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Discusión:See My Friends

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"See My Friends" had been inspired by Jon Mark


Shel Talmy who was the producer of the record "See My Friends" states in more than one interview that the song had been inspired by Jon Mark:

1.) Shel Talmy: Jon Almond "was absolutely a folk singer. It was only later on that he started getting into jazz and Indian. He's the first person that introduced me to sort of Indian music, and ragas and things like that, which is how [the Kinks'] "See My Friends" came about." SHEL TALMY INTERVIEW

2.) Shel Talmy: "In fact I did try early on [to record acoustic music], with a duo called Jon and Alan, and Jon became Jon Mark of the Mark-Almond Band. [Jon] was a great innovator. He's the first person, come to think of it, who ever told me about Bob Dylan. He said, "Watch - - this guy's going to be sensational." Jon was the first guy that ever brought Indian music to my attention, and in fact wrote a song that was sort of based on a drone, a folkish type song, that I recorded with him. I played that to Ray Davies, who was so enamored with it that he went out and wrote "See My Friends" [one of the first Indian-influenced rock songs]." SHEL TALMY INTERVIEW: PART TWO.

3.) Shel Talmy: "'See My Friends' was a real groundbreaker! The evolution of that came about as I was recording Jon Mark, who eventually became part of Mark-Almond. He was a very good songwriter and turned me on to Indian music - ragas and all that kind of stuff. He wrote a song that incorporated an Indian drone, which I loved! I asked him if he'd mind if I played it for Ray Davies, and he said, "Be my guest." I did … and Ray came back the next day with 'See My Friends'. There weren't any sitars available at that time, so we re-tuned the guitars and double-tracked it to get the drone effect. It was the first record on the charts to have a sitar type sound on it. I heard it recently and it really holds up!" SHEL TALMY INTERVIEWED BY ARTIE WAYNE, PART TWO. --Popmuseum (discusión) 18:37 24 feb 2013 (UTC)[responder]

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