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Discusión:Eugenia de Borbón y Vargas

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Line of Succession to the British Throne


Although Eugenia de Borbón y Vargas is indeed a descendant of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, she could not succeed to the British throne because the Act of Settlement 1701 excludes Roman Catholics from the line of succession to the throne in the UK. Furthermore, in any case,even if Eugenia were eligible to succeed, there would still be hundreds of people in the line of succession ahead of her who are not direct descendants of Queen Elizabeth II. So, the extinction of all lines descending directly from Queen Elizabeth II would not be a sufficient condition for her to be next in line. In fact, the reference in the article to her succession rights in the UK is so factually wrong that it should be simply deleted. (discusión) 20:57 23 jul 2018 (UTC)[responder]

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