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Discusión:Isaac Rabin

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Words from David Rutstein. I actually know the Yigal Amir family. Geula Amir, Yigal Amir's mom really well. As well as Barry Chamish really well. I am the one who built and In fact, all email from both sites go to me. Email from Barry's site gets forwarded to Barry as well.

The first month of Yigal Amir's arrest, Yigal Amir denied doing the murder. After some friendly persuasion he was all into blaming the Rabbis and admitting everything. I am not sure what was discussed, money and threats. But that is what happened. Yigal Amir will never show remorse because he did not do the Yitzak Rabin murder. The evidence is really overwhelming. The video of the Yitzhak Rabin murder is now online and even in that video you can see wierd things happenning. Look at the back passenger door of the limo close from the inside. There was a fourth person in that limo. Israeli TV showed the 10 minute video of the murder, "the Kempler video", for one week in 1996, and has not shown the Yitzhak Rabin murder video since. In fact Yigal played an exaggerated non-defense in which he seemed to want to get convicted. This exagerated desire to be convicted seems wierd and will cause Yigal Amir eventually to be freed because anybody who studies the case realizes that Yigal Amir shot blanks. End of comments by David Rutstein

David Rutstein is leading the effort to bring to justice those responsible for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. Rutstein built all the web sites which include the video of the murder. Rutstein's personal site which describes his battle against Shimon Peres. Of course David Rutstein doesn't believe that Yigal Amir killed Yitzhak Rabin. Here is the website

¿Cómo se debe leer |Rábin| o |Rabín|? En el segundo caso deberíamos renombrar el artículo--Sanbec 11:12 24 jun, 2004 (CEST)

no "lo asesinó de dos balazos", sino que le disparó dos veces por la espalda. El asunto es que efectivamente al las finales lo asesinó, pero luego se habla de lo del hospital y como que se lee un poco ridículo no? por favor corregir.

"fue convocado un mitin multitudinario en la Plaza de los Reyes de Israel"

mitin??? q asco, quien escribio esto? ----

La castellanizacion de los nombres


Se da aquí el mismo problema que en el artículo sobre Binyamin Netanyahu. ¿Por qué se castellaniza el nombre de Rabin? No se hace con ningún político extranjero (no hay Vladimiro Putin, ni Francisco Hollande). Es una costumbre extraña que habría que fundamentar y justificar, porque es incoherente con el resto de la Wikipedia. En inglés, veo que es Yizhak Rabin, como es lógico. Nunca se llamó de otra manera.

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