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Discusión:Anton Wilhelm Amo

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Sculpture in the article is not part of the Amo memorial


The sculpture that you show in this article is not Amo. It is a couple from Ghana. The sculpture was made in 1964 and erected in 1965 in Halle because the sculptor (Gerhard Geyer) was from Halle too. He made this sculpture after he visited Ghana and it is called "Freies Afrika" (Free Africa). The plan was to erect it in front of a public library or so in Ghana but due to political changes that never happend. Ten years later (in 1975) the memorial plate for Amo was installed in the same area since he was from Ghana too, but there is no other connection between the two of them. Last year the university of Halle added a separate plate to the sculpture that explains that situation (Commons) and the main magazine of the university published an article about that (Campus Halensis, in german). I've uploaded a file of the memorial plate for Amo in Wikimedia and another one that shows the whole situation with the plate for Amo and the sculpture (here).--Martin Beitz (discusión) 16:52 5 ene 2022 (UTC)[responder]

Gracias, Martin. Se suplantó por la placa conmemorativa. Un saludo Varperalta (discusión) 18:41 5 ene 2022 (UTC)[responder]