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PitchMen (nombre original: But Wait...There's More (en español: "Pero espere... hay más")[1]​ era un programa de televisión docudrama television program producido por Discovery Channel en los Estados Unidos. El show sigue a los productores de infomerciales Billy Mays y Anthony "Sully" Sullivan mientras tratan de vender varias invenciones mediante la Mercadotecnia directa, principalmente mediante Telebrands, una de las compañias más grandes enfocadas en el marketing de respuesta directa. El show fue narardo por Thom Beers. Cada episodio normalmente se enfocaba en dos diferentes productos.[2]


Billy Mays promoted his most notable products on the show, pre-dating back to 2005.

Cada episodio típicamente comienza con Billy Mays y Anthony Sullivan siendo convencidos sobre diferentes productos por sus inventores. Luego, dos productos son seleccionados para ser puestos a prueba con opiniones de gente que probó los productos. Si los productos fueron exitosos en el test de tirarlos a la cancha, Billy y Sully crearían un infomercial, que será producido y rodado en el mercado de pruebas, para que luego los inventores sean informados si su producto logró salir escogido. Para los productos que generaron un nivel de interés en el consumidor exitoso, se les da el visto bueno de Billy y Sully a los inventores. Para los productos que no dieron frutos en en el interés del consumidor, el inventor es notificado, y el futuro del producto es discutido brevemente incluyendo la posibilidad de colaborar de editar el comercial para lanzarlo al aire en una fecha más tardía.

Se desconocía si la serie seguiría rodandose luego del fallecimiento de Mays el 28 de junio del 2009.[3]​ Discovery Channel transmitió un maratón de un día entero el Primero de julio como un homenaje, que concluyó con el final de la temporada, esta se editó para finalizar con un tributo a Mays. El 9 de julio se transmitió un homenaje especial titulado "PitchMan: A Tribute to Billy Mays" (en español: "PitchMan": Un homenaje a Billy Mays") emitido con comentarios de amigos, co-trabajadores y familiares. La condición de la segunda temporada no se decidió hasta el 15 de julio, cuando una nota de prensa lanzada por Discovery anunció que el show será retransmitido para una segunda tenporada, con el hijo epónimo de Mays que pronto tomaría su lugar.[4][5]​ La segunda temporada se estrenó el 19 de agosto de 2010[6]​ únicamente con Anthony Sullivan protagonizando en los comerciales. De vez en cuando, Sully trae a gente para ayudarlo a decidir un producto, como el CEO de Telebrands A.J. Khubani. Sin embargo, sin Billy Mays en el show, PitchMen fue cancelada despues de 2 temporadas.


Primera temporada: 2009[editar]

# Título Fecha de emisión
1«High Impact Item»15 de abril de 2009

Impact Gel – Una plantilla para zapatos que amortigua el talón y los dedos de los pies.
GPS Pal: – Un dispositivo que permite al usuario colocar un dispositivo GPS en vez de en el parabrisas.

Producto exitoso: Impact Gel
2«Dual Saw Shuffle»22 de abril de 2009

DualSaw – Una sierra de doble cuchilla con filos que giran en direcciones opuestas permitiendo un corte limpio sin imperfecciones. Fue inventado por un bombero francés que tuvo la idea luego de que uno de sus colegas perdiera un ojo usando una cierra circular en un intento de recate.
Shuffles – Almohadillas de microfibra puestas en los pies y usadas como un trapo.

Producto exitoso: DualSaw
3«From the Jaws of Victory»29 de abril de 2009

Jupiter Jack – un dispositivo manos-libres que transmite usando la radio FM del vehículo. Originalmente se llamó Black Jack, pero fue cambiado debido a la disponibilidad de la marca.
Sharkstopper – un repelente acústico de tiburones.

Producto exitoso: Jupiter Jack
4«Smells Like Gold»6 de mayo de 2009

What Odor? – Un spray remueve-olores que dice ser no tóxico y amigable para el medioambiente.
The Vertical Grill – Un pequeño rallador doblable tipo parrilla para asar comida.

Producto exitoso: What Odor?
«Spotting Talent»

Spot Sucker – Un removedor de manchas desarrollado por un adolescente estudiante de secundaria que removía manchas por medio de una aspiradora limpiando mediante fábrica.
Heel Stick (Lanzado como Heel Tastic) – bálsamo diseñado para tratar piel seca y rota de el pie de una persona.

Producto Exitoso: Spot Sucker y Heel Tastic
«Tool Guys»

GrabIt – Una broca diseñada para remover tornillos rotos o rajados cortando un nuevo hoyo en el tornillo y extrayendolo usando una segunda broca.
Tool Band-It – Una cinta que encaja a través del brazo y que contiene Imanes de neodimio para mantener herramientas pegadas y para que sean fáciles de obtener.

Producto exitoso: Tool Band-It
«Spinning Green»
«Tale of Three Billys»17 de junio de 2009

Bill Mays, Sr (Billy's father) pitches the "Turn, Don't Burn", and Billy and Sully help Billy Mays III (son) direct his first commercial for a local restaurant owned by his brother-in-law.

Successful products: All three products (Green Now, Ragazzi's Restaurant and Turn, Don't Burn) were successful.
«Crunch Time»24 de junio de 2009

Billy and Sully pitch the Gator Blades using a device named the 'Bug Bazooka.' and pitch the "EZ Crunch Bowl" which was invented by Survivor: Africa winner Ethan Zohn.

Successful products: EZ Crunch Bowl and Bug Bazooka
«Revenge of the Pitchmen»1 de julio de 2009

After Vince Offer pitches similar products (ShamWow and the Slap Chop), Billy and Sully counter by relaunching the similar products they advertised, Zorbeez and Quick Chop. Billy and Sully then compete against each other in a pitch-off in Philadelphia. Sully hires two workers to bother Billy, and pays people to buy his product, although Billy still wins.

Successful products: Zorbeez and Quick Chop

Pitchman: A Tribute to Billy Mays[editar]

# Title Original airdate
«Pitchman: A Tribute to Billy Mays»9 de julio de 2009
The Discovery Channel aired a special Billy Mays tribute episode of PitchMen called "Pitchman: A Tribute to Billy Mays". The show documented Mays' early life and his rise to fame, with commentary from his friends and family and showing video from his funeral including the pallbearers dressed in Mays' trademark blue shirt and khaki pants, ending with an emotional farewell from fellow PitchMen host Anthony Sullivan.

Season 2: 2010-2011[editar]

As of July 15, 2009, Discovery Channel announced they were renewing the show for a second season, with Mays' eponymous son Billy Mays III joining Anthony Sullivan and Thom Beers. The second season premiered on August 19, 2010.[6]​ Starting September 2, 2010, Discovery Channel has removed Pitchmen from its regular Thursday night at 9pm slot without any explanation. However, new episodes returned to Discovery Channel beginning January 18, 2011 but with only Anthony Sullivan helming the show.[7]​ But on its website, Discovery Channel has trimmed the list of season 2 episodes to five, indicating the possibility the series has been cancelled, although no official cancellation announcement has been made.[8]

# Title Original airdate
«Passing the Torch»19 de agosto de 2010

Invention season is back in full force with Sully leading the charge. A Marine puts his innovative flashlight to the test, while an inventor tries to pass on his father's legacy with a product that could save lives.
The HexLight - An arm mounted, hands-free flashlight.
Cold Fire - A non-toxic, biodegradable liquid fire-extinguisher in a can.

Successful Products: Hexlight and Cold Fire
«Heart Wrench[9]​»26 de agosto de 2010

After an exhaustive search, Sully finds a teenage inventor who developed the Select-A-Wrench, a multi-wrench tool that allows for multiple wrench sizes in one unit. However, the youngster is heartbroken after learning that his invention has already been patented. Sully then enlists help from a veteran duo of inventors to tweak the teenager's idea to gain a patent of his own.

Select-A-Wrench - A multi-wrench tool.
«Bear Market»18 de enero de 2011

Sully teams up with an LA radio host to find the next great invention and discovers a young inventor who made millions during the dot com boom and is now searching for another purpose in life. The inventor came with two products, the Fridge Locker, a small cage to protect food from co-workers, as well as the RX Locker, a lockable medication case to keep children and addicts from others' prescription drugs. Sully risks life and limb with a grizzly bear to test the Fridge Locker, while celebrity addiction doctor, Dr. Drew Pinsky, helps pitch the RX Locker. Meanwhile, two experienced brother inventors pour their life savings into the ShaveMate, a razor blade with six razors and a shaving cream dispenser built into the handle. Billy Mays was set to shave off his iconic beard for the product, but following his passing, Sully struggles with pitching the new product.
Fridge Locker - A lockable cage for food items in the refrigerator.
RX Locker - A lockable case for prescription drugs.
ShaveMate - A razor blade with built-in shaving cream dispenser.

Successful Products: RX Locker, Fridge Locker, ShaveMate
«The New Gun in Town»25 de enero de 2011
Sully and assistant Kennedy head to a Chicago home and houseware convention to hear some sometimes crazy pitches for the "next big thing", including an easy stringer and a tater tornado. Then Sully heads to the circus to test a revolutionary new needle.
«From the Jaws of Victory»1 de febrero de 2011
Sully sifts through thousands of inventions to find a robot whisk, but design problems loom. A man's desire to make his wife's life easier leads to a sharp food wrap invention. And a fitness fanatic pitches Sully gravity-defying workout boots.
«The Cutting Edge»8 de febrero de 2011
A young inventor hooks Sully with a collapsing trashcan, but a manufacturing short-cut may destroy the product's future. Two friends think a simple piece of plastic can keep you safe from intruders. A legendary knife man gets a chance at one last pitch.
«Wave of Success»15 de febrero de 2011
«Fighting Shape»22 de febrero de 2011
«Fishing for Gold»1 de marzo de 2011
«On a Wing and a Prayer»8 de marzo de 2011

Billy Mays tribute marathon[editar]

On July 1, 2009, as a tribute to the late Billy Mays, the Discovery Channel aired an all-day marathon of PitchMen leading up to the show's season finale. Commercial breaks during the marathon included one of several brief montages saluting Mays. The channel's digital on-screen graphic featured his photograph, along with the words Billy Mays Jr. 1958–2009.

See also[editar]


External links[editar]

[[Category:Discovery Channel shows] [[Category:2009 American television series debuts] [[Category:2011 American television series endings] [[Category:Infomercials]