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Usuario:Gabo CV/Taller

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Robert L. Jaffe (nacido 23 Mayo,1946)[1]​ es un físico americano y Jane and Otto Morningstar Professor de Física en el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Fue director anteriormente del MIT Center for Theoretical Physics.



Jaffe nació en Bath, Maine, EUA, en 1946 y estudió en escuelas públicas en Stamford, Connecticut. Recibió el título A.B. en Física, summa cum laude, por Princeton University donde fue el más sobresaliente de la clase en1968. Obtuvo el título de M.S. y Ph.D. por Stanford University en 1971 y 1972, respectivamente. En Stanford, fundó los talleres de Stanford sobre problemas políticos y sociales.

En 1972, Jaffe fue al MIT para una investigación de postdoctorado asociado con el centro de la Física Teórica; se unió a la facultad en 1974. De 1975 a 1979, fue miembro de Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Research. Jaffe has spent sabbatical years at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (1976), Oxford University and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) (1978–79), Boston University (1986–87), and at Harvard University (1996–97). He has served on the program advisory committees of several national laboratories including the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and Brookhaven National Laboratory. For a decade he chaired the advisory council of the physics department of Princeton University. Since 1996, Jaffe has been an advisor to and Visiting Scientist at the RIKEN-Brookhaven Research Center. He spent the fall term of 1997 on leave from MIT at the RIKEN-Brookhaven Center.

From February 1998 to July 2005, Jaffe was the Director of the Center for Theoretical Physics at MIT. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has been awarded the Science Council Prize for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduates (1983), the Graduate Student Council Teaching Award (1988), and the physics department's Buechner Teaching Prize (1997). In January 1998, Jaffe was named a Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow in recognition of his contributions to MIT's teaching program. In 2001 he was named the Otto and Jane Morningstar Professor in the School of Science at MIT.[2]


  1. «Robert L. Jaffe CV». 
  2. «ROBERT L. JAFFE, Jane and Otto Morningstar Professor of Physics». MIT Faculty and Staff. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Consultado el 17 de agosto de 2014. 