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Discusión:Himno nacional de Sudáfrica

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Please forgive me for writing in English. I wanted to point out that the article is not entirely correct. From what I understand it says that Nkosi Sikilel' iAfrika is the South African nation anthem, but it is not. It is an older hymn and parts of it was used for the current national anthem. The third and fourth stanzas in the current article have never formed part of Nkosi Sikilel' iAfrika, but part of Die Stem, the previous national anthem. Nkosi sikelel' iAfrika predates both the current and the previous national anthems (by many years). Although some people might call the current national anthem Nkosi sikilel' iAfrika, I don't think it is very common. As far as I know the official name is "The national anthem of South Africa" or the South African national anthem. Regards. --af:Gebruiker:Alias 09:50 12 may 2006 (CEST)

Título incorrecto


Lo que dice el anterior comentario en inglés es verdad.

El título de esta entrada debería ser ¨Himno nacional de Sudáfrica¨ y no ¨Nkosi Sikelel´ iAfrika¨ que es uno de los dos himnos que se usaron para formar el himno nacional.

Se puede comprobar la información en la página oficial de Sudáfrica [1]

--Guribe 08:22 16 ene 2008 (UTC)[responder]

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