todos los cuentos

Título Títulos en español Año Notas
A Tale of the Twentieth Century 1887 Publicado bajo el seudónimo Septimus Browne.
A Talk with Gryllotalpa 1887 Publicado bajo el seudónimo Septimus Browne.
A Vision of the Past Una visión del pasado 1887
The Chronic Argonauts 1888
The Devotee of Art El devoto del arte 1888
Æpyornis Island La isla de Ípiornis 1894
A Deal in Ostriches 1894
A Family Elopement Una fuga familiar 1894
A Misunderstood Artist Un artista incomprendido 1894
How Gabriel Became Thompson 1894
In the Avu Observatory En el observatorio astronómico de Avu 1894
In the Modern Vein 1894 También llamado In the Modern Vein: An Unsympathetic Love Story, o A Bardlet's Romance.
The Diamond Maker El fabricante de diamantes 1894
The Flowering of the Strange Orchid La floración de la extraña orquídea 1894 También The Strange Orchid.
The Hammerpond Park Burglary El robo en el parque Hammerpond 1894
The Jilting of Jane Las calabazas de Jane 1894
The Lord of the Dynamos El señor de los dínamos 1894
The Man with a Nose 1894
The Stolen Bacillus El bacilo robado 1894
The Thing in No. 7 La cosa del N° 7 1894
The Thumbmark 1894
The Treasure in the Forest El tesoro en la selva 1894
The Triumphs of a Taxidermist Los triunfos de un taxidermista 1894
Through a Window Por la ventana 1894 También conocido como At a Window.
A Catastrophe Una catástrofe 1895
How Pingwill Was Routed 1895
Le Mari Terrible El marido terrible 1895
Our Little Neighbour Nuestro vecinito 1895
Pollock and the Porroh Man Pollock y el hechicero Porroh 1895
The Argonauts of the Air Los argonautas del aire 1895
The Cone El cono 1895
The Flying Man 1895
The Moth 1895 También conocido como A Moth - Genus Novo.
The Reconciliation La reconciliación 1895 También conocido como The Bulla.
The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes El extraordinario caso de los ojos de Davidson 1895 También conocido como The Story of Davidson's Eyes.
The Sad Story of a Dramatic Critic La triste historia de un crítico dramático 1895 También llamado The Obliterated Man.
The Temptation of Harringay La tentación de Harringay 1895
Wayde's Essence 1895
A Slip Under the Microscope Una muestra en el microscopio 1896
In the Abyss En el abismo 1896
The Apple La manzana 1896
The Plattner Story[2] La historia de Plattner 1896 También conocido como El caso de Plattner.
The Purple Pileus 1896
The Rajah's Treasure El tesoro del rajá 1896
The Red Room La habitación roja 1896 También conocido como The Ghost of Fear.
The Sea Raiders Los depredadores del mar 1896 También conocido como Los piratas del mar.
The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham La historia del difunto señor Elvesham 1896
Under the Knife Bajo el bisturí 1896 También llamado Slip Under the Knife.
A Perfect Gentleman on Wheels Un perfecto caballero sobre ruedas 1897
A Story of the Stone Age 1897 También llamado Stories of the Stone Age, novela corta.
Mr. Marshall's Doppelganger El doppelgänger del señor Marshall 1897
The Crystal Egg El huevo de cristal 1897 También llamado La esfera de cristal
The Lost Inheritance La herencia perdida 1897
The Presence by the Fire La presencia junto al fuego 1897
The Star La estrella 1897 También llamado El astro
Jimmy Goggles the God Jimmy Goggles, el dios 1898
Miss Winchelsea's Heart El corazón de Miss Winchelsea 1898
Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation Las vacaciones de Mr. Ledbetter 1898
The Man Who Could Work Miracles El hombre que podía hacer milagros 1898 También conocido como The Man Who Could Work Miracles: A Pantoum in Prose, o Man Who Could Work Miracles.
The Stolen Body El cuerpo robado 1898
Walcote 1898-1899
A Story of the Days To Come Una historia de los tiempos venideros 1899 Novela corta.
A Vision of Judgment 1899 También conocido como A Vision of Judgement.
Mr. Brisher's Treasure El tesoro de Mr. Brisher 1899
A Dream of Armageddon 1901
Filmer 1901
The New Accelerator El nuevo acelerador 1901
The Inexperienced Ghost El fantasma inexperto 1902 También conocido como The Story of the Inexperienced Ghost.
The Loyalty of Esau Common La lealtad de Esau Common 1902
Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland Mr. Skelmersdale en el país de las hadas 1903
The Land Ironclads 1903
The Magic Shop La tienda mágica 1903
The Truth About Pyecraft La verdad sobre Pyecraft 1903
The Valley of Spiders El valle de las arañas 1903
The Country of the Blind El país de los ciegos 1904; edición revisada, 1939 Novela corta.
The Empire of the Ants El reino de las hormigas 1905 También llamado Empire of the Ants.
The Door in the Wall La puerta en el muro 1906
The Beautiful Suit 1909 También llamado A Moonlight Fable.
Little Mother Up the Mörderberg Mamita en la cima del Mörderberg 1910 Serie Little Mother #2.
My first Aeroplane Mi primera avioneta 1910 Serie Little Mother #1.
The Story of the Last Trump La historia del último trompetazo 1915
The Wild Asses of the Devil 1915
Peter Learns Arithmetic 1918
The Invasion from Mars 1920
The Grisly Folk 1921
Into the Abyss 1923
The Pearl of Love La perla del amor 1925
The Adventures of Tommy 1928
A Woman's Heart 1931
The Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper La extraña historia del periódico de Brownlow 1932
Answer to Prayer Respuesta a la oración 1937
Depouillement - the Door in the Wall 1953 Publicado póstumamente.
The Desert Daisy 1957 Publicado póstumamente.
The Haunted Ceiling 2016 Publicado póstumamente.

Colecciones y cuentos no publicados en colecciones


Colecciones en español:

  • Una historia de los tiempos venideros, La Nación, Buenos Aires (1902):
    "Una historia de los tiempos venideros", "El cono", "El tesoro en la selva", "Los piratas del mar", "En el abismo", "El caso de Plattner"
  • La ciencia ficción de H. G. Wells, Orbis, Buenos Aires (1988), dos tomos:
    "Los acorazados terrestres", "La puerta en el muro", "El país de los ciegos", "El bacilo robado", "La isla del Aepyornis", "El extraño caso de los ojos de Davidson", "El señor de las dinamos", "La historia de Plattner", "Los argonautas del aire", "La historia del difunto Míster Elvesham", "En el abismo", "Los atacantes del mar", "Una raza aterradora", "La esfera de cristal", "La estrella", "El hombre que podía hacer milagros", "El bazar mágico", "El valle de las arañas", "La verdad sobre Pyecraft", "El señor Skelmersdale en el país de las hadas", "Jimmy Goggles, el dios", "El nuevo acelerador", "Un sueño de Armageddon"

Colecciones en inglés:

  • Select Conversations with an Uncle (Now Extinct) and Two Other Reminiscences (1895), colección de 14 cuentos:
    "Of Conversation and The Anatomy of Fashion", "The Theory of The Perpetual Discomfort of Humanity", "The Use of Ideals", "The Art of Being Photographed", "Bagshot's Mural Decorations", "On Social Music", "The Joys of Being Engaged", "La Belle Dame Sans Merci", "On a Tricycle", "An Unsuspected Masterpiece", "The Great Change", "The Pains of Marriage", "A Misunderstood Artist", "The Man with a Nose"
  • El bacilo robado y otros incidentes (The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents) (1895),[3]​ colección de 15 cuentos:
    "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "In the Avu Observatory", "The Triumphs of a Taxidermist", "A Deal in Ostriches", "Through a Window", "The Temptation of Harringay", "The Flying Man", "The Diamond Maker", "Æpyornis Island", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson’s Eyes", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Hammerpond Park Burglary", "The Moth", "The Treasure in the Forest"
  • La historia de Plattner y otras narraciones (The Plattner Story and Others) (1897),[4]​ colección de 17 cuentos:
    "The Plattner Story", "The Argonauts of the Air", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "In the Abyss", "The Apple", "Under the Knife", "The Sea Raiders", "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "The Red Room", "The Cone", "The Purple Pileus", "The Jilting of Jane", "In the Modern Vein", "A Catastrophe", "The Lost Inheritance", "The Sad Story of a Dramatic Critic", "A Slip Under the Microscope"
  • Thirty Strange Stories (1897)[5]​, colección de 30 cuentos:
    "Æpyornis Island", "In the Abyss", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Moth", "The Plattner Story", "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "The Argonauts of the Air", "In the Avu Observatory", "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Triumphs of a Taxidermist", "The Apple", "The Red Room", "The Cone", "The Purple Pileus", "The Jilting of Jane", "A Catastrophe", "The Lost Inheritance", "The Sad Story of a Dramatic Critic", "A Slip Under the Microscope", "The Treasure in the Forest", "A Deal in Ostriches", "The Sea-Raiders", "In the Modern Vein: An Unsympathetic Love Story", "The Reconciliation", "Le Mari Terrible", "The Rajah's Treasure", "The Strange Orchid", "Slip Under the Knife"
  • Tales of Space and Time (1899),[6]​ colección de 3 cuentos y 2 novelas cortas:
    "The Crystal Egg", "The Star", "A Story of the Stone Age" (novela corta), "A Story of the Days to Come" (novela corta), "The Man Who Could Work Miracles"
  • Doce historias y un sueño (Twelve Stories and a Dream) (1903),[7]​ colección de 13 cuentos:
    "Filmer", "The Magic Shop", "The Valley of Spiders", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Inexperienced Ghost", "Jimmy Goggles the God", "The New Accelerator", "Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation", "The Stolen Body", "Mr. Brisher's Treasure", "Miss Winchelsea's Heart", "A Dream of Armageddon"
  • The Country of the Blind and Other Stories, o The Country of the Blind, and Other Stories (1911), colección de 32 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    "The Jilting of Jane", "The Cone", "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "In the Avu Observatory", "Æpyornis Island", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Moth", "The Treasure in the Forest", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "Under the Knife", "The Sea Raiders", "The Obliterated Man", "The Plattner Story", "The Red Room", "The Purple Pileus", "A Slip Under the Microscope", "The Crystal Egg", "The Star", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "A Vision of Judgment", "Jimmy Goggles the God", "Miss Winchelsea's Heart", "A Dream of Armageddon", "The Valley of Spiders", "The New Accelerator", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "The Magic Shop", "The Empire of the Ants", "The Door in the Wall", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Beautiful Suit"
  • The Door in the Wall and Other Stories (1911), colección de 7 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    "The Door in the Wall", "The Star", "A Dream of Armageddon", "The Cone", "A Moonlight Fable", "The Diamond Maker", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta)
  • Tales of the Unexpected (1922), colección de 15 cuentos:
    "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Moth", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "Under the Knife", "The Plattner Story", "The Crystal Egg", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "A Dream of Armageddon", "The New Accelerator", "The Door in the Wall", "The Apple", "The Temptation of Harringay", "Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Inexperienced Ghost", "The Stolen Body"
  • Tales of Wonder (1923), colección de 16 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    "Into the Abyss", "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "The Triumphs of a Taxidermist", "In the Avu Observatory", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "Æpyornis Island", "The Sea Raiders", "The Red Room", "The Purple Pileus", "The Star", "A Vision of Judgment", "The Valley of Spiders", "The Truth of Pyecraft, "The Magic Shop", "The Empire of the Ants", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Beautiful Suit"
  • The Country of the Blind (1923), colección de 2 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Truth About Pyecraft", "The Beautiful Suit"
  • Tales of Life and Adventure (1923), colección de 21 cuentos:
    "The Argonauts of the Air", "In the Modern Vein: An Unsympathetic Love Story", "A Catastrophe", "The Lost Inheritance", "A Deal in Ostriches", "Through a Window", "The Flying Man", "The Diamond Maker", "The Hammerpond Park Burglary", "The Jilting of Jane", "The Cone", "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Treasure in the Forest", "The Obliterated Man", "A Slip Under the Microscope", "Jimmy Goggles the God", "Miss Winchelsea's Heart", "Filmer", "Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation", "Mr. Brisher's Treasure"
  • The Empire of the Ants and Other Stories (1925), colección de 3 cuentos:
    "The Empire of the Ants", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Cone"
  • The Obliterated Man and Other Stories (1925), colección de 4 cuentos:
    "The Obliterated Man", "The Plattner Story", "The Red Room", "A Vision of Judgment"
  • The Stolen Bacillus and Other Stories (1925), colección de 5 cuentos:
    "The Jilting of Jane", "Æpyornis Island", "In the Avu Observatory", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "The Stolen Bacillus"
  • The Country of the Blind and Other Stories (1926), colección de 8 cuentos, 2 novelas cortas y 1 ensayo:
    "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Door in the Wall", "The Beautiful Suit", "The Empire of the Ants", "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta), "The Grisly Folk" (ensayo), "Little Mother Up the Mörderberg" (serie Little Mother #2), "My First Aeroplane" (serie Little Mother #1), "A Vision of Judgment", "The Story of the Last Trump", "The Pearl of Love"
  • The Short Stories of H. G. Wells, o The Famous Short Stories of H. G. Wells, o The Complete Short Stories of H. G. Wells (1927), colección de 1 novela, 57 cuentos, 4 novelas cortas y 1 ensayo:
    The Time Machine (novela), "The Empire of the Ants", "A Vision of Judgement", "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta), "The Beautiful Suit", "The Door in the Wall", "The Pearl of Love", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "In the Avu Observatory", "The Triumphs of a Taxidermist", "A Deal in Ostriches", "Through a Window", "The Temptation of Harringay", "The Flying Man", "The Diamond Maker", "Æpyornis Island", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Hammerpond Park Burglary", "The Moth", "The Treasure in the Forest", "The Plattner Story", "The Argonauts of the Air", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "In the Abyss", "The Apple", "Under the Knife", "The Sea-Raiders", "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "The Red Room", "The Cone", "The Purple Pileus", "The Jilting of Jane", "In the Modern Vein: An Unsympathetic Love Story", "A Catastrophe", "The Lost Inheritance", "The Sad Story of a Dramatic Critic", "A Slip Under the Microscope", "The Reconciliation", "My First Aeroplane" (serie Little Mother #1), "Little Mother Up the Mörderberg" (serie Little Mother #2), "The Story of the Last Trump", "The Grisly Folk" (ensayo), "The Crystal Egg", "The Star", "A Story of the Stone Age" (novela corta), "A Story of the Days to Come" (novela corta), "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "Filmer", "The Magic Shop", "The Valley of Spiders", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Inexperienced Ghost", "Jimmy Goggles the God", "The New Accelerator", "Mr. Ledbetter's Vacation", "The Stolen Body", "Mr. Brisher's Treasure", "Miss Winchelsea's Heart", "A Dream of Armageddon"
  • The Treasure in the Forest and Other Stories (1929), colección
  • The Valley of Spiders (1930), colección
  • Selections from the Early Prose Works of H. G. Wells (1931), colección de 4 extractos de novelas, 1 cuento y 1 novela corta:
    "The Martians Come to Earth" (extracto de La guerra de los mundos), "The Giant Rats" (extracto de El alimento de los dioses), "The Invisible Man Explains" (extracto de El hombre invisible), "There and Back Again" (extracto de La máquina del tiempo), "The New Accelerator", "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta)
  • The Man Who Could Work Miracles (1931), colección de 3 cuentos:
    "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Door in the Wall", "The Sea Raiders"
  • The Stolen Body and Other Tales of the Unexpected (1931), colección de 13 cuentos:
    "The Stolen Body", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Moth", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "Under the Knife", "The Plattner Story", "The Crystal Egg", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "A Dream of Armageddon", "The New Accelerator", "The Door in the Wall", "The Apple", "The Inexperienced Ghost"
  • The Treasure in the Forest and Other Stories (1931), colección de 3 cuentos:
    "The Treasure in the Forest", "The Late Mr. Elvesham", "Under the Knife"
  • A Slip Under the Microscope (1931), colección de 2 cuentos:
    "The Crystal Egg", "A Slip Under the Microscope"
  • A Woman's Heart and Other Stories (1931), colección de 2 cuentos:
    "A Woman's Heart", "A Dream of Armageddon"
  • The Valley of Spiders and Other Stories (1931), colección de 3 cuentos:
    "The Valley of Spiders", "The New Accelerator", "The Moth"
  • The Favorite Short Stories of H. G. Wells, o The Famous Short Stories of H. G. Wells (1937), colección de 1 novela, 28 cuentos y 2 novelas cortas:
    "A Deal in Ostriches", "A Vision of Judgement", "In the Abyss", "In the Avu Observatory", "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "The Apple", "The Argonauts of the Air", "The Beautiful Suit", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Diamond Maker", "The Door in the Wall", "The Empire of the Ants", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "The Flying Man", "The Hammerpond Park Burglary", "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta), "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Moth", "The Pearl of Love", "The Plattner Story", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Sea-Raiders", "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "The Temptation of Harringay", The Time Machine (novela), "The Treasure in the Forest", "The Triumphs of a Taxidermist", "Through a Window", "Under the Knife", "Æpyornis Island"
  • Short Stories: First Series (1940), colección de 13 cuentos:
    "The Truth About Pyecraft", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Star", "The New Accelerator", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "The Door in the Wall", "The Magic Shop", "The Plattner Story", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "The Red Room", "The Temptation of Harringay", "The Inexperienced Ghost", "The Beautiful Suit"
  • Short Stories: Second Series (1940), colección
  • Two Film Stories: Things to Come / The Man Who Could Work Miracles (1940), colección de 1 guion de novela y 1 cuento:
    Things to Come (guion de Esquema de los tiempos futuros), "Man Who Could Work Miracles"
  • The Truth About Pyecraft and Other Short Stories (1943), colección
  • The Man Who Could Work Miracles (1943), colección de 3 cuentos:
    "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Hammerpond Park Burglary", "The Apple"
  • The Truth About Pyecraft and Other Stories (1944), colección
  • The Time Machine: An Invention and Other Stories (1946), colección de 1 novela y 14 cuentos:
    The Time Machine (novela), "The Stolen Bacillus", "A Deal in Ostriches", "Through a Window", "The Flying Man", "The Diamond Maker", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Hammerpond Park Burglary", "The Argonauts of the Air", "The Cone", "A Catastrophe", "A Slip Under the Microscope", "Filmer", "Jimmy Goggles the God", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles: A Pantoum in Prose"
  • The Country of the Blind and Other Stories (1947), colección de 3 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Door in the Wall", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "A Deal in Ostriches"
  • 28 Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells (1952), colección de 2 novelas, 22 cuentos y 4 novelas cortas:
    Men Like Gods (novela), "The Empire of the Ants", "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta), "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "In the Avu Observatory", "A Story of the Stone Age" (novela corta), "Æpyornis Island", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Plattner Story", "The Argonauts of the Air", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "In the Abyss", Star Begotten (novela), "Under the Knife", "The Sea Raiders", "The Crystal Egg", "The Star", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "Filmer", "A Story of the Days to Come" (novela corta), "The Magic Shop", "The Valley of Spiders", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "The New Accelerator", "The Stolen Body", "A Dream of Armageddon"
  • Seven Stories (1953), colección de 7 cuentos:
    "Depouillement - the Door in the Wall", "The Moth", "The Apple", "The Purple Pileus", "The New Accelerator", "The Inexperienced Ghost", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles"
  • Two Tales (1956), colección de 2 cuentos:
    "The Truth About Pyecraft", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles"
  • Selected Short Stories (1958), colección de 1 novela, 17 cuentos, 2 novelas cortas y 1 ensayo:
    The Time Machine (novela), "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta), "The Door in the Wall", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Diamond Maker", "Aepyornis Island", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Plattner Story", "The Argonauts of the Air", "In the Abyss", "Under the Knife", "The Sea Raiders", "The Cone", "The Purple Pileus", "The Grisly Folk" (ensayo), "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "Jimmy Goggles the God", "The New Accelerator"
  • Best Stories of H. G. Wells (1960), colección de 14 cuentos y 2 novelas cortas:
    "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Plattner Story", "The Argonauts of the Air", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "The Crystal Egg", "The Star", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Sea-Raiders", "The Magic Shop", "The Valley of Spiders", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta), "Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The New Accelerator", "A Dream of Armageddon", "A Story of the Days to Come" (novela corta)
  • The Time Machine and Other Stories (1963), colección de 1 novela, 2 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    The Time Machine (novela), "The Empire of the Ants", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Man Who Could Work Miracles"
  • The Valley of Spiders (1964), colección de 13 cuentos:
    "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "In the Avu Observatory", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "The Red Room", "The Valley of Spiders", "The Empire of the Ants", "The Moth", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "The Temptation of Harringay", "The Inexperienced Ghost", "The Stolen Body", "The Crystal Egg", "The Door in the Wall"
  • The Cone (1965), colección de 12 cuentos:
    "The Cone", "Jimmy Goggles the God", "The Beautiful Suit", "Under the Knife", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "Through a Window", "The Star", "A Dream of Armageddon", "The Treasure in the Forest", "The Apple", "Æpyornis Island", "Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland"
  • The Inexperienced Ghost and Nine Other Stories (1965), colección de 9 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    "The Inexperienced Ghost", "The Magic Shop", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Apple", "The Stolen Body", "A Slip Under the Microscope", "The Purple Pileus", "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid"
  • Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells, o The Best Science Fiction Stories of H. G. Wells (1966), colección de 1 novela y 17 cuentos:
    "Æpyornis Island", "The Crystal Egg", "In the Abyss", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The New Accelerator", "The Plattner Story", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Star", "A Dream of Armageddon", "Filmer", "In the Avu Observatory", "The Diamond Maker", "The Apple", "The Purple Pileus", "The Sea-Raiders", "The Strange Orchid", The Invisible Man (novela)
  • Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction (1975), colección de 1 novela, 1 extracto de novela, 2 cuentos y 24 ensayos:
    "A Talk with Gryllotalpa", "The Rediscovery of the Unique" (ensayo), "Flat Earth Again" (ensayo), "The Limits of Individual Plasticity" (ensayo), "On Comparative Theology" (ensayo), The Time Machine (novela), "The Time Machine" (extracto de La máquina del tiempo), "The "Cyclic" Delusion" (ensayo), "The Visibility of Change in the Moon" (ensayo), "The Possible Individuality of Atoms" (ensayo), "The Biological Problem of To-day" (ensayo), "The Rate of Change in Species" (ensayo), "The Duration of Life" (ensayo), "Death" (ensayo), "Concerning Skeletons" (ensayo), "Another Basis for Life" (ensayo), "A Vision of the Past", "Zoological Retrogression" (ensayo), "On Extinction" (ensayo), "Life in the Abyss" (ensayo), "Intelligence on Mars" (ensayo), "Ancient Experiments in Co-Operation" (ensayo), "Province of Pain" (ensayo), "The Sun God and the Holy Stars" (ensayo), "Bye-Products in Evolution" (ensayo), "Bio-Optimism" (ensayo), "Human Evolution, an Artificial Process" (ensayo), "Morals and Civilisation" (ensayo)
  • The Time Machine (1975), colección de 1 novela y 1 cuento:
    The Time Machine (novela), "The Man Who Could Work Miracles"
  • Empire of the Ants and 8 Other Science Fiction Stories (1977), colección de 9 cuentos:
    "The Crystal Egg", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Plattner Story", "A Dream of Armageddon", "Aepyornis Island", "In the Abyss", "The Sea Raiders", "Filmer", "Empire of the Ants"
  • The Empire of the Ants (and Other Stories) (1977), colección de 4 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    "The Empire of the Ants", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Crystal Egg", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Magic Shop"
  • The Man with the Nose and Other Uncollected Stories of H. G. Wells (1984), colección
  • The Country of the Blind and Other Science-Fiction Stories (1997), colección de 5 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta revisada), "The Star", "The New Accelerator", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "Under the Knife", "The Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper"
  • The Inexperienced Ghost (1998), colección de 2 cuentos:
    "The Inexperienced Ghost", "The Temptation of Harringay"
  • The Red Room and Other Stories (1998), colección
  • Selected Stories of H. G. Wells (2004), colección de 24 cuentos y 2 novelas cortas:
    "A Slip Under the Microscope", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Plattner Story", "Under the Knife", "The Crystal Egg", "The New Accelerator", "The Stolen Body", "The Argonauts of the Air", "In the Abyss", "The Star", "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta), "A Dream of Armageddon", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Valley of Spiders", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Magic Shop", "Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Door in the Wall", "The Presence by the Fire", "A Vision of Judgment", "The Story of the Last Trump", "The Wild Asses of the Devil", "Answer to Prayer", "The Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta revisada)
  • The Country of the Blind (2005), colección de 2 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
    "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Stolen Bacillus"
  • The Stolen Bacillus (2005), colección
  • The Man Who Could Work Miracles, o A Dream of Armageddon: The Complete Supernatural Tales (2006), colección de 30 cuentos y 1 novela corta:
  • "The Devotee of Art", "Walcote", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Temptation of Harringay", "The Moth", "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "Under the Knife", "The Plattner Story", "The Red Room", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "The Apple", "The Crystal Egg", "The Presence by the Fire", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "The Stolen Body", "A Vision of Judgment", "A Dream of Armageddon", "The New Accelerator", "The Inexperienced Ghost", "Mr Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "The Magic Shop", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Door in the Wall", "The Beautiful Suit", "The Wild Asses of the Devil", "The Story of the Last Trump", "The Pearl of Love", "The Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper", "Answer to Prayer"
  • The Country of the Blind and Other Selected Stories (2007), colección de 21 cuentos y 2 novelas cortas:
    "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Moth", "A Catastrophe", "The Cone", "The Argonauts of the Air", "Under the Knife", "A Slip Under the Microscope", "The Plattner Story", "The Story of the Late Mr Elvesham", "In the Abyss", "The Sea Raiders", "The Crystal Egg", "A Story of the Stone Age" (novela corta), "The Star", "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "A Dream of Armageddon", "The New Accelerator", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Empire of the Ants", "The Door in the Wall", "The Wild Asses of the Devil"
  • Man Who Could Work Miracles and Things to Come (2010), colección de 1 novela y 1 cuento:
    "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", Things to Come (novela)
  • H. G. Wells: Tales of the Weird and Supernatural (2010), colección de 19 cuentos:
    "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "The Stolen Body", "The Story of the Late Mr. Elvesham", "A Dream of Armageddon", "The Magic Shop", "A Vision of Judgement", "The Door in the Wall", "The Temptation of Harringay", "The Apple", "The Red Room", "The Story of the Last Trump", "Mr. Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "Under the Knife", "The Story of the Inexperienced Ghost", "A Moth—Genus Novo", "The Wild Asses of the Devil", "The Presence by the Fire", "Mr. Marshall's Doppelganger"
  • The Door in the Wall (2011), colección de 3 cuentos:
    "The Door in the Wall", "The Sea Raiders", "The Moth"
  • Complete Short Story Omnibus (2011), colección de 78 cuentos, 5 novelas cortas y 1 ensayo:
    "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "In the Avu Observatory", "The Triumphs of a Taxidermist", "A Deal in Ostriches", "Through a Window", "The Temptation of Harringay", "The Flying Man", "The Diamond Maker", "Aepyornis Island", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Hammerpond Park Burglary", "The Moth", "The Treasure in the Forest", "The Plattner Story", "The Argonauts of the Air", "The Story of the Late Mr Elvesham", "In the Abyss", "The Apple", "Under the Knife", "The Sea Raiders" (variant of The Sea-Raiders), "Pollock and the Porroh Man", "The Red Room", "The Cone", "The Purple Pileus", "The Jilting of Jane", "In the Modern Vein: An Unsympathetic Love Story", "A Catastrophe", "The Lost Inheritance", "The Sad Story of a Dramatic Critic", "A Slip Under the Microscope", "The Crystal Egg", "The Star", "A Story of the Stone Age" (novela corta), "A Story of the Days to Come" (novela corta), "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "Filmer", "The Magic Shop", "The Valley of Spiders", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "Mr Skelmersdale in Fairyland", "The Inexperienced Ghost", "Jimmy Goggles the God", "The New Accelerator", "Mr Ledbetter's Vacation", "The Stolen Body", "Mr Brisher's Treasure", "Miss Winchelsea's Heart", "A Dream of Armageddon", "The Door in the Wall", "The Empire of the Ants", "A Vision of Judgment", "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta), "The Beautiful Suit", "The Pearl of Love", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Reconciliation", "My First Aeroplane" (Little Mother series #1), "Little Mother Up the Mörderberg" (Little Mother series #2), "The Story of the Last Trump", "The Grisly Folk" (ensayo), "A Tale of the Twentieth Century: For Advanced Thinkers", "Walcote", "The Devotee of Art", "The Man with a Nose", "A Perfect Gentleman on Wheels", "Wayde's Essence", "A Misunderstood Artist", "Le Mari Terrible", "The Rajah's Treasure", "The Presence by the Fire", "Mr Marshall's Doppelganger", "The Thing in No. 7", "The Thumbmark", "A Family Elopement", "Our Little Neighbour", "How Gabriel Became Thompson", "How Pingwill Was Routed", "The Loyalty of Esau Common: A Fragment", "The Wild Asses of the Devil", "Answer to Prayer", "The Queer Story of Brownlow's Newspaper", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta revisada)
  • The War of the Worlds (2013), colección de 1 novela, 1 cuento y 1 ensayo:
    "The Crystal Egg", The War of the Worlds (novela), "The Things That Live on Mars" (ensayo)
  • A Slip Under the Microscope (2015), colección de 2 cuentos:
    "The Door in the Wall", "A Slip Under the Microscope"
  • The Crystal Egg and Other Stories (2017), colección de 30 cuentos, 3 novelas cortas y 1 ensayo:
    "The Crystal Egg", "The Cone", "The Country of the Blind" (novela corta), "The Man Who Could Work Miracles", "A Story of the Stone Age" (novela corta), "The Star", "The Red Room", "In the Abyss", "The Plattner Story", "The New Accelerator", "A Slip Under the Microscope", "The Stolen Bacillus", "The Remarkable Case of Davidson's Eyes", "The Lord of the Dynamos", "The Grisly Folk" (ensayo), "The Door in the Wall", "The Diamond Maker", "Under the Knife", "The Sea-Raiders", "The Purple Pileus", "The Truth About Pyecraft", "Jimmy Goggles the God", "The Flowering of the Strange Orchid", "The Argonauts of the Air", "Miss Winchelsea's Heart", "A Vision of Judgement", "The Land Ironclads" (novela corta), "The Flying Man", "In the Avu Observatory", "The Triumphs of a Taxidermist", "A Deal in Ostriches", "Through a Window", "The Temptation of Harringay", "The Beautiful Suit"
  • The Island of Doctor Moreau & Other Works (2017), colección
  • A Novel Journal: H. G. Wells (2017), colección
  • The Amazing Stories Collection (2018), colección
  • H. G. Wells Short Stories (2018), colección

No publicados en colecciones:

  • "The Chronic Argonauts", o "Chronic Argonaut", o "The Chronic Argonaughts" (1888), novela corta
  • "Peter Learns Arithmetic" (1918)
  • "The Invasion from Mars" (1920)
  • "The Adventures of Tommy" (1928)
  • "The Desert Daisy" (1957, publicado póstumamente)
  • "The Haunted Ceiling" (2016, publicado póstumamente)

Guiones cinematográficos


Versiones publicadas de guiones cinematográficos escritos por Wells

No ficción

Colecciones de artículos
  • Text-Book of Biology (1893)
  • Honours Physiography (1893) – con R. A. Gregory
  • Serie Anticipations:
    1. Anticipations of the Reactions of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought (1901)
    2. Mankind in the Making (1903)
  • Great Thoughts From H. G. Wells (1912)
  • Thoughts From H. G. Wells (1912)
  • Divorce as I See It (1930)
  • The Anatomy of Frustration (1936)
  • El destino del homo sapiens (The Fate of Homo Sapiens, o The Fate of Man) (1939)
  • The Outlook for Homo Sapiens (1942)
  • La conquista del tiempo (The Conquest of Time) (1942)
  • '42 to '44: A Contemporary Memoir (1944)
  • Reshaping Man's Heritage (1944) – con J. B. S. Haldane y Julian S. Huxley
  • The Happy Turning (1945)
  • Mind at the End of its Tether (1945)
  • El porvenir de América (The Future in America: A Search After Realities) (1906), viajes
  • First and Last Things (1908), filosofía
  • Floor Games (1911), guía
  • Little Wars (1913), guía
  • God the Invisible King (1917), religión
  • Introduction to Nocturne (1917)
  • Points of View (1930)
  • Selections From the Early Prose Works of H. G. Wells (1931)
  • H.G. Wells: Early Writings in Science and Science Fiction (1975)


  • "Zoological Retrogression" (1891)
  • "The Rediscovery of the Unique" (1891)
  • "Ancient Experiments in Co-Operation" (1892)
  • "On Extinction" (1893)
  • "The Man of the Year Million" (1893)
  • "The Sun God and the Holy Stars" (1894)
  • "Province of Pain" (1894)
  • "Life in the Abyss" (1894)
  • "Another Basis for Life" (1894)
  • "The Rate of Change in Species" (1894)
  • "The Biological Problem of To-day" (1894)
  • "The 'Cyclic' Delusion" (1894)
  • "Flat Earth Again" (1894)
  • "Bio-Optimism" (1895)
  • "Bye-Products in Evolution" (1895)
  • "Death" (1895)
  • "The Duration of Life" (1895)
  • "The Visibility of Change in the Moon" (1895)
  • "The Limits of Individual Plasticity" (1895)
  • "Human Evolution, an Artificial Process" (1896)
  • "Intelligence on Mars" (1896)
  • "Concerning Skeletons" (1896)
  • "The Possible Individuality of Atoms" (1896)
  • "Morals and Civilisation" (1897)
  • "On Comparative Theology" (1898)
  • "The Discovery of the Future" (1902)
  • "The Grisly Folk" (1921)
  • "Mr. Wells and Mr. Vowles" (1926)[9]
  • "The Red Dust a Fact!" (1927)
  • "Democracy Under Revision" (1927)
  • "Wells Speaks Some Plain Words to us," New York Times, 16 de octubre de 1927
  • "Common Sense of World Peace" (1929)
  • "Foretelling the Future" (1938)



A continuación se muestra una lista que enumera gran parte de su obra (las obras marcadas con * se encuentran disponibles en el sitio web del Proyecto Gutenberg):

Traducciones al español


Entre las obras de Wells traducidas al español se pueden mencionar:

  • Cuentos completos. Traducción de Rafael Santervás. Reúne los ochenta relatos que publicó, e incluye la novela corta La máquina del tiempo y el relato guionizado para el cine El nuevo Fausto. Editorial Valdemar, 2019. ISBN 9788477029007
  • Ruedas de Fortuna. Una aventura en bicicleta. Traducción de Lía Peinador. Ediciones Menguantes: León, 2018. ISBN 978-84-948534-1-8
  • Experimento en autobiografía. Editorial Berenice, 2009. ISBN 978-84-96756-13-7
  • La historia de Plattner y otras narraciones. Traducción de Rafael Santervás. Colección: El Club Diógenes / CD-248. Valdemar: Madrid, 2007. ISBN 978-84-7702-572-6. Incluye: el mismo contenido de la colección Avatares ya publicada
  • La máquina del tiempo y otros relatos. Traducción de Rafael Santervás. Colección: El Club Diógenes / CD-247. Valdemar: Madrid, 2007. ISBN 978-84-7702-571-9. Incluye: el mismo contenido de la colección Avatares ya publicada
  • Los ojos de Davidson, prólogo Alberto Manguel, traducción José Luis López Muñoz, Premio Nacional de traducción 1980. Ediciones Atalanta: Girona, 2006. ISBN 84-935313-0-8. Incluye:
    • Los ojos de Davidson
    • Bajo el bisturí
    • El astro
    • El huevo de cristal
    • El país de los ciegos (incluye conclusión original de 1904 y final revisado de 1939)
  • La guerra de los mundos, Editorial Edaf: Madrid, 2005. ISBN 84-414-1640-0
  • El país de los ciegos, Acantilado: Barcelona, 2004. ISBN 84-96136-90-6
  • La puerta en el muro, Acantilado: Barcelona, 2003. ISBN 84-96136-42-6
  • La isla del doctor Moreau, Editorial Anaya: Madrid, 2003. ISBN 84-667-2478-8
  • El nuevo Fausto y otras narraciones. Traducción de Rafael Santervás. Colección: Avatares / AV-055. Valdemar: Madrid, 2002. ISBN 84-7702-417-0. Incluye:
    • La nariz
    • Un perfecto caballero sobre ruedas
    • La esencia de Wayde
    • La extraña historia del periódico de Brownlow
    • Walcote
    • El devoto del arte
    • Un artista incomprendido
    • El marido terrible
    • El tesoro del rajá
    • La presencia junto al fuego
    • El dopplegänger del señor Marshall
    • La cosa del nº 7
    • La huella del pulgar
    • Una fuga familiar
    • Nuestro vecinito
    • La lealtad de Esau Common
    • Los asnos silvestres del diablo
    • Respuesta a la oración
    • El nuevo fausto
    • La reconciliación
    • Mi primera avioneta
    • Mamita en la cima del Mörderberg
    • La historia del último trompetazo
    • La raza abominable
  • La máquina del tiempo y otras relatos. La historia de Plattner y otras narraciones. Traducción de Rafael Santervás. Colección: Avatares / AV-043. Valdemar: Madrid, 2001 [2ª edición 2002]. ISBN 84-7702-345-X. Incluye:
    • La máquina del tiempo y otros relatos:
    • La historia de Plattner y otras narraciones:
      • La historia de Plattner
      • Los argonautas del aire
      • La historia del difunto señor Elvesham
      • En el abismo
      • La manzana
      • Bajo el bisturí
      • Los invasores marinos
      • Pollock y el hechicero Porroh
      • La habitación roja
      • El cono
      • El píleo rojo
      • Las calabazas de Jane
      • Al estilo de hoy: una historia de amor antipática
      • Una catástrofe
      • La herencia perdida
      • La triste historia de un crítico dramático
      • Una muestra en el microscopio
  • El hombre invisible, Editorial Anaya: Madrid, 2001. ISBN 84-667-0604-6
  • El bacilo robado y otros incidentes. Traducción de Rafael Santervás. Colección: Avatares / AV-038. Valdemar: Madrid, 2000. ISBN 84-7702-306-9. Incluye:
    • El bacilo robado y otros incidentes:
      • El bacilo robado
      • La floración de la extraña orquídea
      • En el observatorio astronómico de Avu
      • Los triunfos de un taxidermista
      • Un negocio de avestruces
      • Por la ventana
      • La tentación de Harringay
      • El hombre que volaba
      • El fabricante de diamantes
      • La isla de Ípiornis
      • El extraordinario caso de los ojos de Davidson
      • El dios de las dinamos
      • El robo en el parque Hammerpond
      • La polilla
      • El tesoro en el bosque
    • Cuentos del espacio y del tiempo:
      • El huevo de cristal
      • La estrella
      • Una historia de la edad de piedra
      • Una historia de tiempos futuros
      • El hombre que podía hacer milagros
  • Doce historias y un sueño. Traducción de Agustín Izquierdo, Rafael Díaz, Javier Sánchez. Colección: El Club Diógenes / CD-035. Valdemar: Madrid, 1995 [2ª edición 2001]. ISBN 84-7702-145-7. Incluye:
    • Filmer
    • La tienda mágica
    • La verdad sobre Pyecraft
    • El valle de las arañas
    • Mr. Skelmersdale en el país de las hadas
    • El fantasma inexperto
    • Jimmy Goggles, el dios
    • El nuevo acelerador
    • Las vacaciones de Mr. Ledbetter
    • El cuerpo robado
    • El tesoro de Mr. Brisher
    • El corazón de Mss. Winchelsea


  1. Adam Charles Roberts, "The History of Science Fiction": Page 48 en Science Fiction, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-19204-8.
  2. Well, Herbert George (April, 1896). «The Plattner Story». New Review 14 (83): 349ff.  First publication
  3. Stolen Bacillus en Google books
  4. The Plattner Story en Google books
  5. Thirty Strange Stories at Google books
  6. Tales en Google books
  7. en Google books Twelve Stories
  8. Nash's Pall Magazine, diciembre de 1936
  9. Letter to the Editor of The New Age Vol., XXXV, no. 24, September 18th 1930, p. 251 about pestiferous collaboration with Hugh Pembroke Vowles. «The William Ready Division of Archives and Research Collections». McMaster University Libraries. Consultado el 28 de septiembre de 2007. 

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