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Shewanella woodyi

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Shewanella woodyi
Dominio: Bacteria
Filo: Pseudomonadota
Clase: Gammaproteobacteria
Orden: Alteromonadales
Familia: Shewanellaceae
Género: Shewanella
Especie: S. woodyi
Makemson et al. 1997

Shewanella woodyi es una bacteria luminosa exclusivamente respiratoria. No es fermentativo, con la cepa tipo ATCC 51908 (= MS32).[1]


  1. Makemson, J. C.; Fulayfil, N. R.; Landry, W.; Van Ert, L. M.; Wimpee, C. F.; Widder, E. A.; Case, J. F. (1997). «Shewanella woodyi sp. nov., an Exclusively Respiratory Luminous Bacterium Isolated from the Alboran Sea». International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology 47 (4): 1034-1039. ISSN 0020-7713. PMID 9336902. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-4-1034. 

Otras lecturas

  • Ersoy Omeroglu, Esra; Karaboz, Ismail; Sudagidan, Mert (2013). «Characteristics and genetic diversity of bioluminescent Shewanella woodyi strains isolated from the Gulf of Izmir, Turkey». Folia Microbiologica 59 (1): 79-92. ISSN 0015-5632. PMID 23900860. doi:10.1007/s12223-013-0269-z. 
  • Liu N; Pak T; Boon EM (2010). «Characterization of a diguanylate cyclase from Shewanella woodyi with cyclase and phosphodiesterase activities.». Mol Biosyst 6 (9): 1561-4. PMID 20467666. doi:10.1039/c002246b. 
  • Liu, Niu; Xu, Yueming; Hossain, Sajjad; Huang, Nick; Coursolle, Dan; Gralnick, Jeffrey A.; Boon, Elizabeth M. (2012). «Nitric Oxide Regulation of Cyclic di-GMP Synthesis and Hydrolysis inShewanella woodyi». Biochemistry 51 (10): 2087-2099. ISSN 0006-2960. PMID 22360279. doi:10.1021/bi201753f. 
  • Hacker, Mary K. Caracterización de la Shewanella Woodyi Operon Lux. Diss. Universidad de Wisconsin — Milwaukee, 2001.

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