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Usuario:Fonsi80/Un curso de milagros

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Fonsi80/Un curso de milagros

Un Curso de Milagros (UCDM) es un curso de auto-estudio que principalmente ayuda a sus lectores y estudiantes a alcanzar una transformación espiritual. El libro describe una filosofía no dual del perdón e incluye lecciones prácticas para perdonar en nuestra vida cotidiana. La introducción al libro contiene el siguiente sumario: Nada real puede ser amenazado, nada irreal existe. En esto radica la paz de Dios[1]

No se menciona autor del libro. Admiten que una voz interior se identificó como Jesús.[2][3]

En 1992 se publica la versión más reciente. Schucman eligió a la Fundación para la Paz Interior (FPI) para este propósito. Dicha versión contiene: prefacio, el texto, las prácticas, manual del maestro (que incluye clarificación de términos), y dos suplementos.

Kenneth Wapnick and Foundation for A Course in Miracles (FACIM) were awarded the copyright to this edition after the original copyright was overturned.

Esta versión editada pronto consiguió el copyright debido a que este se deriva del manuscrito original de Wapnick.

La Fundación para la Paz Interior ha reportado que se han publicado dos millones de volúmenes de UCDM en todo el mundo desde que salió a la venta en 1976.

Ha sido traducido a 19 idiomas distintos y se sigue traduciendo a 8 idiomas más.[4][5]

La Sociedad para Un Curso de Milagros ha publicado una edición online. Los transcriptores (William Thetford y Helen Schucman) quitaron parte del material de los primeros capítulos porque creyeron que trataban cuestiones personales, no del Curso.[6][7]


Overview of origins[editar]

UCDM fue escrito colaborativamente por Schucman y Thetford. Al principio, la voz los describió como escribas.[2]


Kenneth Wapnick

Schucman tuvo problemas personales y vaciló después de escuchar la voz. Bill Thetford, su supervisor del trabajo y amigo, contactó con Hugh Lynn Cayce (hijo del célebre psicólogo Edgar Cayce) en su Association for Research and Enlightenment en Virginia Beach, Virginia para buscar su consejo.

Shucman later met with Cayce before she began to record the Course.

Kenneth Wapnick era un psicólogo clínico que dirigía un colegio para menores perturbados y sirvió de psicólogo jefe en el Harlem Valley State Hospital desde 1967 hasta 1972. En 1972, Wapnick abandonó su fe judía y se convirtió al catolicismo para convertirse en un monje.[8]​.

Fr. Benedict Groeschel fue un sacerdote doctorado en psicología y miembro de Order of Friars Minor Capuchin que estudió bajo Thetford y trabajó con Schuman.

Groeschel arranged an introduction of Wapnick to Schucman and Thetford in November 1972. Groeschel was given a copy of the ACIM manuscript in 1973, and testified that he was instructed by Schucman not to distribute the manuscript; however, with Schucman's permission, he made it available to Wapnick. [9]

Wapnick supervisó el borrador y discutió con Schucman las revisiones necesarias para la versión que se iba a publicar. Los siguientes treinta meses, Wapnick y Schucman editaron el manuscrito para eliminar partes personales, ajustar la estructura y puntuación. [10]​ This editing process was completed by approximately February 1975. Wapnick subsequently became a teacher of the Course, co-founder and president of the Foundation for A Course in Miracles (FACIM), and a director and executive committee member of the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP).


Yellow Criswell Version
Judith Skutch Whitson, founder of the Foundation for Inner Peace (FIP)

La Fundación For Inner Peace (FIP), originariamente llamada la Foundation for Para-Sensory Investigations, Inc. (FPI)., fue fundada en octubre de 1971 por Robert Skutch y Judith Whitson, quienes se casaron y dirigieron la fundación.

Robert Skutch was a businessman and writer, who for many years had been a writer of television plays and advertising copy. Judith Skutch Whitson was a teacher and lecturer at New York University on the science of the study of consciousness and parapsychology. On May 29, 1975, Douglas Dean, a physicist engineer, introduced Schucman, Thetford, and Wapnick to Judith Skutch Whitson. Soon thereafter, they introduced her to the Course and the four of them met regularly to study, discuss, and share their common enthusiasm for it. At some point in 1975, Schucman appears to have authorized Skutch Whitson and Ken Wapnick to initiate the process of copyrighting ACIM and to assume responsibility themselves for the resulting copyright.

In mid-July 1975, Skutch Whitson met briefly with her doctoral adviser, Eleanor Criswell, who had a small printing company called Freeperson's Press. Criswell advised Skutch Whitson that she would be willing to assist in having the manuscript published and took responsibility for the manuscript pages, and in August 1975, they were taken to a Kopy Kat copy center in Berkeley, to be reproduced. In August 1975, Skutch Whitson organized a reception at 2000 Broadway, San Francisco, where Schucman and Thetford were introduced to a number of people. During this time period, a number of copies were distributed—hundreds according to Skutch Whitson and Skutch. The first edition of 100 copies of the Criswell edition was bound with a yellow cover and a copyright notice. Robert Skutch filed the copyright for ACIM for FIP on November 24, 1975, swearing to a date of first publication as October 6, 1975, in the form of the Freeperson Press edition. Zelda Suplee, director of the Erickson Educational Foundation,[11]​ a friend of Skutch Whitson, was given a copy of the uncopyrighted manuscript by Skutch Whitson prior to the publication of the Criswell edition. In 1976, Reed Erickson, a wealthy transsexual philanthropist,[12]​ received a copy of the manuscript, which he used as a basis for study by a group in Mexico. Erickson was the primary financial backer of the first hard-bound edition of the Course, donating $440,000 for this printing.[13]​ Later that year the FIP began to publish the Course in a set of three hardcover volumes. Five years later, in 1981, Schucman died of complications related to pancreatic cancer.

In 1983, control of the copyright was transferred to the FACIM as headed by Wapnick.

In 1985, the FIP began publishing the three volumes in a more manageable, single soft-cover volume, but without any editorial content changes.

In 1992, the FIP published a second hardcover edition, which contained some editorial content additions and minor changes. Amongst these changes were the addition of a verse-numbering system. It was Schucman's desire that a non-profit foundation publish the work.

In 1995, FIP entered a five-year printing and distribution agreement, which expired in December 2000, with Penguin Books for $2.5 million. Currently some copies of some of the earlier draft versions of the book (which may or may not be complete, unadulterated or legal) are available both online and through private publishers.

Copyright litigation[editar]

Original logo of FIP, later adopted by the FACIM

Beginning in June, 1996, and ending in April, 2004, a copyright lawsuit initiated by Penguin Books and FIP was brought against the Church of the Full Endeavor for their unlimited independent publication of substantial portions of A Course in Miracles. It was found that the contents of the FIP first edition, published from 1976 through 1992, are in the public domain. However, copyright in all of the changes introduced in the Second Edition remains intact, as does the copyright for the Text Preface, "Clarification of Terms" found at the end of the Manual for Teachers, and the two supplementary pamphlets, Psychotherapy and Song of Prayer, as well as Schucman's poetry, The Gifts of God. The Urtext manuscript of A Course in Miracles, which has been widely published on the internet, was obtained deceptively under false pretenses.[14]​ This material is under separate copyright[15]​ and all duplications and versions of this copy are in violation of its copyright protection.

Post litigation editions[editar]

Since the release of the original copyright, which previously protected substantial portions of the earlier Schucman-ACIM material, various individuals, groups, and group members have worked to study and publish various versions and interpretations of this earlier material. Most notable are the Course in Miracles Society (CIMS), headed by Tom Whitmore, and various initiatives by members of Endeavor Academy, which was founded by the late Charles Buell Anderson.


Since it first became available for sale in 1976, over 2 million copies of A Course in Miracles have been sold worldwide and the text has been translated into sixteen different languages. A Course In Miracles (ACIM) is widely distributed globally, forming the basis of a range of organised groups.[16]​ The teachings of A Course in Miracles have been supported by commentators and authors such as Eckhart Tolle.[17]​ However, due to ACIM's claims to "clarify" or even supersede[18]​ some of the teachings of orthodox Christianity, the book has been judged negatively by some Christians.

Although a friend of Schucman, Thetford, and Wapnik, Benedict J. Groeschel has since criticized ACIM and the related organizations. Finding some elements of the Course to be what he called, "severe and potentially dangerous distortions of Christian theology", he wrote that the Course is “a good example of a false revelation”[19]​ and that “it has . . . become a spiritual menace to many.”[20]

Other Christian authors, such as evangelical Bob Larson, have similarly criticized A Course In Miracles, saying it contradicts basic tenets of Christianity, twisting its core teachings and "deceiving people who are sincerely looking for God." Larson also criticizes ACIM popularizer Marianne Williamson personally, saying that her work on behalf of ACIM denies "essential qualities of faith" such as guilt and forgiveness, and necessitates the Biblically forbidden practice of transpossession mediumship.[21]

Evangelical editor Elliot Miller says that Christian terminology employed in ACIM is "thoroughly redefined" to resemble New Age teachings. Other Christian critics say ACIM is "intensely anti-Biblical" and incompatible with Christianity, blurring the distinction between creator and created and forcefully supporting the occult and New Age world view.[22]

Theologian Anton van Harskamp notes that the metaphysics of A Course in Miracles is inconsistent with that of Christianity in that its “story of creation is totally different from the Christian one.” Accordingly to van Harskamp, in looking at "the suffering in the world, 'the Course' says that this world cannot be created by a God.” In the Christian conception “creation is good” “but at the same time it is impossible to say this about everything that exists.”[23]

Skeptic Robert T. Carroll criticizes ACIM as "a minor industry" that is overly commercialized and characterizes it as "Christianity improved", saying its teachings are not original and suggesting they are culled from "various sources, east and west".[24]

Despite the high level of criticism that ACIM has received from many Christian theologians and authors, other theologians, both Catholics and Protestants, including Evangelicals, have given ACIM high marks and "glowing endorsements".[25]​ In summary, ACIM's reception among Christian theologians has been quite mixed and has been by no means uniform or monolithic. This anticipated "conflict" is even referred to in the Course's Introduction to Clarification of Terms. "They must, however, be willing to overlook controversy, recognizing that it is a defense against truth in the form of a delaying maneuver. Theological considerations as such are necessarily controversial, since they depend on belief and can therefore be accepted or rejected. A universal theology is impossible, but a universal experience is not only possible but necessary. It is this experience toward which the course is directed."


  1. Foundation for Inner Peace. (1996). A Course In Miracles. Foundation for Inner Peace. p. 1, Text. ISBN 0-9606388-8-1. 
  2. a b «About the Scribes». Foundation for Inner Peace. Consultado el 29 de abril de 2007. 
  3. Foundation for Inner Peace. (1992). A Course In Miracles. Foundation for Inner Peace. pp. vii-viii. ISBN 0-9606388-9-X. 
  4. «ACIM Volumes Published». Foundation for Inner Peace. Consultado el 28 de septiembre de 2009. 
  5. «ACIM Translation Program». Foundation for Inner Peace. Consultado el 1 de enero de 2009. 
  7. «A Course in Miracles». Course in Miracles Society. 2011. Consultado el 16 November 2011. 
  8. «Introduction to Forgiveness and Jesus». Ken Wapnick Web Site. Consultado el 21 de febrero de 2011. 
  9. Sweet, Robert W. «Opinion of Judge ROBERT W. SWEET, PENGUIN BOOKS U.S.A., INC., FOUNDATION FOR "A COURSE IN MIRACLES, INC.", and FOUNDATION FOR INNER PEACE, INC., Plaintiffs». Patent dispute, 96 Civ. 4126 (RWS) October 2003. U.S. District Court Southern District of New York. Consultado el 12 August 2011. «Father Benedict Groeschel ("Groeschel") is a former [sic] priest, then a member of a Franciscan order, who had a doctorate in psychology, had studied under Thetford, had worked with Schucman at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center Psychiatric Institute, and had an established interest in the relationship between mysticism or spirituality and psychology. He was given a copy of the Work in 1973. Groeschel testified that he was instructed by Schucman not to distribute the manuscript but with Schucman's permission, he made it available to Dr. Kenneth Wapnick "Wapnick"). It was apparent to Groeschel that Schucman and Thetford did not desire that the manuscript be widely disseminated. He complied with their instructions not to give the manuscript to anyone else.» 
  10. «The Story of A Course In Miracles = Documentary where Bill Thetford, Helen Schucman, and Ken Wapnick talk about A Course In Miracles». Consultado el 21 de febrero de 2011. 
  11. Devor, Aaron H., Ph.D.. «Reed Erickson (1912–1992): How One Transsexed Man Supported ONE.» (PDF). Univerisy of Victoria, BCA. Consultado el 4 de julio de 2006. 
  12. Devor, Aaron H., Ph.D.. «Reed Erickson and The Erickson Educational Foundation». University of Victoria, BCA. Consultado el 4 de julio de 2006. 
  13. U.S. District Court Southern District Of New York (24 de octubre de 2003). «Opinion, Case: Civil 4126 (RWS) ruling (#03-08697) dismissing complaint and granting judgment» (PDF). Consultado el 6 de julio de 2006. 
  14. Jesseph, Ph.D, Joe R. "A Short History of the Editing and Publishing of A Course in Miracles", Retrieved 2009-10-22
  15. Wapnick, Kenneth (1991). Absence From Felicity: The Story of Helen Schucman and Her Scribing of A Course in Miracles. Foundation for Inner Peace, p. 13, footnote 3. ISBN 0-933291-08-6 (pbk.)
  16. Bradby, Ruth, "A course in miracles in Ireland". 147 - 162 in Olivia Cosgrove et al. (eds), Ireland's new religious movements. Cambridge Scholars, 2011
  17. «Ripples on the Surface of Being». EnlightenNext magazine. Consultado el 21 de febrero de 2011. 
  18. A Course In Miracles (2007) Text: Chapter 6.Part I:Par. 15 , FIP Edition, ISBN 9781883360252
  19. Groeschel, Benedict J., A Still Small Voice (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993) 80
  20. Groeschel, Benedict J., A Still Small Voice (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1993) 82
  21. Larson, Bob (2004). Larson's Book of World Religions and Alternative Spirituality. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. ISBN 978-0-8423-6417-1. 
  22. Newport, John P. (1998). The New Age movement and the biblical worldview: conflict and dialogue. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8028-4430-9. 
  23. «A modern Miracle: Critical comment on the Course in Miracles». Consultado el 18 de marzo de 2011. 
  24. Carroll, Robert Todd (2003). The skeptic's dictionary: a collection of strange beliefs, amusing deceptions, and dangerous delusions. John Wiley and Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-27242-7. 
  25. «ACIM: Christian Glossed Hinduism for the Masses.». 2011. Consultado el 4 de abril de 2011.  The Christian Research Institute describing the reaction of some Christian theologians to ACIM.


  • Foundation for Inner Peace (1996). A Course in Miracles (2d ed., newly rev.). New York: Viking Penguin. ISBN 0-670-86975-9.
  • Foundation for Inner Peace (1992). Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice (2d. ed.). Glen Ellen CA: Foundation for Inner Peace. ISBN 0-9606388-6-5.
  • Foundation for Inner Peace (1992). The Song of Prayer: Prayer, Forgiveness, Healing (2d. ed.). Glen Ellen CA: Foundation for Inner Peace. ISBN 0-9606388-4-9.
  • Miller, D. Patrick (2008). Understanding A Course in Miracles: The History, Message, and Legacy of a Spiritual Path for Today. Berkeley: Celestial Arts/Random House. ISBN 978-1-58761-312-8. A journalistic overview of the history, major principles, criticism, and cultural effects of ACIM.
  • Skutch, Robert (1996). Journey Without Distance: The Story Behind A Course in Miracles. Mill Valley: Foundation for Inner Peace. ISBN 1-883360-02-1. Discusses the pre-publication history of ACIM.
  • Vahle, Neal (2009). A Course in Miracles: The Lives of Helen Schucman and William Thetford. San Francisco: Open View Press. ISBN 978-1-61623-788-2. This book shows how Schucman and Thetford were affected by the teaching in ACIM.
  • Wapnick, Kenneth (1999). Absence from Felicity: The Story of Helen Schucman and Her Scribing of A Course in Miracles (2d ed.). New York: Foundation for A Course in Miracles. ISBN 0-933291-08-6. Discusses Helen Schucman and the pre-publication history of ACIM.
  • Schucman, Helen (1989). The Gifts of God. Berkeley: Celestial Arts. ISBN 0-89087-585-5.  (contiene 114 poemas that share the spiritual content of the Course as well as the prose poem "The Gifts of God," which summarizes the teachings of the Course)
  • Williamson, Marianne (1996). A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-092748-8. Widely-read adaptation of ACIM principles.
  • U.S. District Court Southern District Of New York (24 de octubre de 2003). «Opinion, Case: Civil 4126 (RWS) ruling (#03-08697) dismissing complaint and granting judgment» (PDF). Consultado el 6 de julio de 2006. 
  • U.S. District Court Southern District Of New York (21 de julio de 2000). «Opinion, Case: Civil 4126 (RWS) ruling (#00-07413) summary judgment denied» (PDF). Consultado el 6 de julio de 2006. 
  • U.S. District Court Southern District Of New York (7 de mayo de 2003). «Opinion, Case: Civil 4126 (RWS) ruling (#03-04125) motion to admit evidence» (PDF). Consultado el 6 de julio de 2006. 

External links[editar]