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Historical Events and Figures of Ecuador[editar]

Ecuador may be smaller than its neighbors in  South America, but it has a long and rich history dating back to  the pre-Inca Empire. Kito is an important city for the Incas, and the people of Kito bravely protected their hometown from the Spanish invaders. Since the conquest, Ecuador has been home to many celebrities, from the independent heroine  Manuela Sentz to the Catholic enthusiast Gabriel Garcia Moreno. Check out some history from the middle of the world!

Atahualpa, Last King of the Inca[editar]

In 1532, Atahualpa defeated his brother Huascar in a bloody civil war that left the mighty Inca Empire in ruins. Atahualpa had three mighty armies commanded by skilled generals, the support of the northern half of the Empire, and the key city of Cuzco had just fallen. As Atahualpa basked in his victory and planned how to rule his Empire, he was unaware that a far greater threat than Huascar was approaching from the west: Francisco Pizarro and 160 ruthless, greedy Spanish conquistadors.

The Inca Civil War[editar]

Between 1525 and 1527, the ruler Inkawainaka Pak died. Some attribute it to smallpox brought in by  European invaders. Two of his many sons began fighting for the empire. In the south, Huáscar ruled the capital Cusco and had the loyalty of most  people. In the north, Atahualpa ruled the city of Quito and had the loyalty of three formidable troops led by an experienced general. The war intensified from 1527 to 1532, from which Atahualpa won. However, his reign was short-lived as the Spanish conqueror Francisco Pizarro and his ruthless army  soon destroyed the mighty empire.

Diego de Almagro, Conquistador of the Inca[editar]

When asked about the Inca conquest, the names Francisco Pizarro appear one after another. However, Pizarro did not accomplish this feat alone. Diego de Almagro's name is relatively unknown, but he was a very important figure in the conquest, especially in the battle of Quito. He later experienced a dropout with Pissarro, causing a bloody civil war among the victorious conquerors, almost returning the Andes  to the Incas.

Manuela Saenz, Heroine of Independence[editar]

Manuela Saenz was a beautiful woman from an aristocratic Quito family. She married well, moved to Lima and hosted fancy balls and parties. She seemed destined to be one of many typical wealthy young ladies, but deep within her burned the heart of a revolutionary. When South America began throwing off the shackles of Spanish rule, she joined the fight, eventually rising to the position of colonel in a cavalry brigade. She also became the lover of the Liberator, Simon Bolivar, and saved his life on at least one occasion. Her romantic life became the subject of the popular Ecuadorian opera Manuela y Bolívar.

The Battle of Pichincha[editar]

On May 24, 1822, the royalist forces fighting under Melchor Aymerich and the revolutionaries fighting under General Antonio José de Sucre fought on the muddy slopes of the Pichincha volcano, in sight. of the city of Quito. Sucre's resounding victory at the Battle of Pichincha permanently freed present-day Ecuador from the Spanish and cemented his reputation as one of the most accomplished revolutionary generals.

Gabriel Garcia Moreno, Ecuador's Catholic Crusader[editar]

Gabriel Garcia Moreno served as president of Ecuador twice, from 1860 to 1865 and again from 1869 to 1875. In the alternating years, he effectively ruled puppet presidents. A devout Catholic, Garcia Moreno believes that Ecuador's fate is tied to that of the Catholic Church, and he has cultivated too close a relationship with Rome, according to many. Garcia Moreno was in charge of the church's education and provided public funds for Rome. He even asked the National Assembly to officially dedicate the Republic of Ecuador to the "Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ". Despite his remarkable achievements, many Ecuadorians despised him, and when he refused to leave in 1875, at the end of his term, he was murdered in the streets of Quito.

The Raul Reyes Incident[editar]

In March of 2008, Colombian safety forces crossed the border into Ecuador, in which they raided a mystery base of the FARC, Colombia`s armed leftist riot group. The raid became a success: over 25 rebels had been killed, consisting of Raul Reyes, a high-rating officer of the FARC. The raid induced an worldwide incident, however, as Ecuador and Venezuela protested the cross-border raid, which became achieved with out Ecuador`s permission.


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