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local p = {} --[[ Smooth piechart module.

Draws charts in HTML with an accessible legend (optional). A list of all features is in the "TODO" section of the main `p.pie` function.

Use with a helper template that adds required CSS.

{{{1}}}: [ { "label": "pie: $v", "color": "wheat", "value": 40 }, { "label": "cheese pizza $v", "color": "#fc0", "value": 20 }, { "label": "mixed pizza: $v", "color": "#f60", "value": 20 }, { "label": "raw pizza $v", "color": "#f30" } ]

   Where $v is a formatted number (see `function prepareLabel`).

{{{meta}}}: {"size":200, "autoscale":false, "legend":true} All meta options are optional (see `function p.setupOptions`). ]] -- Author: Maciej Nux (

--[[ Debug:

-- labels and auto-value local json_data = '[{"label": "k: $v", "value": 33.1}, {"label": "m: $v", "value": -1}]' local html = p.renderPie(json_data) mw.logObject(html)

-- autoscale values local json_data = '[{"value": 700}, {"value": 300}]' local html = p.renderPie(json_data, options) mw.logObject(html)

-- size option local json_data = '[{"label": "k: $v", "value": 33.1}, {"label": "m: $v", "value": -1}]' local options = '{"size":200}' local html = p.renderPie(json_data, options) mw.logObject(html)

-- custom colors local json_data = '[{"label": "k: $v", "value": 33.1, "color":"black"}, {"label": "m: $v", "value": -1, "color":"green"}]' local html = p.renderPie(json_data) mw.logObject(html)

-- 4-cuts local entries = { '{"label": "ciastka: $v", "value": 2, "color":"goldenrod"}', '{"label": "słodycze: $v", "value": 4, "color":"darkred"}', '{"label": "napoje: $v", "value": 1, "color":"lightblue"}', '{"label": "kanapki: $v", "value": 3, "color":"wheat"}' } local json_data = '['..table.concat(entries, ',')..']' local html = p.renderPie(json_data, '{"autoscale":true}') mw.logObject(html)

-- colors local fr = { args = { " 123 " } } local ret = p.color(fr) ]]

--[[ Color for a slice (defaults).

{{{1}}}: slice number ]] function p.color(frame) local index = tonumber(trim(frame.args[1])) return ' ' .. defaultColor(index) end

--[[ Piechart.

   - [x] basic 2-element pie chart
       - read json
       - calculate value with -1
       - generate html
       - new css + tests
       - provide dumb labels (just v%)
   - [x] colors in json
   - [x] 1st value >= 50%
   - [x] custom labels support
   - [x] pie size from 'meta' param (options json)
   - [x] pl formatting for numbers?
   - [x] support undefined value (instead of -1)
   - [x] undefined in any order
   - [x] scale values to 100% (autoscale)
   - [x] order values clockwise (not left/right)
   - [x] multi-cut pie
   - [x] sanitize user values
   - [x] auto colors
   - [x] function to get color by number (for custom legend)

- [x] remember and show autoscaled data

   - [x] generate a legend

- [x] simple legend positioning by (flex-)direction

   - legend2: customization

- (?) itemTpl support - replace default item with tpl - can I / should I sanitize it? - support for $v, $d, $p - (?) custom head

   - (?) validation of input

- check if required values are present - message showing whole entry, when entry is invalid - pre-sanitize values? - sane info when JSON fails? Maybe dump JSON and show example with quotes-n-all...

   - (?) option to sort entries by value

]] function p.pie(frame) local json_data = trim(frame.args[1]) local options = nil if (frame.args.meta) then options = trim(frame.args.meta) end

local html = p.renderPie(json_data, options) return trim(html) end

-- Setup chart options. function p.setupOptions(json_options) local options = { -- circle size in [px] size = 100, -- autoscale values (otherwise assume they sum up to 100) autoscale = false, -- hide chart for screen readers (when you have a table, forced for legend) ariahidechart = false, -- show legend (defaults to the left side) legend = false, -- direction of legend-chart flexbox (flex-direction) direction = "", } if json_options then local rawOptions = mw.text.jsonDecode(json_options) if rawOptions then if type(rawOptions.size) == "number" then options.size = math.floor(rawOptions.size) end options.autoscale = rawOptions.autoscale or false if rawOptions.legend then options.legend = true end if rawOptions.ariahidechart then options.ariahidechart = true end if (type(rawOptions.direction) == "string") then -- Remove unsafe/invalid characters local sanitized = rawOptions.direction:gsub("[^a-z0-9%-]", "") -- also adjust width so that row-reverse won't push things to the right options.direction = 'width: max-content; flex-direction: ' .. sanitized end end end if (options.legend) then options.ariahidechart = true end return options end

--[[ Render piechart.

@param json_data JSON string with pie data. ]] function p.renderPie(json_data, json_options) local data = mw.text.jsonDecode(json_data) local options = p.setupOptions(json_options)

-- prepare local ok, total = p.prepareEntries(data, options)

-- init render

local html = "


-- error info if not ok then html = html .. renderErrors(data) end

-- render legend if options.legend then html = html .. p.renderLegend(data, options) end

-- render items local header, items, footer = p.renderEntries(ok, total, data, options) html = html .. header .. items .. footer

-- end .smooth-pie-container

html = html .. "\n


return html end

-- Prepare data (slices etc) function p.prepareEntries(data, options) local sum = sumValues(data); -- force autoscale when over 100 if (sum > 100) then options.autoscale = true end -- pre-format entries local ok = true local no = 0 local total = #data for index, entry in ipairs(data) do no = no + 1 if not prepareSlice(entry, no, sum, total, options) then no = no - 1 ok = false end end total = no -- total valid

return ok, total end

function sumValues(data) local sum = 0; for _, entry in ipairs(data) do local value = entry.value if not (type(value) ~= "number" or value < 0) then sum = sum + value end end return sum end

-- render error info function renderErrors(data)

local html = "\n



-- Prepare single slice data (modifies entry). function prepareSlice(entry, no, sum, total, options) local autoscale = options.autoscale local value = entry.value if (type(value) ~= "number" or value < 0) then if autoscale then entry.error = "cannot autoscale unknown value" return false end value = 100 - sum end -- entry.raw only when scaled if autoscale then entry.raw = value value = (value / sum) * 100 end entry.value = value

-- prepare final label entry.label = prepareLabel(entry.label, entry) -- prepare final slice bg color local index = no if no == total then index = -1 end entry.bcolor = backColor(entry, index)

return true end

-- render legend for pre-processed entries function p.renderLegend(data, options)

local html = "\n

    " for _, entry in ipairs(data) do if not entry.error then html = html .. renderLegendItem(entry, options) end end return html .. "\n


end -- render legend item function renderLegendItem(entry, options) local label = entry.label local bcolor = entry.bcolor

local html = "\n

  • " html = html .. '' html = html .. ''..label..'' return html .. "
  • " end -- Prepare data (slices etc) function p.renderEntries(ok, total, data, options) -- cache for some items (small slices) p.cuts = mw.loadJsonData('Module:Piechart/cuts.json') local first = true local previous = 0 local no = 0 local items = "" local header = "" for index, entry in ipairs(data) do if not entry.error then no = no + 1 if no == total then header = renderFinal(entry, options) else items = items .. renderOther(previous, entry, options) end previous = previous + entry.value end end local footer = '\n'

    return header, items, footer end -- final, but header... function renderFinal(entry, options) local label = entry.label local bcolor = entry.bcolor local size = options.size

    -- hide chart for readers, especially when legend is there local aria = "" if (options.ariahidechart) then aria = 'aria-hidden="true"' end

    -- slices container and last slice local style = 'width:'..size..'px; height:'..size..'px;'..bcolor local html = [[


    return html end -- any other then final function renderOther(previous, entry, options) local value = entry.value local label = entry.label local bcolor = entry.bcolor

    -- value too small to see if (value < 0.03) then mw.log('value too small', value, label) return "" end

    local html = ""

    local size = -- mw.logObject({'v,p,l', value, previous, label}) if (value >= 50) then html = sliceWithClass('pie50', 50, value, previous, bcolor, label) elseif (value >= 25) then html = sliceWithClass('pie25', 25, value, previous, bcolor, label) elseif (value >= 12.5) then html = sliceWithClass('pie12-5', 12.5, value, previous, bcolor, label) elseif (value >= 7) then html = sliceWithClass('pie7', 7, value, previous, bcolor, label) elseif (value >= 5) then html = sliceWithClass('pie5', 5, value, previous, bcolor, label) else -- 0-5% local cutIndex = round(value*10) if cutIndex < 1 then cutIndex = 1 end local cut = p.cuts[cutIndex] local transform = rotation(previous) html = sliceX(cut, transform, bcolor, label) end -- mw.log(html)

    return html end

    -- round to int function round(number)

       return math.floor(number + 0.5)


    -- render full slice with specific class function sliceWithClass(sizeClass, sizeStep, value, previous, bcolor, label) local transform = rotation(previous) local html = "" html = html .. sliceBase(sizeClass, transform, bcolor, label) -- mw.logObject({'sliceWithClass:', sizeClass, sizeStep, value, previous, bcolor, label}) if (value > sizeStep) then local extra = value - sizeStep transform = rotation(previous + extra) -- mw.logObject({'sliceWithClass; extra, transform', extra, transform}) html = html .. sliceBase(sizeClass, transform, bcolor, label) end return html end

    -- render single slice function sliceBase(sizeClass, transform, bcolor, label) local style = bcolor if transform ~= "" then

           style = style .. '; ' .. transform
    return '\n\t


    -- small slice cut to fluid size. -- range in theory: 0 to 24.(9)% reaching 24.(9)% for cut = +inf -- range in practice: 0 to 5% function sliceX(cut, transform, bcolor, label) local path = 'clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, '..cut..'% 0%, 0 100%)'

    return '\n\t


    -- translate value to turn rotation function rotation(value) if (value > 0) then return string.format("transform: rotate(%.3fturn)", value/100) end return end

    -- Language sensitive float. function formatNum(value) local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()

    -- doesn't do precision :( -- local v = lang:formatNum(value)

    local v = string.format("%.1f", value) if (lang:getCode() == 'pl') then v = v:gsub("%.", ",") end return v end

    --[[ Prepare final label.

    Typical tpl: "Abc: $v" will result in: "Abc: 23%" -- when values are percentages "Abc: 1234 (23%)" -- when values are autoscaled

    Advanced tpl: "Abc: $d ($p)" -- only works with autoscale ]] function prepareLabel(tpl, entry) -- static tpl if tpl and not string.find(tpl, '$') then return tpl end

    -- format % value without % local p = formatNum(entry.value)

    -- default template if not tpl then tpl = "$v" end

    local label = "" if entry.raw then label = tpl:gsub("%$p", p .. "%%"):gsub("%$d", entry.raw):gsub("%$v", entry.raw .. " (" .. p .. "%%)") else label = tpl:gsub("%$v", p .. "%%") end return label end

    -- default colors local colorPalette = {


    } local lastColor = '#cdf099' -- background color from entry or the default colors function backColor(entry, no)

       if (type(entry.color) == "string") then
       	-- Remove unsafe characters from entry.color
       	local sanitizedColor = entry.color:gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9#%-]", "")
           return 'background-color: ' .. sanitizedColor
       	local color = defaultColor(no)
           return 'background-color: ' .. color

    end -- color from the default colors -- last entry color for 0 or -1 function defaultColor(no) local color = lastColor if (no > 0) then local cIndex = (no - 1) % #colorPalette + 1 color = colorPalette[cIndex] end return color end

    --[[ trim string

    note: `(s:gsub(...))` returns only a string `s:gsub(...)` returns a string and a number ]] function trim(s) return (s:gsub("^%s+", ""):gsub("%s+$", "")) end

    return p