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Discusión:Good Enough

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He hecho el intento y creo que esta bastante bien ordenado considerando la poca informacion que tenemos del single aun... Borre el cartel de Wikificar.



El Single Fue cancelado el 21 de Diciembre por motivos que aún se desconocen. Incluso se cancelaron las Preventas, según, una página muy buena que tiene demasiado contenido acerca de Evanescence.

Les dejo una cita de lo que allí aparece

"Good Enough is the only commercial single released by Evanescence to actually be canceled. The original release date for the consumer single was November 30. After two postponements, it was finally settled on a release date of December 14 but was ultimately canceled with no further plans for release. The 2 consumer discs was most likely never produced. The release was only advertised on German websites indicating that it was to be a Germany-only physical single (the same as Sweet Sacrifice). The single was available for pre-order as early as October 15th. All Pre-orders were finally canceled on December 21. A website [grooves-inc] noted in an email correspondence "...There was every indication of the single being released, but the shipment of products never came through and the supplier deleted the order..." There is no official press notice as to why the single was canceled. "

La fuente está en : --Nitrox 08:24 19 ene 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Enlaces rotos


Elvisor (discusión) 19:38 24 nov 2015 (UTC)[responder]

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