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Anexo:Expansiones de Pokémon Trading Card Game/Sandbox

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Esta lista contiene solo las expansiones lanzadas fuera de Japón (originalmente en inglés, y de esta traducida al español).


Gen Serie Nombre (original) Nombre (español) Lanzamiento Cartas
Original 1 Base Set Juego Base 09 de enero de 1999 102
2 Jungle Jungla 16 de junio de 1999 64
3 Fossil Fósil 10 de octubre de 1999 62
Base Set 2 4 Base Set 2 Juego Base 2 24 de febrero de 2000 130
5 Team Rocket Equipo Rocket 24 de abril de 2000 83
6 Gym Heroes 14 de agosto de 2000 132
7 Gym Challenge 16 de octubre de 2000 132
Neo 1 Neo Genesis Neo Génesis 16 de diciembre de 2000 111
2 Neo Discovery 01 de junio de 2001 75
3 Neo Revelation 21 de septiembre de 2001 66
4 Neo Destiny 28 de febrero de 2002 113
* Legendary Collection 24 de abril de 2002 110
e-Reader 1 Expedition Base Set 15 de septiembre de 2002 165
2 Aquapolis 15 de enero de 2003 186
3 Skyridge 12 de abril de 2003 182
EX 1 EX Ruby & Sapphire EX Rubí y Zafiro 18 de junio de 2003 109
2 EX Sandstorm 19 de septiembre de 2003 100
3 EX Dragon 24 de noviembre de 2003 100
4 EX Team Magma vs Team Aqua 15 de marzo de 2004 97
5 EX Hidden Legends 14 de junio de 2004 102
6 EX FireRed & LeafGreen EX RojoFuego y VerdeHoja 30 de agosto de 2004 116
7 EX Team Rocket Returns 08 de noviembre de 2004 111
8 EX Deoxys 14 de febrero de 2005 108
9 EX Emerald EX Esmeralda 09 de mayo de 2005 107
10 EX Unseen Forces 22 de agosto de 2005 145
11 EX Delta Species 31 de octubre de 2005 114
12 EX Legend Maker 13 de febrero de 2006 93
13 EX Holon Phantoms 03 de mayo de 2006 111
14 EX Crystal Guardians 30 de agosto de 2006 100
15 EX Dragon Frontiers 08 de noviembre de 2006 101
16 EX Power Keepers 14 de febrero de 2007 108
Diamante y Perla 1 Diamond & Pearl Diamante y Perla 23 de mayo de 2007 130
2 Mysterious Treasures Tesoros Misteriosos 22 de agosto de 2007 124
3 Secret Wonders Maravillas Secretas 07 de noviembre de 2007 132
4 Great Encounters Grandes Encuentros 13 de febrero de 2008 106
5 Majestic Dawn 21 de mayo de 2008 100
6 Legends Awakened Despertar de la Leyendas 20 de agosto de 2008 146
7 Stormfront Frente Tormentoso 05 de noviembre de 2008 106
Platino 1 Platinum Platino 11 de febrero de 2009 133
2 Rising Rivals 20 de mayo de 2009 120
3 Supreme Victors 19 de agosto de 2009 153
4 Arceus 04 de noviembre de 2009 111
HearhGold &


1 HeartGold & SoulSilver 10 de febrero de 2010 124
2 Unleashed Liberados 12 de mayo de 2010 96
3 Undaunted Intrépidos 18 de agosto de 2010 91
4 Triumphant Triunfadores 02 de noviembre de 2010 103
* Call of Legends Llamada a las Leyendas 09 de febrero de 2011 106
Negro y Blanco 1 Black & White Negro y Blanco 25 de abril de 2011 115
2 Emerging Powers Fuerzas Emergentes 31 de agosto de 2011 98
3 Noble Victories Nobles Victorias 16 de noviembre de 2011 102
4 Next Destinies Próximos Destinos 08 de febrero de 2012 103
5 Dark Explorers Oscuros Exploradores 09 de mayo de 2012 111
6 Dragons Exalted Dragones Magestuosos 15 de agosto de 2012 128
7 Boundaries Crossed Fronteras Cruzadas 07 de noviembre de 2012 153
8 Plasma Storm Tormenta Plasma 06 de febrero de 2013 138
9 Plasma Freeze Glaciación Plasma 08 de mayo de 2013 122
10 Plasma Blast Explosión Plasma 14 de agosto de 2013 105
11 Legendary Treasures Tesoros Legendarios 08 de noviembre de 2013 138
XY * XY: Kalos Starter Set 08 de noviembre de 2013 39
1 XY 05 de febrero de 2014 146
2 Flashfire Destellos de Fuego 07 de mayo de 2014 109
3 Furious Fists Puños Furiosos 13 de agosto de 2014 113
4 Phantom Forces Fuerzas Fantasmales 05 de noviembre de 2014 122
5 Primal Clash Duelos Primigenios 04 de febrero de 2015 164
* Double Crisis 25 de marzo de 2015 34
6 Roaring Skies Cielos Rugientes 06 de mayo de 2015 110
7 Ancient Origins Antiguos Orígenes 12 de agosto de 2015 100
8 BREAKthrough TURBOimpulso 04 de noviembre de 2015 164
9 BREAKpoint TURBOlímite 03 de febrero de 2016 123
* Generations Generaciones 22 de febrero de 2016 115
10 Fates Collide Destinos Enfrentados 04 de mayo de 2016 125
11 Steam Siege Asedio de Vapor 03 de agosto de 2016 116
12 Evolutions Evoluciones 02 de noviembre de 2016 113
XY Trainer Kit 1 XY Trainer Kit 12 de marzo de 2014 60
2 XY Trainer Kit: Bisharp & Wigglytuff 01 de noviembre de 2014 60
3 XY Trainer Kit: Latias & Latios 29 de abril de 2015 60
4 XY Trainer Kit: Pikachu Libre & Suicune 27 de mayo de 2016 60
Sol y Luna 1 Sun & Moon Sol y Luna 01 de febrero de 2017 163
2 Guandians Rising Albor de Guardianes 05 de mayo de 2017 169
3 Burning Shadows Sombras Ardientes 04 de agosto de 2017 169
* Shining Legends Leyendas Luminosas 06 de octubre de 2017 78
4 Crimson Invasion Invasión Carmesí 03 de noviembre de 2017 124
5 Ultra Prism 02 de febrero de 2018


Primera Generación[editar]

Cuando el juego se lanzó en inglés a fines del 1998, Wizards Of The Coast manejaba su publicación y comercialización.

Pokémon Demo Game Plastic Pack[editar]

The Pokémon Demo Game pack fue el producto de Pokémon TCG en inglés más antiguo en ser producido. Este paquete fue impreso y distribuido en diciembre de 1998 a vendedores seleccionados y los shows de intercambio de cartas Magic: The Gathering (MTG) como una producción limitada. Este pack consistía en 24 cartas Base Set shadowless y un manual de instrucciones. Los paquetes restantes de Pokémon Demo Game fueron entregados a los invitados y vendedores del E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) 1998. Este pack es considerado como el "Santo Grial" del Juego de Cartas Pokémon debido a que fue la primera introducción del juego de cartas en Estados Unidos.

Este pack es limitado en cantidad y precede a dos los Set de cartas incluidos en la Primera Edición del Base Set, considerándose estos packs extremadamente raros y de alto valor. Se estima que entre 100 y 200 de estos packs se siguen manteniendo sellados y sin abrir. Este fue el primer pack que incluye un PSA certification number #24287143, haciendo de este el primer paquete en inglés conocido del juego de cartas que se mantienen sellados.

Base Set (Juego base)[editar]

Lanzado en Estados Unidos el 9 de enero de 1999, es el primer set producido comercialmente. Consiste en 102 cartas y el único que no tiene el Símbolo de Expansión (con la excepción del error de impresión de la expansión "Jungla"). Es una de los pocos sets en incluir las cartas de Energía Lucha, Fuego, Planta, Rayo, Psíquico y Agua, conocidas actualmente como cartas de Energía Básica. El set también incluye la "Doble Energía Incolora", la primera Energía Especial y vigente hasta la actualidad. El set es uno de los más balanceados, con una combinación de todos los Pokémon e incluye solo los primeros 150. Uno de los ejemplos más populares son Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur y Pikachu. Las cuatro barajas temáticas principales del set están basadas en 4 estrategias diferentes (ofensiva, defensiva, táctica y velocidad). este set también tuvo una baraja dual llamada "Starter set", el cual consiste en dos "Media Baraja" de 30 cartas, sin una estrategia definida.

Las impresiones de la "Primera Entrega" y algunas de la "Segunda Entrega" tienen un diseño ligeramente diferente de la "Tercera Entrega" (o estándar "ilimitado"). Estas antiguas impresiones eran generalmente más brillantes en color, y una fuente más fina, y el año 1999 aparece dos veces en la Noticia de Derecho de autor, y la falta de sombra alrededor de las imágenes. Debido a esto, esas cartas son conocidas entre los coleccionistas como "Shadowless" (Sin Sombra). Debido a que no muchas Impresiones fueron impresas como "Shadowless", esas cartas son mucho más raras que las impresiones "Unlimited" Esas cartas son conocidas como la "Cuarta Entrega", y también son más raras que las impresiones "Unlimited".

Jungle (Jungla)[editar]

Lanzado el 16 de junio de 1999, fue la segunda expansión lanzada en Estados Unidos, agregando nuevos Pokémon y una carta de Entrenador. Su símbolo representa los pétalos de Vileplume en color verde.

La carta más rara esta expansión es "Ivy Pikachu" (Promo), que fue impresa como Primera Edición por error.

Fossil (Fósil)[editar]

Es la tercera expansión, y fue lanzada el 8 de octubre de 1999. Su símbolo consiste en una mano fosilizada de Aerodactyl.

Base Set 2 (Juego Base 2)[editar]

Consiste en una compilación de cartas selectas de las expansiones previas (con un total de 130 cartas). Wizards of the Coast tuvo la tendencia de reimprimir las cartas anteriores para la mayoría de las expansiones que han vendido. Su símbolo consiste en una Poké Ball y un número 2 estilizado detrás.

Team Rocket (Equipo Rocket)[editar]

Lanzado en abril del 2000, es la cuarta entrega del juego. Su título hace referencia a la banda criminal "Equipo Rocket" presente en los videojuegos Pokémon Rojo y Azul y Pokémon Amarillo, y además se caracteriza por mostrar al trío Jessie, James y Meowth. Su símbolo es la R, usado como símbolo de la organización.

Esta expansión introdujo los "Dark Pokémon" (Pokémon Oscuros) (no confundir con los Pokémon Oscuros/Siniestros introducidos en la Segunda Generación), Pokémon corruptos y controlados por el Equipo Rocket. Tras esto, los Pokémon Oscuros no regresan sino hasta la expansión Team Rocket Returns.

Esta espansión también incluyeron cartas lanzadas exclusivamente en la versión en inglés, las que, eventualmente, se lanzaron en japonés posteriormente. Como parte del marketing promocional, "Dark Raichu" puede ser encontrado en esta expansión solo en inglés.

Gym Heroes[editar]

Lanzado en junio de 2000, es la quinta expansión del juego, la cual consta de 132 cartas. Su símbolo es un anfiteatro.

Es la primera expansión en tener los "Pokémon con dueño", siendo este dueño el líder de gimnasio al que corresponde, tanto del anime como los videojuegos. Debido a que el nombre completo de la carta incluye el nombre de su dueño, el Pokémon Evolución correspondiente ("Raichu del Teniente Surge") evoluciona solo del Pokémon del mismo dueño ("Pikachu del Teniente Surge" por ejemplo). En otras palabras, "Pikachu" solo puede evolucionar en "Raichu pero no en "Raichu del Teniente Surge", y viceversa. Este tipo de cartas se volvieron poco populares en su época, debido a las diferencias suregidas, y que algunas cartas "raras" tenían menos valor que las cartas "comunes".

Esta expansión fue la primera en incluir las cartas "Estadio", cartas de entrenador que permanecen en juego hasta que se ponga otra carta de Estadio en juego.

Gym Challenge[editar]

Lanzado en julio de 2000, es la sexta expansión del juego. Su símbolo es el mismo que el de Gym Heroes pero inverso. Consta de 132 cartas.

Serie Neo[editar]

Neo Genesis[editar]

Lanzado en octubre de 2000, es la octava expansión, y consta de 111 cartas. Su símbolo es un par de estrellas, una al frente de la otra. Neo proviene del griego, lo que significa "nuevo", y Genesis (también del griego) significa "Nacimiento" o "Comienzo", lo que hace referencia a los nuevos Pokémon descubiertos en la región de Jotho. Además, esta expansión introduce dos nuevos tipos de Pokémon en el JCC: Oscuro/Siniestro y Acero, con sus respectivas cartas de energía.

El diseño de las cartas también cambió, haciéndolo más similar a la versión japonesa. Los Puntos de Salud mostrados en la parte superior derecha son más pequeños, y su color ha cambiado de rojo a negro.

Neo Genesis es considerado por algunos como un segundo Base Set por el nuevo diseño de las cartas. En particular, gustó a los jugadores la introducción de nuevas cartas, las cuales redujeron la suerte aleatoria en el juego, como "Profesor Elm" y "Cleffa". Neo Genesis es y sigue siendo considerado por los jugadores como uno de los mejores sets lazados.[cita requerida]

Dos cartas fueron baneadas de los eventos oficiales: Sneasel y Slowking.

Hasta el momento hubo dos formatos de juego: "Ilimitado" (que permitía jugar las cartas de todas las expansiones lanzadas hasta el momento), y "Limitado" (la cual incluía solo Neo Genesis y expansiones posteriores).

Neo Discovery[editar]

Lanzado en junio de 2001, es la novena expansión y consta de 75 cartas. Su símbolo es una pirámide maya. Mientras que en los videojuegos Pokémon Oro y Plata, y Pokémon Cristal la estructura arquitectónica de las ruinas encontradas es ambigua, en la película Pokémon 3: El hechizo de los Unown muestra sus orígenes en Centroamérica o Sudamérica.

Neo Discovery se caracteriza por algunos Pokémon de la segunda generación, como "Smeargle", "Politoed", y "Wobbuffet". Los "Unown" son unos Pokémon basados en el alfabeto inglés. Durante el lanzamiento de Neo Discovery, existen 26 tipos, uno por cada letra (posteriormente, los unown "?" y "!" fueron introducidos, trayendo un total de 28). Neo Discovery introdujo nueve de esos Pokémon al juego de cartas. Cada uno afecta al juego de diferentes formas dependiendo de la letra que lo representa (por ejemplo, los Unown "O" poseen el "Poder Pokémon" "Observar", el cual permite ver las 5 primeras cartas de la baraja del rival).

Southern Islands[editar]

Southern Islands is a set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. In Japan, it was released at the same time as Gym 2, while in America it came after Neo Discovery and before Neo Revelation. This set's symbol is a palm tree.

Though it is often considered the 10th set, it was actually a promotional set, sold as a complete collection in the form of a specially-packaged box (rather than as booster packs). The mini-set only contains a total of 18 cards. When arranged in the correct way, every illustration used in this set forms a single larger image.

Neo Revelation[editar]

[[Neo Revelation, released in October 2001, is the 11th set of 64 cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Its symbol is a representation of the departure of Suicune, Entei and Raikou from the Burned Tower.

As of the release of this set, there were at least one card of each of the 251 Pokémon, including the elusive Celebi. This set finishes the second generation with Pokémon like Porygon2, Misdreavus, and Raikou. In a way, this makes it a counterpart to the Fossil set (which rounded out the original set of 151 Pokémon). It also includes three more of the Unown introduced in Neo Discovery.

Most importantly, this set was the debut of the Shining Pokémon. Shining Pokémon are extremely powerful, but no more than one of each kind is allowed in a deck. This tradition was short-lived, however, as the Shining Pokémon were present only until the following set, Neo Destiny. However, Pokémon-star cards, which function almost identically to Shining Pokémon, were introduced in a later set known as EX Team Rocket Returns.

Neo Destiny[editar]

Neo Destiny, released in February 2002, is the 12th set of 105 cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Its symbol is a blue sparkle above a white sparkle, possibly referring to the Dark and Light Pokémon within this set. This set almost completes the Unown alphabet started in Neo Discovery (R was left out, but was eventually given a card in another set years later. J was also left out, being a Promo).

This set is the second set with an emphasis on Dark Pokémon, though unlike its predecessor, Team Rocket, these Dark Pokémon don't seem to have any influences. In this set and only this set, they are counterbalanced by Light Pokémon. Whereas Dark Pokémon have low hit points (health) and do a lot of damage, Light Pokémon have high Hit Points and have attacks and other abilities that revolve around support, such as healing damage.

Perhaps the reason why Light Pokémon have not seen an appearance after this set is because many of its moves benefit the user and the opponent equally, thus requiring the user to set the situation up for maximum gain while preventing the opponent from doing so. Also, Light Pokémon do not normally inflict much damage, a disadvantage in a game whose objective is to cause as much damage as possible.

Serie Colección Legendaria[editar]

Legendary Collection (Colección Legendaria)[editar]

The Legendary Collection, released in May 2002, is the 13th set of 110 cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The set's symbol is a medal.

The Legendary Collection is the sequel to Base Set 2, made up entirely of reprints from the first four sets: Base Set, Jungle, Fossil, and Team Rocket. Its purpose is to make these cards legal in tournament play; otherwise, these cards would be considered "too old." Thus, some people could claim this set to be a third "Base Set". The Legendary Collection is the first set to have a parallel set whose only difference is that shiny foil is printed on the entire front of the card except for its illustration (this isn't done in the regular set). Strangely, even though this set is an amalgamation of four sets, this set contains fewer cards than any of the following three.

Serie e-Card[editar]

Expedition Base Set[editar]

Expedition Base Set, released in September 2002, is the 14th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Its symbol is a Poké Ball drawn to look like a lower-case "e". At 165 cards (330 if its parallel set is included), Expedition is the largest set ever in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

It is the first to use the e-Reader: By scanning a dot code found on the bottom of all of the cards and the sides of some, the e-Reader can display patterns, produce sounds, or other various novelties. However, none of these features are required for play. Subsequent sets, up until EX Hidden Legends, would also be compatible with the e-Reader.

Because of its completely new format, this was thought to be a good time to balance the card game with less powerful versions of previously printed cards. For example, Energy Removal 2 serves an identical purpose to Energy Removal from the Base Set, except a coin must be flipped to determine if the effects are successful. However, this set also introduces the Supporter card, a type of Trainer card that now dominates competitive play.


Aquapolis, released in January 2003, is the 15th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and consists of 186 cards. Its symbol is a skyline within a water droplet.

This set is the second of three to extensively use the e-Reader. Aquapolis introduces minigames playable by scanning in dot codes from multiple cards (in any order). These mini-games are usually very simple, and more often than not, each Pokémon whose card has been scanned in will play some role in the mini-game.

While Technical Machines were dabbled upon in Expedition, Aquapolis is the set to make use of them. Technical Machines would be released sparingly from this point onward.

The Aquapolis set was also the first Pokémon TCG set to utilize the "Crystal Type" Poké-power. This power was written on the Aquapolis cards Kingdra, Lugia, and Nidoking, all of which are holofoil. It essentially allows the player to attach a basic energy card to the Pokémon and have it become that type for the turn. Note that this power does not allow the player to attach an additional energy card per turn.

Of the 186 cards, the first 32 were designated with an "H" before the number. The 33rd card started at number "1." Thus, the number sequence only goes up to 147 (the 3 "Crystal Types" take the number to 150/147). In addition, there were 4 cards that received 2 versions: Golduck (50a, 50b), Drowzee (74a, 74b), Mr. Mime (95a, 95b), and Porygon (103a, 103b). These cards are identical except for the data they show when swiped through the e-Reader.


Skyridge, released in May 2003, is the 16th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Its symbol is a pair of mountains with a halo around the taller one. This is the last set published by Wizards of the Coast and has 182 cards.

This set is the last of three to extensively use the e-Reader. Skyridge continues Aquapolis' tradition of minigames playable by scanning in dot codes from multiple cards.

The Skyridge set was also the second and last set to contain Pokémon with the "Crystal Type" Poké-power. Characters in this set to use it were Celebi, Charizard, Crobat, Golem, Ho-oh, and Kabutops. These cards normally carry a much higher trade value on eBay and other online retailers than normal cards from this set. However, even normal cards from Skyridge are more valuable than normal cards from other sets, due to the fact that Skyridge booster packs were very hard to find compared to other sets.

The numbering system for Skyridge is similar to that of Aquapolis. The first 32 cards begin with an "H" and the 33rd card starts the numbering at "1", and thus the number only goes up to 144. The 6 "Crystal Types" take it to 150/144. There are no "a" and "b" versions in Skyridge as there were in Aquapolis.

Tercera generación[editar]

La tercera generación contiene la serie "EX". Dicha serie está basada en los videojuegos Pokémon Rubí y Zafiro, Pokémon Rojo Fuego y Verde Hoja y Pokémon Esmeralda.

Serie EX[editar]

All of the Third Generation sets have "EX" in their name; this comes from the Pokémon-ex present in these sets.

EX Ruby and Sapphire[editar]

[[EX Ruby and Sapphire, released in July 2003, is the 17th set of 109 cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. This set was the first set to be adapted into English by Pokémon USA, Inc. after the card game's rights transferred back from Wizards of the Coast. Its symbol is a jewel with a brilliant cut, viewed from above. It is named after the video games Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.

This set introduces third-generation Pokémon and continues to be scannable by the e-Reader. However, the dot codes on the left side of the card are gone, replaced with a single dot code on the bottom. Unlike the cards in Expedition, Aquapolis, and Skyridge, however, this dot code produces only where to find the Pokémon in the video games instead of completely original Pokédex information. This set yet again changes the layout of the cards; except for the dot code at the bottom (which is now absent), it is exactly the same as the Japanese layout and is the format used up to this day.

This set is also the first to have Pokémon-ex, Pokémon who are stronger than usual, but the rewards are doubled if a player can take one down. During its release, these Pokémon were exceedingly useful, but as more cards were released, the card game became increasingly stacked against Pokémon-ex.

EX Sandstorm[editar]

EX Sandstorm, released on September 18, 2003, is the 18th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 2nd set released by Pokémon USA Inc. Its symbol is a pair of fossils: the Claw Fossil and the Root Fossil from the video games Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. It has a set of 100 cards. The Sandstorm name comes from the fact that the player must retrieve these fossils in the video game from within a sandstorm.

EX Sandstorm also continues to introduce third-generation Pokémon into the card game, with many desert-themed Pokémon, such as Cacnea and Vibrava, and thereof unrelated Pokémon, such as Zangoose and Sableye. This set brings back the Mysterious Fossil from the Fossil set and expands on it with the Claw Fossil, which can be made into Anorith, and the Root Fossil, which can be made into Lileep. The Mysterious Fossil plays the same role as before, which is to evolve it into Omanyte, Kabuto, or Aerodactyl. Other Pokémon from older generations return, such as Xatu from the second generation and Psyduck from the first.

EX Dragon[editar]

EX Dragon, released in November 2003, is the 19th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 3rd set released by Pokémon USA. The set's symbol is a crosshair. This set numbers up to 97 cards, but there are 100 with the 3 secret cards, and its main emphasis is Dragon Pokémon. These usually appear as Colorless-type Pokémon, but they tend to use two or more different types of Energy (an example is Salamence, which uses Fire and Water Energy). Many of the Pokémon in EX Dragon made their debut in the set. Salamence, Flygon and Altaria are three of the Dragon Pokémon in the set – others, such as Latios, Latias, Dragonite and Rayquaza appear as Pokémon-ex. EX Dragon is the first set in the third generation of the Pokémon Trading Card Game to be based on Dragon Pokémon; the other set, EX Dragon Frontiers, is the penultimate set of the same generation.

EX Team Magma V.S. Team Aqua[editar]

EX Team Magma V.S. Team Aqua, released in March 2004, is the 20th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 4th set released by Pokémon USA. The set's symbol is a maroon "X" that's slightly slanted, somewhat like a cut or a scar. This set contains 95 cards and was the last set to feature e-Reader compatibility.

EX Hidden Legends[editar]

EX Hidden Legends, released in June 2004, is the 21st set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 5th set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is a trapezoid with six equally-spaced smaller dots surrounding it. This entire setup is within a solid white irregular hexagon. The Hidden Legends part refers to Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, Legendary Pokémon hidden away in stone structures. This set contains 101 different cards

This set revolves around three concepts: Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, as mentioned above; Jirachi, a Legendary Pokémon with the power of wishes; and Pokémon 4Ever: Celebi - Voice of the Forest with the presence of Dark Celebi. This set also continues to introduce Pokémon into the card game. In addition to the Pokémon above, Beldum and its evolution line makes its debut.

EX Fire Red and Leaf Green[editar]

EX Fire Red and Leaf Green, released in September 2004, is the 22nd set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 6th set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is an emblem of a black Poké Ball. It came out round the time the Nintendo video games, Pokémon Fire Red and Leaf Green were released. The set had some extra cards: 113/112 Charmander, Box Topper; 114/112 Articuno ex, Secret ex; 115/112 Moltres ex, Secret ex; and 116/112 Zapdos ex, Secret ex.

EX Team Rocket Returns[editar]

EX Team Rocket Returns, released in November 2004, is the 23rd set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 7th set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is an emblem of Team Rocket, a shield-like shape with a black bold R in the center. It has a set of 109. This emblem for Team Rocket is unusual as it appears nowhere else; the purpose of this emblem is probably to distinguish this set from the former Team Rocket set. This set also introduced Dark Pokémon

Team Rocket as a criminal organization – its members, the Pokémon it controls, and the techniques it uses for world domination are all part of this set's theme. The Returns part is an indication that it's a sequel set to the Team Rocket set released four years earlier. This set introduced star Pokémon, which are shiny just like those of the Neo Revelations set. Only one of these Pokémon with the star symbol on the card next to the name may be present in a deck.

EX Deoxys[editar]

EX Deoxys, released in February 2005, is the 24th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 8th set released by Pokémon USA. The set's symbol is a shooting star and has 107 cards. The set is named after the Pokémon Deoxys and also features Rayquaza, both of which were the featured legendary Pokémon in the seventh Pokémon movie, Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys. While the Pokémon in this set have little, if anything, to do with either of these two Pokémon, the set's Trainer cards feature people and places involved with astronomy in the Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald video games.

EX Emerald[editar]

EX Emerald,[1]​ released in May 2005, is the 25th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 9th set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is a gemstone, presumably an emerald. It has a set of 106 cards. Nintendo released six 15-card packs, known as Quick Construction Packs – one pack for each type of Basic Energy.

The set is also composed of Japanese promos that were never brought outside Japan. Because of this, and the fact that most promos are viewed as "unplayable" in the competitive scene, this set was largely ignored, with exceptions to Medicham ex.

EX Unseen Forces[editar]

EX Unseen Forces, released in August 2005, is the 26th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 10th set released by Pokémon USA. The set's symbol is a black silhouette of Ho-Oh's wing, superimposed on a white silhouette of Lugia's wing. it is a set of 115 cards, plus 2 secret cards (including the box topper), plus 28 Unowns. The set, which in Japan was named "GoldenSky and SilverSea", is set in Johto, and is the first set by Pokémon USA to mainly consist of Pokémon from the Pokémon Gold and Silver games, released in 2001. EX Unseen Forces is known for having more Pokémon-ex than any other set to date, with a total of fourteen (including one box topper and one secret rare card).

EX Delta Species[editar]

EX Delta Species, released in October 2005, is the 27th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 11th set released by Pokémon USA. It contains 113 different cards. While this set was released after EX Legends hit in Japan, it was released before Legend Maker in English-language territories. The set, which in Japan was named "Researching Tower of Holon", is set in the research centre, Holon. Its logo/symbol is Holon Tower, a tower with a broad top floor.

This set introduces "delta species" Pokémon, which are unusual types. (For example, Tyranitar would typically be a Dark- or Fighting-type Pokémon, but Tyranitar δ is a Metal/Fire dual-typed Pokémon.) It also introduces the staff of Holon Tower and their Pokémon. The Holon staff appears in the form of Supporter cards, all of which require a card to be discarded in order for them to be used, and Holon's Pokémon, which can be used as either Pokémon or as Energy cards.

EX Legend Maker[editar]

EX Legend Maker, released in February 2006, is the 28th set of 92 cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 12th set released by Pokémon USA. The set, which in Japan was named "Eidolon Forest", is set in a forest in the middle of nowhere. Its symbol is a stylized forest, a white egg-shaped area with three black acute isosceles triangles. It received the name Legend Maker due to the inclusion of Mew.

Due to a mix-up with translations, this was supposed to be released before EX Delta Species, but was delayed until February 2006 in English-language territories. This is considered by many to be a very good set,[cita requerida] for several reasons – possibly for its similarity with Jungle and Fossil original expansions, or possibly for its exclusion of the complicated Delta Species Pokémon.

EX Holon Phantoms[editar]

EX Holon Phantoms, released in May 2006, is the 29th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 13th set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is the Holon symbol, with three triangles around the sides. The set, which in Japan was named "Holon Phantom", is set in an undeveloped area of Holon. It marks the return of Delta Species Pokémon, after they debuted in EX Delta Species. This set contains 110 Cards in total. The back of the cards from this set has a lighter back than other sets.

EX Crystal Guardians[editar]

EX Crystal Guardians, released in July 2006, is the 30th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 14th set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is a sliver of a crystal. 100 cards are included in this set release.

EX Dragon Frontiers[editar]

EX Dragon Frontiers, released in November 2006, is the 31st set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 15th set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is a pair of black mountains on a circular white background. It is a set of 101 cards.The set is based on an unknown set of islands far away, inhabited primarily by Dragon Pokémon. This set marks the final appearance of Delta Species Pokémon, and, strangely, almost every single Pokémon card is Delta Species. There are even "Delta Star" Pokémon, Mew and Charizard, whose type depends on their alternate color (Shiny form), which is, in this case, Water and Dark, respectively.

This set introduces a new mechanic: Shockwave and Imprison markers. These markers are similar to special conditions, save that they can be applied to benched Pokémon and that they don't go away when the Pokémon retreats. Only three cards in the set use these markers, however: two Pokémon place the markers, and one Pokémon can remove them.

EX Power Keepers[editar]

EX Power Keepers, released in February 2007, is the 32nd set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. The symbol for this set is a road leading to a vanishing horizon on which the sun is either rising or setting. It is a set of 108 cards.

It is the first set since EX Emerald to be released only outside Japan, and the first since EX Unseen Forces not to include Delta Species Pokémon. The set is loosely based on the Hoenn Elite Four, as all four members (Drake, Glacia, Phoebe and Sidney) have their own Stadium cards, and the Pokémon EX are all Pokémon owned by members of the Elite Four. The set also consists of several reprints of cards from older sets, and is the last third-generation set.

Cuarta Generación[editar]

All of the Fourth Generation sets have the words "Diamond and Pearl", "Platinum", "HeartGold SoulSilver", or "Legends" in their names; this comes from the Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Pearl, Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver video games present in these sets.

Serie Diamante y Perla[editar]

Diamond and Pearl Base Set[editar]

Diamond and Pearl Base Set, released in May 2007, is the 33rd set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 17th set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is a circle in an upside-down pentagon. it is a set of 130 cards. The set is the first in English-language territories to include fourth-generation Pokémon; namely, those that first featured in the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl video games on the Nintendo DS. Several new rules were introduced to the Pokémon Trading Card Game with the release of Diamond & Pearl Base Set in Japan, and several changes have been made to the format of the cards; some of these changes were included on previous card formats, and others are brand new. One such change is the introduction of Pokémon LV.X, replacing the retired Pokémon-ex and Pokémon-"star" cards. This is also the first set in which Pokémon classified as Poison type in the video game series would be identified as Psychic rather than Grass type and the first set to include Pokémon cards with "energy-less attacks" denoted by a transparent effect where energy requirements would normally be. Basic Dark and Steel Energy cards are introduced in this set. Three holographic Pokémon cards from this set were released in tin sets a few weeks prior to the set's launch. These tins included a Tyranitar tin featuring a Turtwig, a Camerupt tin featuring a Chimchar and a Milotic tin featuring a Piplup.

Diamond and Pearl – Secret Wonders[editar]

Diamond and Pearl – Secret Wonders released in November 2007, is the 35th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 19th set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is a whirlpool. The set includes several more "Pokémon with Item" cards: Pokémon cards with integrated Pokémon Tools, which include specific items from the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl games, such as the Moon Stone and Reaper Cloth evolution items. The set also includes two new Pokémon LV.X. and has 132 cards

Hidden treasures[editar]

Set of 123 was created in 2007

Diamond and Pearl – Great Encounters[editar]

Diamond and Pearl – Great Encounters is the 36th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 20th set released by Pokémon USA, released in February 2008 and is the second-smallest Diamond and Pearl set to date, with 106 cards. Its symbol is a triskelion inside a hexagon. The set introduces Darkrai, an event Pokémon and legendary Pokémon featured alongside Dialga and Palkia in Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai. The set also features four more Pokémon LV.X.

Diamond and Pearl – Majestic Dawn[editar]

Diamond and Pearl – Majestic Dawn, released in May 2008 is the 37th set of cards in the Pokémon Trading Card Game and the 21st set released by Pokémon USA. Its symbol is a rising sun coming over a hill, hence the name Majestic Dawn. It is the smallest Diamond and Pearl set to date with 100 cards. This set introduces Leafeon and Glaceon as two new evolutions of Eevee and includes four more Pokémon LV.X.

Diamond and Pearl – Legends Awakened[editar]

Diamond and Pearl – Legends Awakened is the 38th set of cards of the Trading Card Game and the 22nd released by Pokémon USA, and was released in August 2008. The set reintroduces Technical Machines to the Trading Card Game and includes the last of the Pokémon card variants of Pokémon first seen in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Video Games (excluding unreleased Shaymin and Arceus). The set includes seven Pokémon LV.X, more than any set thus far. Many great decks came out of LA LV.X cards, a prominent one being AMU. It is the fourth-largest set in the history of the TCG with 146 cards.

Diamond and Pearl – Stormfront[editar]

Diamond and Pearl – Stormfront is the 39th set of cards of the Trading Card Game and the 23rd released by Pokémon USA, and was released in November 2008. Its symbol is a circle with a lightning bolt running through it. It is a set of 100 cards. The set reintroduced Pokémon of alternate coloration (better known as shiny Pokémon) and was the first set of the Diamond and Pearl series to reprint three "classic" cards from the first Trading Card Game expansions. The set includes eight Pokémon LV.X, two of which were also released as promotional cards. It also introduced trainer cards that can be used with another one at the same time.

Serie Platino[editar]

Platinum Base Set[editar]

Platinum Base Set is the 40th set of cards of the Trading Card Game and the 24th released by Pokémon USA. It was released on October 13, 2008 in Japan and in the United States on February 11, 2009. It introduces the never-before-seen Pokémon Shaymin and includes a new Trainer-specific variant of Pokémon known as Pokémon SP. The set also includes a new mechanic called the Lost Zone, which acts as a second discard pile but one from which players cannot retrieve cards. It features two theme decks, one built around Shaymin, "Flourish", and the other around Renegade Pokémon Giratina, "Rebellion". Platinum includes six Pokémon LV.X, two of which are Shaymin (one of Land Forme and one of Sky Forme), and 127 cards in total. The set includes 6 secret cards. Two of the Pokémon LV.X were released as promotional reprints with new artwork on March 2, 2009. The new Pokémon SP includes Team Galactic Pokémon like Dialga G.

Platinum – Rising Rivals[editar]

Platinum – Rising Rivals is the 41st set of cards of the Trading Card Game and the 25th released by Pokémon USA. It is a set of 114 cards not including the 6 secret holo foil cards of the Pokémon Rotom. It expands on the recent creation of Pokémon SP (trainer-owned Pokémon) with Gym Leader's Pokémon and Elite Four's Pokémon. It was released on December 26, 2008 in Japan. It was released in the US on May 16, 2009. the cards from this set include: Luxray GL LV.X, Lucian's Assignment, Gallade 4 LV.X, and a new version of Infernape LV.X. It was not reprinted, this Infernape is now in SP form, with different attacks and a Poke-Power. Some other LV.X include Alakazam LV.X and Snorlax LV.X. It also includes some hidden rares which are remakes of original cards from the first sets. They have as much value as a LV.X. They include: the original Pikachu, Surfing Pikachu, and Flying Pikachu. A main Pokémon from this set is Rotom, which has many unique forms: Wash, Mow, Fan, Heat, and Frost Rotom.

Platinum – Supreme Victors[editar]

Platinum – Supreme Victors is the 42nd set of cards of the Trading Card Game and the 26th released by Pokémon USA. It was released on March 6, 2009 in Japan and was released in the US on August 19, 2009. It is a set of 147 cards. Its symbol is of 2 connected upside-down triangles. This set contains Frontier Brain Pokémon as well as the Champion's Pokémon. New LV.X Pokémon, like, Rayquaza C LV. X and Charizard G LV. X are also included.

Platinum – Arceus[editar]

Platinum – Arceus is the 43rd set of cards of the Trading Card Game and the 27th released by Pokémon USA. Contains 99 different cards. It was released on July 5, 2008 in Japan and was released in North America on November 4, 2009.

This set marks the TCG debut of the final Generation IV Pokémon, Arceus. All the Arceus Pokémon cards have a special rule printed on them which allows you to have any number of Pokémon with the name "Arceus" in your deck, as opposed to the normal 4-per deck rule.

Six additional new Lv.Xs were included in this expansion, three of which being different forms of Arceus Lv. X, the other three being Gengar Lv. X, Salamence Lv. X and Tangrowth Lv. X. This expansion also marked the continuation of the "Shining" Pokémon which were featured through the Platinum booster series. Each of these cards had a different collector number sequence than the other cards in the expansion, which were Bagon (SH10) Ponyta (SH11) and Shinx (SH12).

Serie HearthGold & SoulSilver[editar]

Es la tercera serie lanzada para la Cuarta Generación. Está basado en los videojuegos Pokémon Oro HearthGold y Plata SoulSilver. Presenta varios cambios estéticos, así como también el reemplazo de las cartas "Pokémon NV. X" por los "Pokémon Prime" y "Pokémon LEYENDA".

HeartGold & SoulSilver Base Set[editar]

HeartGold & SoulSilver Base Set is based on the Pokémon video games of the same title. This set has over 123 cards in it. It includes the new Pokémon Prime cards, which replace Lv.Xs. This set also features 2 Legend Pokémon which are one Pokémon made up of 2 cards. They are Ho-oh and Lugia. It has an Alph Lithograph in it. This set has 3 theme decks.

HS-Unleashed (Liberados)[editar]

HeartGold and SoulSilver – Unleashed is the second Pokémon trading card game set based on the Pokémon games, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. The set has a total of 95 cards, including Tyranitar (Prime), Steelix (Prime), Crobat (Prime), Kingdra (Prime), Lanturn (Prime), Ursaring (Prime), Entei and Raikou LEGEND, Raikou and Suicine LEGEND, and Suicine and Entei LEGEND. The set also features a Secret Rare card" Alph Lithograph. This one, unlike the one in the previous set, HGSS, allows the player to shuffle his deck. There are 4 versions of Alph Lithograph. HeartGold and SoulSilver – Unleashed is the first set to feature dual-Legend cards, which consist of two Pokémon on the same two-card Legend. However, these Pokémon, when Knocked Out, allow the opponent to draw 2 Prize Cards rather than 1. The set features Chaos Control (Tyranitar) and Steel Sentinel (Steelix) decks.[2][3]

HS-Undaunted (Intrépidos)[editar]

HeartGold & SoulSilver – Undaunted is the third Pokémon trading card game set based on the Pokémon games, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. The set has a total of 90 cards, including Raichu (Prime), Houndoom (Prime), Espeon (Prime), Umbreon (Prime), Scizor (Prime), Slowking (Prime), Rayquaza and Deoxys LEGEND and Kyogre and Groudon LEGEND. The set also features a Secret Rare card: Alph Lithograph. This one allows the player to return any stadium in play to its owner's hand. Heartgold and Soulsilver Undaunted continues the trend of dual-Legend cards, Legend cards depicting 2 Pokémon that allow the opponent to draw 2 prize cards when Knocked Out. The starter decks for HGSS Undaunted are Nightfall, a dark/metal type deck featuring Umbreon, and Daybreak, a grass/psychic type deck featuring Espeon. With HGSS Undaunted came out there were two changes to the Starter Deck packaging: they now contain an additional booster pack from the set as well as a cardboard deckbox which can hold a 60-card unsleeved deck.

HS-Triumphant (Triunfadores)[editar]

HeartGold and SoulSilver – Triumphant is the Fourth Pokémon trading card game set based on the Pokémon games, Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. The set has a total of 102 cards, including Absol (Prime), Celebi (Prime), Gengar (Prime), Electrode (Prime), Mew (Prime), Magnezone (Prime), Yanmega (Prime), Machamp (Prime), Darkrai/Cresselia LEGEND and Dialga/Palkia LEGEND. The set also features a Secret Rare card: Alph Lithograph. This one, unlike the ones in the previous sets, allows the player to look at all of their face down prize cards. Heartgold and Soulsilver Triumphant continues the trend of dual-Legend cards, Legends depicting 2 Pokémon that allow the opponent to draw 2 prize cards when Knocked Out. The starter decks for HGSS Triumphant are Royal Guard, a Psychic/Fighting type deck featuring Nidoking, and Verdant Frost, a grass/water type deck featuring Mamoswine. It is speculated to be the last Heartgold and Soulsilver set in America.[4]​ The set contains cards from the Japanese set "Clash at the Summit" and the mini-set Lost Link. One card missing from the set is the Stadium "Lost World" which introduced a new win condition to the game in Japan. The card, along with the other cards missing from the Lost Link set were released in the next expansion, Call of Legends.

Serie Llamada a las Leyendas[editar]

Call of Legends (Llamada a las Leyendas)[editar]

Call of Legends is a stand-alone English set of reprints and previously unreleased cards. Contains 95 different cards. Due to the extended time period between HeartGold and SoulSilver – Triumphant and the release of the 5th generation of Pokémon Video Games this set was released as a filler set. It contains reprints from the HeartGold and SoulSilver sets, as well as the remaining cards from the Japanese Lost Link set. In addition, it contains cards of legendary Pokémon in shiny and non-shiny forms. The shiny Pokémon are also known as Shiny Legendaries, and for example Shiny Suicune is number SL11. There are a total of 11 shiny Legendaries.

Sets en japonés exclusivos de la serie HearthGold & SoulSilver[editar]

When the Heartgold and Soulsilver Pokémon trading card lineup was released in Japan, it was done differently from in America. It also had an abnormally long waiting period in between the first and second sets.[5][6]

Heartgold & Soulsilver Collection[editar]

Heartgold and Soulsilver Collection is the first Japanese set based on the Heartgold and Soulsilver games. It has 140 cards in total, including the following special cards: Alph Lithograph, Ursaring Prime, Crobat Prime, Typhlosion Prime, Meganium Prime, Blissey Prime, Donphan Prime, Ampharos Prime, Feraligatr Prime, Lugia LEGEND, and Ho-Oh LEGEND. Starting from this set, the Trainer cards in Japan have been renamed Goods cards. It has been renamed in America as HeartGold SoulSilver, or HS.[5]

Barajas especiales de Heartgold & Soulsilver[editar]

The Heartgold and Soulsilver special decks were released in between the releases of the first and second Heartgold and Soulsilver sets. Expert Deck: Leafeon vs. Metagross is a set of two 60-card decks (120 different cards) with a CD for online play. In addition to being more powerful than most theme decks, the Leafeon and Metagross decks have special cards that weren't released in any other Japanese sets.[7]​ There are also Battle Starter decks, which were released with special cards only available to their specific deck. The decks are named Offense (fire types), Defense (grass types), Speed (electric types), and Skill (water types).[8]

Heartgold & Soulsilver Revived Legends[editar]

Heartgold and Soulsilver Revived Legends is the second Japanese set based on the Heartgold and Soulsilver games. It has 80 cards, including the following special cards: Tyranitar Prime, Steelix Prime, Lanturn Prime, Kingdra Prime, Entei & Raikou LEGEND, Suicune & Entei LEGEND, Raikou & Suicune LEGEND, and Alph Lithograph. It has been renamed HS Unleashed in the United States.[6]

Lost Link Mini-Series[editar]

Lost Link is a mini-set that features Mew Prime, Absol Prime, Gengar Prime, Darkrai and Cresselia LEGEND, and Magnezone Prime. The set has a total of 40 cards. In Japan, it was released on April 16. Though the boosters have 8 cards rather than 11 in Japan, they cost less than regular boosters. The special feature of the series is that it includes a Stadium called Lost World, which has a revolutionary effect.[9]​ However, the mini-set will not be released in America, but instead will be combined with the cards from the Japanese set Clash at the Summit, to make HS Triumphant, which was released in America in early November.[10]

Quinta Generación[editar]

Las expansiones de esta generación corresponde únicamente a la serie Negro y Blanco, basada en el juego homónimo Pokémon Negro y Blanco. Es la primera generación en incluir códigos para jugar en línea.

Serie Negro y Blanco[editar]

Esta serie introduce cambios estéticos en las cartas (haciéndolo más similar a la serie Platimum), el reemplazo de las cartas "Pokémon Prime" y "Pokémon LEYENDA" por los "Pokémon-EX" (similares en mecánica a los "Pokémon NV.X"), y la unificación de las distintas cartas Entrenador, Partidario y Estadio en un solo tipo principal de carta (Entrenador).

Black & White – Base Set (Negro y Blanco)[editar]

Es la primera expansión de la serie. Consta de 115 cartas e introduce 69 nuevos Pokémon al JCC, incluyendo versiones especiales de ilustración completa de Reshiram y Zekrom, así como también una versión Rara Secreta de Pikachu.

A partir de esta expansión, todas las cartas que no son Pokémon ni Energía pasan a llamarse "Entrenador", dividiéndiose en tres categorías: Objeto, Partidario y Estadio (reemplazando ese tipo de cartas de generaciones anteriores en un solo tipo principal de carta).

Esta expansión trae además tres barajas temáticas: "Asalto Azul" (Samurott), "Tornado Verde" (Serperior) y "Frenesí Rojo" (Emboar).

Black & White – Emerging Powers (Poderes Emergentes)[editar]

Es la segunda expansión de la serie, con un total de 98 cartas, introduciendo 91 nuevos Pokémeon, incluyendo versiones especiales de ilustración completa de Thundrus y Tornadus. Este set caracteriza la carta Objeto ampliamente anticipada "Capturapokémon", siendo la primera carta en permitir al jugador cambiar al Pokémon activo del rival.

Black & White – Noble Victories (Nobles Victorias)[editar]

Es la tercera expansión de la serie. Introduce al último Pokémon de Quinta Generación (Genesect), además de introducir un nuevo tipo de carta de Pokémon, Fósil, caracterizado por Tirotuga y Archen.

Black & White – Next Destinies (Próximos Destinos)[editar]

Black and White – Next Destinies is the fourth Pokémon trading card game set based on the Pokémon games, Pokémon Black and White. Starting from this set, Pokémon from the previous generations were reintroduced and a new type of cards, the Pokémon-EX cards were introduced (with Shaymin, Reshiram, Kyurem, Zekrom, Mewtwo and Regigigas EX). Also included are 4 Secret Rare cards, depicting cards from previous sets, but was reprint as "shiny"; Emboar (Black & White), Chandelure (Noble Victories), Zoroark (Black & White), and Hydreigon (Noble Victories). The starter decks for this set are Explosive Edge (Reshiram) and Voltage Vortex (Zekrom), which includes the fourth printing of the Reshiram and Zekrom cards from "Black and White Base Set".
1 card from this expansion, Shiftry (Black & White—Next Destinies, 72/99), was banned from all Pokémon Organized Play Expanded format events from September 15, 2015 onward.[11]

Black & White – Dark Explorers (Oscuros Exploradores)[editar]

Black and White – Dark Explorers is the fifth Pokémon trading card game set based on the Pokémon games, Pokémon Black and White. This is the second set to reintroduce Pokémon from the previous generations and Pokémon-EX cards (which are Entei, Raikou, Tornadus, Darkrai, Groudon, Kyogre) to the card game. There are again, 3 Secret Rare cards ("shiny") which were reprinted from earlier sets: Archeops (Noble Victories), Gardevoir (Next Destinies), and a golden Pokémon Catcher (Emerging Powers). The starter decks for this set are: Raiders (Cofagrigus), and Shadows (Zoroark).

Black & White – Dragons Exalted (Dragones Magestuosos)[editar]

Black and White – Dragons Exalted is the sixth Pokémon trading card game set based on the Pokémon games, Pokémon Black and White. This is the set to officially introduce the Dragon Pokémon type to the Trading Card Game, and the third set to reintroduce Pokémon from the previous generations. The Pokémon-EX cards in this set are Terrakion, Mew, Ho-Oh, Registeel, and the brand new Dragon type EXs, Rayquaza, and Giratina. Also in this set are 4 Secret Rare cards ("shiny") which were reprinted from earlier sets: Reuniclus (Black and White), Serperior (Black and White), Krookodile (Black and White), and Rayquaza (which was exclusive to the English sets). The starter theme decks are: DragonSnarl (Hydreigon), and DragonSpeed (Garchomp).

Black & White – Boundaries Crossed (Fronteras Cruzadas)[editar]

Black and White – Boundaries Crossed is the first Pokémon trading card game set based on the Pokémon games, Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, and the seventh overall of the Black and White series. This set officially introduces the Pokémon; both Black and White Kyurem, Landorus in its Therian form, Meloetta, and Keldeo, and continuing the trend of reintroducing Pokémon from the previous generations. The Pokémon-EX cards in this set are Celebi, Keldeo (in Resolution form), Cresselia, Landorus (in Therian form), Black Kyurem, and White Kyurem. A new special holofoil Item card, known as Ace Spec cards, was also introduced starting from this set (there are 4 of them in this set). Again, 4 Secret Rare cards ("shiny"), reprinted from earlier sets, were included in this set: Golurk (Dragons Exalted), Terrakion (Noble Victories), Altaria (Dragons Exalted), and a golden Rocky Helmet (Noble Victories), and finally, we have 3 new full art supporters; Bianca (reprinted from Emerging Powers), Cheren (reprinted from Emerging Powers and/or Dark Explorers), and Skyla. The theme decks are: IceShock (Black Kyurem), and ColdFire (White Kyurem).

Black & White – Plasma Storm (Tormenta Plasma)[editar]

Black and White – Plasma Storm is the second Pokémon trading card game set based on the Pokémon games, Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, and the eighth overall of the Black and White series. It is based on the Japanese set, Plasma Gale (BW7). This set continues reintroducing Pokémon from the previous generations. The Pokémon-EX cards in this set are Moltres EX, Victini EX, Articuno EX, Zapdos EX, Cobalion EX and Lugia EX. The Ace Spec cards returned in this set. Also, this set focuses around Team Plasma.

Black & White – Plasma Freeze (Glaciación Plasma)[editar]

Black & White – Plasma Freeze is the ninth English, and eighth Japanese, expansion from the Black & White Series, and is the second Team Plasma Set. It features Thundurus-EX, Tornadus-EX and Deoxys-EX. A new Ace-Spec was added (rock guard). The Black and White Plasma Freeze has more than 110 cards.

Black & White – Plasma Blast (Explosión Plasma)[editar]

Black and White – Plasma Blast is the third Team Plasma Set in Pokémon Black and White Series. The new Pokémon-EX are Genesect-EX, Dialga-EX, Palkia-EX, Virizion-EX, Jirachi-EX, and Kyurem-EX. Plasma Blast is the first set to have only 11 Pokémon Ex Cards, because there is no Full Art version of Kyurem-EX. There is an all new Full Art Supporter which is Iris. In Japanese Plasma Blast is Megalo Cannon, (BW10). The entire set all together has 101 cards.

Black & White – Legendary Treasures (Tesoros Legendarios)[editar]

Black and White – Legendary Treasures is the 11th and final release for Pokémon Black and White. Released Nov 6th 2013 in the United States, this set has 115 cards plus 25 RC (“Radiant Collection”) cards. There are ten returning Pokémon-EX cards, including Mewtwo-EX, Darkrai-EX, and Keldeo-EX, and two new Pokémon-EX cards, Chandelure-EX and Excadrill-EX. The 25 “Radiant Collection” cards will have a special coating and foil patterns, in addition to having their own numbering and rarity scheme.

Sexta Generación[editar]

Corresponde a los videojuegos Pokémon X y Pokémon Y. Incluye las expansiones de la serie XY.

Serie XY[editar]

Todas las expansiones de la serie llevan las letras "XY" en el nombre (excepto Double Crisis y Generaciones).

La serie XY también introduce un nuevo tipo de Pokémon y su respectiva energía: Hada.[12]​ Además, los Pokémon tipo Dragón introducidos en esta serie pasan a tener Debilidad a los Pokémon tipo Hada.

XY Kalos Starter Set[editar]

Previamente al lanzamiento oficial de la serie XY, el 8 de noviembre de 2013 se lanza "Kalos Starter Set", el cual consiste en tres barajas temáticas caracterizadas por los 3 Pokémon iniciales de la región de Kalos (Chespin, Fennekin, y Froakie).


Lanzado el 5 de febrero de 2014, es la primera expansión de la serie XY. Introduce los Pokémon Hada y las Mega Evoluciones. Consta de 146 nuevas cartas y dos barajas temáticas: "Fortaleza Vital" (Xerneas), basada en Pokémon Hada y Psíquico, y "Destrucción Mortífera" (Yveltal), basada en Pokémon Oscuro/Siniestro y Lucha.

XY – Flash Fire (Destellos de Fuego)[editar]

Lanzado el 7 de mayo de 2014, es la segunda expansión de la serie. Introduce 15 nuevas caras de Entrenador, 5 nuevos Pokémon-EX, y 3 nuevas Mega Evoluciones.[13]

Introduce dos barajas temáticas: "Trueno Brillante", basada en Pokémon Fuego y Eléctricos, y "Tifón Místico", basado en Pokémon Psíquicos y Agua.

XY – Furious Fists (Puños Furiosos)[editar]

Lanzado el 13 de agosto de 2014, es la tercera expansión de la serie. Introduce 19 nuevas cartas de Entrenador, dos nuevas Mega Evoluciones ("M Lucario-EX" y "M Heracross-EX") y 5 nuevos Pokémon-EX.[14]

Dos barajas temáticas son lanzadas en esta expansión: "Lucha Siniestra", basada en Pokémon Oscuros/Siniestros y Lucha, y "Eco Encantado", basado en Pokémon Hada y Planta.

XY – Phantom Forces (Fuerzas Fantasmales)[editar]

Lanzado el 5 de noviembre de 2014, es la cuarta expansión de la serie. Esta expansión trae 110 nuevas cartas, y una nueva mecánica llamada "Vínculo Espiritual", el cual permite megaevolucionar a un Pokémon-EX sin terminar el turno. Fuerzas Fantasmales también introduce 7 nuevos Pokémon-EX (Gengar-EX, Manectric-EX, Malamar-EX, Florges-EX, Dialga-EX, y Aegislash-EX).[15]

Una de las cartas, "As Oculto de Lysson" (XY—Phantom Forces, 99/119 y 118/119) fue baneada de todos los eventos oficiales de Play! Pokémon desde junio de 2015, debido al desequilibrio que ocasionaría su jugada, como alargar la partida, o anular estrategias como "Marcha Nocturna" (la cual depende de Pokémon específicos en la Pila de descarte).[16]

Se introducen dos barajas temáticas: "Vuelos Ardientes", basada en Pokémon Fuego y Planta, y "Torbellino de Rayos", basado en Pokémon Eléctrico y Agua.

XY – Primal Clash (Duelos Primigenios)[editar]

Lanzado el 4 de febrero de 2015, es la quinta expansión de la serie. Trae 160 nuevas cartas, junto con la "Reversión Primigenia" (técnicamente una megaevolución, donde "Kyogre Primigenio-EX" y "Groundon Primigenio-EX" "regresan" a su forma más antigua y poderosa, como se vio en Pokémon Rubí Omega y Pokémon Zafiro Alfa). También introduce 12 nuevos Pokémon-EX (Sharpedo-EX, Trevenant-EX, Wailord-EX, and Camerupt-EX).[17]

Dos barajas temáticas son lanzadas: "Abismo Oceánico", basado en Pokémon Agua y Fuego, y "Pulso Terrestre", basado en Pokémon Lucha y Eléctricos.

Double Crisis[editar]

Lanzado el 25 de marzo de 2015, es una colección especial inspirada en los grupos Equipo Aqua y Equipo Magma. Esta colección introduce nuevamente a los "Pokémon con dueño", y están protagonizados por "Kyogre del Equipo Aqua" y "Groundon del Equipo Magma". Consta de 34 cartas, disponibles en sobre de 7 cartas.

XY – Roaring Skies (Cielos Rugientes)[editar]

Lanzado el 6 de mayo de 2015, es la sexta expansión de la serie. Incluye 108 nuevas cartas y 11 nuevos Pokémon-EX, incluyendo 4 nuevas Mega Evoluciones, y 9 nuevas cartas Pokémon-EX Ultra Rara de ilustración completa.[18]​ Además, introduce una nueva carta de Energía: "Doble Energía Dragón", la cual solo se pueden usar en Pokémon tipo Dragón.

XY – Ancient Origins (Antiguos Orígenes)[editar]

Lanzado el 12 de agosto de 2015, es la séptima expansión de la serie. Trae 100 nuevas cartas, entre ellos Hoopa. Además introduce 14 nuevos Pokémon-EX, incluyendo 3 cartas Pokémon-EX Rara Secreta de ilustración completa ("Groundon Primigenio-EX", "Kyogre Primigenio-EX" y "M Rayquaza-EX", todos con su respectiva forma shiny alternativa).

XY – BREAKthrough (TURBOimpulso)[editar]

Lanzada el 4 de noviembre de 2015 y es la octava expansión de la serie. Trae 160 nuevas cartas e introduce un nuevo tipo de evolución, "TURBO" ("BREAK" en inglés y japonés), el cual agrega nuevos ataques y habilidades, conservando los ataques y habilidades de su pre-evolución.

XY – BREAKpoint (TURBOlímite)[editar]

Fue lanzado el 3 de febrero de 2016 y es la novena expansión de la serie.

Generations (Generaciones)[editar]

Es una expansión adicional a la serie XY para celebrar los 20 años de Pokémon. Este set se caracteriza por tener reimpresiones de expansiones modernas y antiguas, incluyendo mayormente Pokémon de la Primera y Segunda Generación. Las cartas de esta expansión solo se pueden obtener en pack promocionales lanzados mensualmente a lo largo de 2016, y no existen barajas temáticas.

XY – Fates Collide (Destinos Enfrentados)[editar]

Lanzado el 2 de mayo de 2016 en Estados Unidos y el 4 de mayo en el Reino Unido, es la décima expansión de la serie.[19]

XY – Steam Siege (Asedio de Vapor)[editar]

lanzado e 3 de agosto de 2016, es la undécima expansión de la serie. Introduce a "Volcanion", el último Pokémon conocido, y a "Magearna", uno de los Pokémon anunciados para la Séptima Generación (en sus formas normal y Pokémon-EX).[20]

XY – Evolutions (Evoluciones)[editar]

Lanzado en japonés el 16 de septiembre de 2016 como "Expansion Pack 20th Anniversary", y el 2 de noviembre de 2016 en inglés, es la duodécima y última expansión de la serie. La mayoría de las cartas imitan el estilo visual de las cartas de la Primera Generación, con ligeras variaciones para ajustarse al formato actual.[21]

Aunque algunas cartas son reimpresiones de expansiones anteriores de la serie XY (principalmente Pokémon-EX), la mayoría son re-creaciones de las cartas de la Primera Generación, con la misma ilustración pero con más PS y daño de ataques en el caso de las cartas de Pokémon; incluso hay un pequeño número de cartas que poseen exactamente el mismo texto que sus versiones de la Primera Generación (como Pikachu Surf), haciéndolas verdaderas reimpresiones de dichas cartas.

Séptima Generación[editar]

En conjunto con el anuncio de los videojuegos Pokémon Sol y Luna, se anunció una nueva generación de cartas, con un nuevo estilo visual y nuevas estrategias.[22]

Sun & Moon (Sol y Luna)[editar]

Anunciada como la primera expansión de la serie. Fue lanzado el 9 de diciembre de 2016 en japonés (bajo los nombres Colletion Sun y Collection Moon), y 3 de febrero de 2017 en inglés. Introdujo 163 nuevas cartas.

Se lanzaron 3 barajas temáticas:

  • Sombra Forestal (Decidueye), basada principalmente en Pokémon tipo Planta
  • Marea Luminosa (Primarina), basada en Pokémon tipo Agua
  • Calor Ruigiente (Incineroar), basada en Pokémon tipo Fuego

Sun & Moon – Guardians Rising (Albor de Guardianes)[editar]

Lanzado en japonés el 17 de marzo de 2017 y en inglés el 5 de mayo del mismo año, es la segunda expansión de la serie. Introduce 169 cartas nuevas, de las cuales 12 son Pokémon-GX, entre los que destacan Ninetales de Alola-GX, Tapu Lele-GX y Lycanroc-GX (modo nocturno).

Se lanzaron dos barajas temáticas:[23]

  • Sol Acerado (Solgaleo), basada principalmente en Pokémon tipo Acero
  • Luna Oculta (Lunala), basada principalmente en Pokémon tipo Psíquico

Sun & Moon – Burning Shadows (Sombras Ardientes)[editar]

Lanzada en inglés el 4 de agosto de 2017, es la tercera expansión de la serie. Consta de 169 nuevas cartas, entre las que destacan Ho-Oh-GX, Tapu Fini-GX, Necrozma-GX y Marshadow-GX.[24]

Se lanzaron dos barajas temáticas:

  • Rocas Afiladas (Lycanrock modo diurno), basada principalmente en Pokémon tipo Lucha
  • Escarcha Luminosa (Ninetales de Alola), basada principalmente en Pokémon tipo Agua

Shining Legends (Leyendas Luminosas)[editar]

Es una expansión especial adicional a la serie Sol y Luna (de la misma forma que Generaciones en la serie XY). Fue lanzada el 15 de julio de 2017 en japonés y el 6 de octubre de 2017 en el resto del mundo, y cuenta con 82 y 78 cartas respectivamente. Introduce a los Pokémon Luminosos (o Variocolor, Shiny en inglés) como Genesect Luminoso, Volcanion Luminoso o Mew Luminoso, además de introducir nuevos Pokémon-GX como Mewtwo-GX, Raichu-GX y Zoroark-GX.

Al igual que con Generaciones, esta expansión especial no cuenta con barajas temáticas, y solo está disponible mediante packs promocionales o Elite Trainer Box.

Sun & Moon – Crimson Invasion (Invasión Carmesí)[editar]

Es la cuarta expansión de la serie, y fue lanzada el 15 de septiembre de 2017 en japonés y el 3 de noviembre de 2017 en inglés. Contiene 110 cartas, entre ellas 8 nuevos Pokémon-GX, e introduce a los Ultraentes como Nihilego-GX y Guzzlord-GX, y a Silvally-GX.

Posee dos barajas temáticas:

  • Colmillos Destructores (Hydreigon), basada principalmente en Pokémon tipo Siniestro)
  • Truenos Estrepitosos (Kommo-o), basado principalmente en Pokémon tipo Eléctrico, Lucha y Dragón)

Sun & Moon – Ultra Prism[editar]

Es la quinta expansión de la serie, y será lanzada oficialmente el 8 de diciembre de 2017 en japonés y el 2 de febrero de 2017 en inglés. Introduce la nueva mecánica Prism Star (escrito como "♢" estilizado), cartas más poderosas de lo usual, pero con la desventaja que solo se puede tener 1 carta Prism Star con el mismo nombre (por ejemplo, solo se puede tener 1 "Solgaleo ♢" en la baraja).

Packs promocionales[editar]

Previo al lanzamiento oficial en inglés, se lanzaron 3 packs promocionales:

  • Alola Collection, compuesto por dos versiones: Solgaleo y Lunala respectivamente. Dichos packs contienen sobres de expansiones recientes, 1 Rowlet, 1 Popplio y 1 Litten, 1 moneda, 1 figurita (solo la versión norteamericana), y 1 Solgaleo-GX o Lunala-GX tamaño Jumbo (dependiendo de la versión), y 1 código para desbloquear contenido en TCG Online. Cabe mencionar que no se han incluido las versiones en tamaño normal de Solgaleo-GX y Lunala-GX, pues sus preevoluciones (Cosmog y Cosmoem) aún no están disponibles fuera de Japón, y por lo tanto, no es jugable.
  • Snorlax-GX Box. Este pack incluye 1 Snorlax Promo similar al Snorlax de Base Set, 1 Snorlax-GX Promo en sus tamaños normal y Jumbo, 4 sobres de expansiones recientes, y 1 código para desbloquear contenido en Pokémon TCG Online. Cabe destacar que Snorlax-GX es el primer Pokémon-GX disponible para ser jugado en el formato estándar fuera de Japón.

Serie Sol y Luna

Cartas Promocionales[editar]

Throughout the course of the Trading Card Game, there have been many promotional cards released. There have been many error cards as well. Promotional cards have a star that indicates that they are promotional, and the "expansion" symbol is a five-pointed black star has the word "PROMO" written across as white or cloudy crystal.

The first promotional set consisted of 53 cards in all with a 54th being a holographic Ancient Mew (which is not recognized as a promo card due to its nonconforming layout). 53 of the cards vary between holographic and normal, and encompass Pokémon and Trainer cards alike. The most famous of these is likely the card "Birthday Pikachu", for its uniqueness and scarcity. The second promotional set, called Best of Game, was also released by Wizards of the Coast. It included reverse holographic reprints of Hitmonchan and Electabuzz from the Base Set, Rocket's Hitmonchan and Rocket's Mewtwo from Gym Challenge, and Professor Elm from Neo Genesis. In addition, there were four new cards: Rocket's Sneasel and Rocket's Scizor from the Pokémon*VS Japanese expansion; and Dark Ivysaur and Dark Venusaur from the Pokémon Web Japanese expansion. Many were taken directly from Japanese cards, though there were a few that simply had alternate art of regular expansion cards. Most were obtainable through league or tournament play, while others were mail-in offers, or exclusive to certain retailers.

There have also been "box toppers", special or secret cards that are included at the top of the booster packs in a booster box, as well as various "jumbo" cards, Skyridge for example, approximately four times the size of a regular card, and obviously not legal in play.

Under Nintendo's publishing house, the third promotional set consisted of 40 cards. The release of these cards coincided with the Pokémon Organized Play (POP) packs, and as a result, are less well documented. They were obtainable in two-card booster packs, given for winning tournaments. The fourth promotional set, also under Nintendo, has been running since the release of Diamond & Pearl Base Set, and are better marketed by Pokémon USA, Inc.

Barajas temáticas exclusivas para el juego en línea[editar]

Además de las barajas y sobres obtenibles mediante códigos (disponibles dentro de los packs físicos a partir de la serie Negro y Blanco), existen barajas temáticas exclusivas del juego Pokémon JCC Online, las cuales se desbloquean al completar el Desafío de Entrenador. Su posibilidad de obtención varía de acuerdo al momento del lanzamiento de cada generación, quedando no obtenibles tras cierto tiempo; sin embargo, si ya se desbloquearon, siguen disponibles. Estas barajas no son intercambiables.

Serie HearthGold & SoulSilver[editar]

Tras el lanzamiento de la serie Negro y Blanco, HearthGold & SoulSilver aún era parte del formato Estándar, razón por la cual ya estaba incluido en la versión en línea del juego (lanzado el mismo año que Negro y Blanco). La única forma de obtener dichas cartas en ese entonces era mediante el desbloqueo de tres barajas temáticas exclusivas en el Desafío de Entrenador:

  • "Azul Básico", enfocado principalmente en Pokémon Agua.
  • "Verde Básico", enfocado principalmente en Pokémon Planta.
  • "Rojo Básico", enfocado principalmente en Pokémon Fuego.

Serie Negro y Blanco[editar]

Al lanzarse el servicio y cliente para jugar en línea, se pusieron disponibles tres barajas exclusivas para jugar en línea (desbloqueables también en el Desafío de Entrenador)

  • "Azul Básico de Negro y Blanco", enfocado principalmente en Pokémon Agua.
  • "Verde Básico de Negro y Blanco", enfocado principalmente en Pokémon Planta.
  • "Rojo Básico de Negro y Blanco", enfocado principalmente en Pokémon Fuego.

Serie XY[editar]

Tras el lanzamiento de la serie XY, se lanzaron cuatro barajas exclusivas:

  • "Azul Básico de XY", enfocado en Pokémon Agua.
  • "Verde Básico de XY", enfocado en Pokémon Planta.
  • "Rojo Básico de XY", enfocado en Pokémon Fuego.
  • "Amarillo Básico de XY", enfocado en Pokémon Eléctricos.

El 26 de septiembre de 2016, se lanzaron otras tres barajas exclusivas, dejando las anteriores no obtenibles tras la rotación de formato para la temporada 2017:[25]

  • "Profundidades Ocultas", enfocado en Pokémon Agua.
  • "Fuego Originario", enfocado en Pokémon Fuego.
  • "Corriente Demoledora", enfocado en Pokémon Eléctricos.

Otras barajas exclusivas[editar]

El juego también permite obtener barajas exclusivas mediante otros métodos.

  • "Dominio Mental", enfocado principalmente en Pokémon Psíquicos. Se obtiene con el primer Bono de Inicio de sesión diario. Posee cartas de las series Negro y Blanco y XY
  • "Llamada a Filas", una combinación de Pokémon Agua e Incoloros. Se puede obtener desde la tienda mediante los siguientes códigos: "boundariescrossed", "plasmastorm", "plasmafreeze", "plasmablast", "legendarytreasures", "flashfire", "furiousfists", or "phantomforces"; dicha baraja se puede canjear más de una vez, pudiendo obtener múltiples copias de las cartas presentes en esa baraja. Esta baraja también contiene cartas de las series Negro y Blanco y XY.
  • "Power Relay", una combinación de Pokémon Eléctricos e Incoloros. Hasta el lanzamiento de "Llamada a Filas", estuvo disponible mediante los códigos para esa baraja. Contiene cartas de la serie Negro y Blanco.


  1. Archivado el 16 de junio de 2008 en Wayback Machine.
  2. «Pokémon TCG: HS—Unleashed». Consultado el 5 de abril de 2011. 
  3. «'Unleashed' Set List». Consultado el 5 de abril de 2011. 
  4. «Electrode and Black Belt from "Triumphant" (October 13th, 2010) « TCG News « PokéBeach». 13 de octubre de 2010. Consultado el 5 de abril de 2011. 
  5. a b «Retrieved October 20, 2010». Consultado el 5 de abril de 2011. 
  6. a b «Retrieved October 20, 2010». Consultado el 5 de abril de 2011. 
  7. «Retrieved October 20, 2010». Consultado el 5 de abril de 2011. 
  8. «Retrieved October 20, 2010». Consultado el 5 de abril de 2011. 
  9. «Retrieved June 19, 2010». Consultado el 5 de abril de 2011. 
  10. «Retrieved October 18, 2010». 2 de septiembre de 2010. Consultado el 5 de abril de 2011. 
  11. «Shiftry Banned from Expanded Format». Official Pokémon Website. Pokémon/Nintendo. Consultado el 16 de junio de 2016. 
  12. Seedhouse, Alex (21 de septiembre de 2013). «Pokémon X & Y’s Fairy-type to shortly expand Trading Card Game». Nintendo Insider. Consultado el 11 de agosto de 2014. 
  13. Ong, Larry (31 de marzo de 2014). «Pokémon X & Y Trading Card Game: TCG Expansion ‘Flashfire’ Out in May». Consultado el 10 de agosto de 2014. 
  14. Seedhouse, Alex (4 de julio de 2014). «Pokémon TCG: XY - Furious Fists expansion launching in August». Nintendo Insider. Consultado el 10 de agosto de 2014. 
  15. «New in the Pokémon TCG - Pokémon TCG: XY—Phantom Forces». Pokémon TCG: XY—Phantom Forces. 
  16. «Lysandre’s Trump Card Banned». Official Pokémon Website. Pokémon/Nintendo. Consultado el 16 de junio de 2016. 
  17. «Pokémon TCG: XY Expansion Primal Clash Out Next Month». IGN. 
  18. «XY—Roaring Skies». Consultado el 3 de mayo de 2015. 
  19. Yehl, Joshua. «Pokémon TCG Fates Collide Release Date Revealed». IGN. Consultado el 7 de abril de 2016. 
  20. Kalajian, Robert. «Pokémon TCG: XY Steam Siege Launches August 3rd». Purple Pawn. Consultado el 8 de junio de 2016. 
  21. XY-Evoluciones en
  22. ¡Cambia las tornas del juego con los Pokémon-GX!
  23. Sol y Luna-Albor de Guardianes - Barajas temáticas
  24. Sol y Luna-Sombras Ardientes
  25. 2.39 Patch Notes | September 26, 2016 (en inglés)

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