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Discusión:Sobre La Publicidad En Es.Wikipedia

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De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

A mí la publicidad, en principio no me preocupa... si es en el mismo sentido que en, que desde mi punto de vista no molesta. El problema para mí está en que para garantizar que toda nuestra contribución es GNU, habría que garantizar que se puede bajar toda la enciclipedia COMPLETA, en cualquier momento por parte de cualquiera, como podemos hacer con cualquier distribución de GNU/Linux o de FreeBSD, para cualquier uso que no sea el del enriquecimiento ilícito apoyándose en el trabajo "ya hecho".

La traducción a este texto de Jimbo Wales un poco más abajo

Hello, Jimbo Wales here. No habla espangnol.  :-( If someone could translate these remarks into English for me, I would be very appreciative. I'm deeply concerned that false information is being spread about Wikipedia here, based on false comments that have been made on the mailing list.

In particular, there are currently no plans for advertisements on the Spanish Wikipedia, although someday there can be, depending upon the full context of what is best for the project, including what is best for the contributors.

But, I can not read Spanish, so hopefully someone will help me to understand the discussions here.

Traducción: Hola, soy Jimbo Wales. No habla espangol. :-( Si alguien pudiera traducir estas puntualizaciones al inglés para mi, estaría muy agradecido. Estoy profundamente preocupado por la información falsa que esta siendo difundida sobre Wikipedia aquí, basada en falsos comentarios que se han hecho en la lista de distribución de correo.

En particular, no hay actualmente planes para poner anuncios en la Wikipedia en castellano, aunque puede que si los haya algún día, dependiendo del contexto global de lo que es mejor para el proyecto, incluyendo qué es lo mejor para los colaboradores.

Pero, no puedo leer español, así que quizás alguien pueda ayudarme a entender las discusiones aquí

>Hello, Jimbo Wales here.
> No habla espangnol.  :-(

Hello Jimbo, I cant help you because I not speak very
well english

( I am the only man that write post in in spanish :D   

>If someone could translate these remarks into English for me,
> I would be very appreciative. I'm deeply concerned that
>false information is being spread about Wikipedia here,

I cant!.. but others will.

> based on false comments that have been made on the mailing list.
> In particular, there are currently no plans for advertisements
> on the Spanish Wikipedia, although someday there can be,

Not in wikipedia-es?

> depending upon the full context of what is best for the project,
> including what is best for the contributors.


> But, I can not read Spanish, so hopefully someone will help
> me to understand the discussions here.

Maybe this girl can help you.

Excuse me for mi bad english.


Ok Jimbo, you can read the translation of this discussion: Sobre La Publicidad En Es.Wikipedia/Talk


<disclaimer> This comments may include moderate flames and useless ranting. It's not intended to be taken seriously by anyone. </disclaimer>

Ok, I know this may not be the right place to do it (and probably not the right language either), but if I may say a couple of words, I've been touched by this situation to the point I want to tell you people what I think about it, for what it's worth.

So, what I see here is probably just a big misunderstanding (and a very funny one too). Basically this became a clear example of some strange condition some people develop towards the words "money" or "advertising". Unfortunately, and I hate to say it, this is a fairly common situation inside the Free Software / Open Source community and related groups, when presumably "free speech martyrs" and contributors to somewhat freedom-related projects (I have to say it) makes complete fools out of themselves trying to stand for absolutely wrong and overrated positions, based on misconceptions, arrogance, ignorance and half trues.

Something I think have a huge relevance in this kind of situations, is that there's a lot of people who talks about freedom, GNU and money issues who IMHO do not understand a damn thing about those concepts.

Fact: The content of Wikipedia is covered by the GNU FDL. That means it's free (as in freedom), and will always be. And believe me, if some day this stops being true, there'll be a REAL fuss about it, and many of the people that would complain in case such eventuality happens won't be mumbling about ads in Wikipedia and other bullshit that doesn't have a thing to do with real freedom.

Fact: Ads and probably other incoming resources for this kind of projects are a necessity. This is not the first time a real cool project has to start considering how to make a profit, and certainly not the first time (l)users start spreading patent stupidity and lies about it.

Honestly I'm getting sick of all this stupid i-don't-exactly-know-what's-going-on-but-it-seems-like-evil,-let's-boicot-it attitude. I mean, all this people can really use some judgment of their own and not some if ($things_I_hear =~ /money|ads|microsoft|evil_stuff/) { lets_troll () } mind.

One thing is to stand up for your rights and your beliefs, which is usually right when you know what you are doing, and a completely different matter is to agree to something you don't understand and as straightforward as the FDL, and then go out there and unfairly accuse somebody for a crime they're not committing, with such lame excuses as "they're going to receive money and they're not supposed to do so".

So, ok, if you don't want that anyone receives a single penny from ads placed in Wikipedia, then make yourself a favor and go read the FDL (for real, not like when you try to impress your friends telling them you are a pro-GNU-Free-Open-Software activist when all you know about GNU is because of a comment posted on a website where you read that you don't have to pay for Free Software), so you can: (a) stop making silly accusations to Wikipedia's maintainers, and (b) finally leave this site for good (because you have consciously rejected GNU FDL's terms).

That's it, and if I might add one more thing, I'd say I appreciate one nice thing from this whole thing: the humourous value of some people's comments. I truly hope they get the idea real soon, so we can all join hands, look at this and laugh about it... but in the meantime, I have to say I rarely laugh so much on a normal working day. Some examples of this hilarious comments (God Bless Them :-):

  • "I suspend my activities until there's a written statement about the non-commercialization of" (unfortunately, he deleted it afterwards)
  • Ok, this is really funny: [ No american will benefit from my work, directly or indirectly. It's against my principles to consciously help, in any way, in any respect, the continuity of what the United States of America represent, self-established as a dominant power that is looking to grow beyond the

political field.] And it goes on: It's not a surprise that the reigning capitalism of the United States of America led to this measure, how idiot and naive from the ones who didn't see it coming before.... It's just too much... I can't help myself from laughing... (mmm, what a shame, it was deleted too).


About USA:
I dislike USA politic because its role of empire is anti-democratic. Bush make me laught :D USA for years, has help terrorism and totalitarism in the world (all latinoamerica, irak, afganistan itself..etc..) Mainly because the multinationals control USA politic with lobbys. USA its not a true democracy... European point of view. Its a militaristic empire with simple mind.

About PERL:
Get php for the web, boy!

Lets alone, and will work. Wikipedia work, work without you, without me, without bomis, Dont need help from Bomis, you or Me. Simple let then work FREE. People fired will return or will branch the project thats not problems. Branch is a good thing for FREEDOOM. Branch is a option, options = freedom, more options = more freedom.

-- Anonymous Perl Developper.


About Britney Spears:
I think she's hot as hell... I mean, maybe C. Aguilera is a better singer, but who cares? I really dig Brittany's videos (specially the more recent ones) where she does all those sexy dance steps and everything. Britney, I love you.

About Ice Cream Flavors:
I love vanilla ice cream, although sometimes I prefer some more fancy flavors depending on my mood... sometimes mint will do it, or maybe those somewhat cherry-flavored ice-creams... mmm... I think I will get myself an ice-cream right now.

What? Oh! you mean we are discussing Wikipedia issues here? Oops, sorry :-)

Wikipedia work[s] - That's right

work[s] without you - Amen, my brother

without me - You're right it does

without bomis - Well, that's not quite right. Right at this moment, Bomis Inc. is providing resources that are critical to Wikipedia (hard drive space, Wiki software, bandwith...) Without Bomis Inc. you wouldn't be reading this lines right now.

Dont need help from Bomis - That's the idea, maybe someday Bomis won't be necessary... the content of Wikipedia might be spread around the world in a number of devices, formats and places... That's why FDL is so sweet. Maybe one day you will be able to buy a gigantic paper edition with some of the best articles of the Wikipedia in a bookstore near you. Imagine that!

you or Me - granted.

Simple let then work FREE. People fired will return or will branch the project thats not problems - I'm not quite sure about what you're trying to say here, but I guess I understand your point. Wikipedia isn't "firing" anyone, but you are right about branches and people leaving the project not being nocive things

Branch is a good thing for FREEDOOM. Branch is a option - You are about to become my personal hero, you're saying such wonderful things here

options = freedom - Oh! now wait a second, please... I'm sure you don't mean what you just wrote. I think sometimes people have a consistent idea about what freedom is, but we don't think about it very often, and sometimes that lack of some background interpreting freedom in its right context leads us to enunciate this kind of inaccurate asseverations. You can't say options equal freedom; even provision of a large number of options is not a guarantee of choice. Now, I suppose you were trying to say that having options (as provided by the creation of branches inside the project) is good for freedom (as provided by the FDL) inside Wikipedia, and that's true.

more options = more freedom. - Oh, is it so? Now, I can't insist with this enough: context. For instance, let's consider this: is a piece of software more `Free' when it is double-licensed with, let's say, GPL & Artistic terms than it is when it's licensed with the GPL alone? That single topic is some good flamewar material (and there've been some beautiful flamewars about it indeed).

See you soon, comrade...

Hello Dogbert.

My name is Ratbert,

I will save your (and me) time replying only questions that add info.

without bomis - Well, that's not quite right. Right at this moment, Bomis Inc. is providing resources that are critical to Wikipedia (hard drive space, Wiki software, bandwith...) Without Bomis Inc. you wouldn't be reading this lines right now.

Thats simple not true. Nor Bomis is the only server with FREE bandwich and space. But i appreciate the help of Bomis, because bw and hd not cheap now times...
Software: I think other APES can help this.. Its the WIKI source magical or something really odd? I think a standar wiki can be adapted with less work.. (maybe not)

Nowdays is hard to find a server that donate BD and HD... Maybe University Host? Berlios, Savannha, Sourceforge? Thats true, but not imposible.

Dont need help from Bomis - That's the idea, maybe someday Bomis won't be necessary... the content of Wikipedia might be spread around the world in a number of devices, formats and places... That's why FDL is so sweet. Maybe one day you will be able to buy a gigantic paper edition with some of the best articles of the Wikipedia in a bookstore near you. Imagine that!

(I hate printers, because anhikilate wild forest amazonia. I hate pdf... I like html files, and html docs.. Why the people dont read docs from computers?)
FYU: The wikipedia can be spread NOW, If Bomis not CLOSE the ACCESS to FDL DATA = the NIGHLY TAR WIKIPEDIA. I have nothing vs Bomis or is work, I am happy.. I have nothing vs Ads.. but I fear Bomis politic its not clear... somethimes... I think Bomis think pretecting is inversions or somethimg similar and wrong. PROTECTING INVERSIONS its compatible with FDL DATA?
I am sorry for the capital words.
Maybe the Zoo as not do a good work learning English if you not understand nothing.

Branch is a good thing for FREEDOOM. Branch is a option - You are about to become my personal hero, you're saying such wonderful things here

Wow!!.. I like you!. Married me? :D

See you soon, comrade...


--- Ratbert the Ape (Anonymous Perl dEveloper)
