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Discusión:Puerta Dorada

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Por favor, deberían redactar un artículo más riguroso, dejando de lado la política. Toda esa historia de que la puerta fue cerrada por Suleyman y la construcción del cementerio islámico es una (curiosa, pero falsa) superstición. Copio de la página de discusión de la versión en inglés: The sealing, made by Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century helped the Jewish tradition of the coming messiah as if his coming was obstructed by foreign forces. In fact, the Sultan ordered the blocking of the gate as part of the wall surrounding Jerusalem, making the eastern wall of the Temple Mount part of the city wall. He sought to ensure the security of Jerusalem, without having to place guards at the gate. After blocking the gate, he turned the area outside the eastern wall into a Muslim cemetery, and thus was born the legend among the Jews, as if the Muslims were trying to prevent the coming of the Messiah, since a Cohen couldn't go in the cemetery, lest he becomes unclean, thus preventing the redemption of the Jews. In fact it is probably a folklore designed to make fun of Muslims, for the Messiah is not a Cohen (he's of the Tribe of Judah - "Messiah son of David") but also the graves of gentiles are not impure. Impurity from gentiles is only by direct contact or carrying a corpse". —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:07, 21 May 2011 (UTC)

The story about the gate being sealed by the Ottomans is false. When French bishop Louis Rochechouart visited Jerusalem in 1461, the gate was blocked. When Bohemian Rabbi Petachiah of Ratisbon visited in the 12th century, it was blocked. The book of Ezekiel says that the gate should remain blocked because the glory of the Lord entered through it. There is no Muslim tradition that seeks to prevent the return of the Messiah. There is not a shred of primary evidence or credible scholarship that supports this claim.

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