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Discusión:Hospital General de México

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Hace falta hablar sobre la situación que vivió el Hospital General después del 1985, cuando el Gobierno Federal decide cerrar el hospital definitivamente por las condiciones en las que quedó tras el desastre natural. El personal médico asumió la postura de defenderlo hasta que logró que nuevamente se reabriera.

Is Hospital General de México also Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI ?[editar]

Mexico df - Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI

This image looks more appropriate for an entrance. Is it the same building? In case of yes, change it! (i'm not very often on spanish wiki. --Thomas Ledl (discusión) 09:40 27 jul 2015 (UTC)[responder]

Hello, they are different buildings and hospitals.---Erick- Mensajes aquí 17:34 1 oct 2015 (UTC)[responder]
thx. --Thomas Ledl (discusión) 18:26 1 oct 2015 (UTC)[responder]
Hello Thomas! This is Miguel from México city or CDMX for natives. The pic on wiki belongs to the Hospital General de Mexico (HGM) "Dr. Eduardo Liceaga" and your photo is from the Centro Médico Nacional Siglo XXI.
The first Hospital is for open population, even foreign people. The second one Institution is part from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) and basically gives the mayor medical service to the Mexican workers.
Theres a third Institution named National Institute of Social Security and Service to the State Workers or ISSSTE.
I am a 53 years old ophthalmologhist and I done my studies in HGM. As a Mexican I can tell you basically 2 things:
-We the Mexicans at least a 90% of Medical Service also in far places, maybe sometimes with low resources but with emnthusiasm and love because Medicine is not a work: is a style of life.
-In all the 20 century my Sacred Father (Doctor too, he passed away very young: at 41 years old) all our Governments was very corrupted but my Beloved President Andres Manuel López Obrador is the better President I ever seen in my life: he just call to all the Doctors and nurses jubilated or with other specialities (as me) to fght against the COVID pandemia and all we one. Its funny: I am Ophthalmologist ut the they assignated to Intensive Care. I have COVID 2 times in 6 months but for me it was as a cold. Im very proud because in 6 months just had 2 deads, very good record; dont you think?
Let me give you my personal mail because I think you are an easy going fellah and in thethe other hand I was born on CDMX and know a little bit of everything.
Have a hug amigo.
Miguel. 2806:2F0:90A1:3A1C:B5E9:29EE:57:584 (discusión) 16:49 8 jun 2022 (UTC)[responder]

Enlaces rotos[editar]

Elvisor (discusión) 01:59 19 nov 2015 (UTC)[responder]

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