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abigail                    .......close your eyes and pray my friend.......
       pov in abigail's mind
       today had started very well ..... enough for what I will do today
       This will be so amazing, I'll be like my cousin
       pov storyteller
           because I am doing ... I don't know if I was just born, do what you do, I will still do it and I don't regret anything, don't blame Josh, he's just a fool who would do anything for me.before this letter the police were only intrigued more and more ... who was abigail? Why did he do it? How did he do it and what was going on in his 'strange' adolescent head?.n fact, the letter was not the most disturbing thing in that family apartment, there was blood on the walls, torn clothes, torn hair those policemen did not imagine the torture that this couple spent with their small childrenAfter thoroughly inspecting the house, the detective ordered the other police officers from there to lift the bodies and take them to the forens to examine them, before leaving that apartment the dectective saw a small trail of dark brown hair lifting him with his hands and put it in a bag,DETECTIVE WILSON! .... -this stopped walking and looked where the scream came from which came from a girl, friend of his niece-

Miss at this time shouldn't I be in school? -said the something missed by her presence- b-well yes but I arrived as soon as I found out, I know who could be behind this homicide sir we better go to the police station, come with me.

        a year before
   Miss Abigail Wilson, would you like to appear before the class?Of course teacher ... she said with a smile so innocent that it captivated everyone in that class, especially Josh Smith, `` he didn't take his eyes off him 

Abigail stopped from his bank and came to the front of his class. Hello to all new classmates, I hope they die soon - I just laugh and look at the teacher - I wish you the same teacher ... - after these words I sit on your bench again, everyone was stunned before these words

 ah .... good joke abigail but bad time said the teacher and then grab a chalk and say 'today we start with grammar' 'turning to the boardThe hours passed until the bell rang to go home, Abigail was taking her things when Josh approached her somewhat insecure

  funny joke today you know, when I said you wanted us to die - with a somewhat forced laugh - Abigail just looked at him and shook his head ... little friend that was not a joke believe me - I grab his mochlka and leave the room clear with josh still following her- O-OYE .... abigail, he ran to her   she turned what do you want? josh just smiled and i look at her too i would like everyone to die

 So? Well we have something in common, for now consider yourself my dear friend Joshi ...

this just give another smile and followed

Abigail and Josh became very good friends, that's what at least the others thought since they were together all the time, but there was something strange about them since every day at 12pm they went to an abandoned house but this, of course , only the only friend of Abigail knew, April she believed that in that house they only did things of boyfriends or something, but you could not imagine that that house was the hell for the animals that were found by there ..o people can say that the one who got his hands dirty was josh, sun, or because Abigail ordered it, but he didn't reason what he did just thinking about her, josh was always weak-minded and of course abigail took advantage ... but everything has a limit

-we go joshi! Will it be fun or you don't want to have fun with me, friend?

-Is that not abigail ... is it risky and if they discover us?

- Oh, don't be a crybaby who is going to suspect us and we will clean everything and it was not what you liked to kill?

- Of course I will and also don't tell me cry

- yes, whatever you say just do it

       'On the night of Thursday, October 14, in an abandoned house in the town of Aurora, South Dakota, 5 bodies of people who were mutilated were found, the murderer was Josh Smith, a 17-year-old boy who, a few days after the murders, surrendered and He was going to give a confession in the court of the town, but the dead man in his cell with marks on his neck was clearly hanged'besides that with black paint they wrote on the wall 'close your eyes and pray friend'
                                                   hell this owes something more than just a murderer! -the man banged his fist against the table- or I'm wrong detective! . The detective just looked at the floor and said-

-as it could be that this happened ... they also killed the girl, this April which told me about josh and wrote the place is the same damn phrase ....

- a bad horror story seems sir

The detective's cell phone started ringing, it was the number of his son Daniel quickly grabbed the cell phone and went out and answered the cell phone

-if son? what happens?

-papa come home soon .. -he sounded very terrified-

-What happens? i can't son just tell me


Carl just cut the call without more, obviously Wilson was worried and the commissioner came out quickly and arrived in 15 minutes to his house was somewhat missed by the call but did not think so much he opened the door and in his horror he found his brother lying in the floor slashed, wlso just swallowed and walked to the dining room where his wife rose was under the table full of blows almost dead he quickly approached her and lifted her on her knees

-r-rose ... honey

Rose just looked at him with her eyes with tears and said in a very fragile voice.

-Pray ... pray Wilson because she has not heard you, abigail ... she is only evil run!

Wilson was surprised at that but got up and grabbed a knife from the kitchen, I look all the way to reach the stairs where I hear a voice

-Hello uncle .. today you arrived early right?

- you ... did this you are a monster

-abigail went down the stairs while humming a song, behind his back he pulled out a murder book ...

-oh uncle you should see everything that my cousin carl did to me ... you know he was also a friend of joshi you know ... now that I think about it you are a useless and stupid man you couldn't even see what I was doing at night or everyone, carl's books ....

-Where is CARL?

-He was resting, today he had a very ugly afternoon you know ...- and without warning she jumped on wilson, he wanted to fight, fight for his life but no ...


Abigail had a happy childhood, he didn't miss anything but he always had a bad influence, his cousin Carl was the type of person who liked suffering, liked diabolical things and did rituals in that abandoned house but changed when he went to college , abigail felt betrayed  For the reason that I change it for someone with a weak mind like Josh ..... and everything went wrong is worse