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The Region of Murcia was created in the territorial reorganization of 1833, heir to the former Kingdom of Murcia and of the department of Río Segura (defined during the reign of José Bonaparte and which never entered into force). It was formed by the province of Albacete (which arose from adding areas of Cuenca, La Mancha and the Kingdom of Murcia) and the province of Murcia.

Like the rest of the regions defined in said territorial division, it lacked any administrative competence except the judicial one —the regional court was in Albacete—, and the university after the creation of the University of Murcia in 1915, both provinces being in the same regional university district..jpg

Until 1949, most of the province of Albacete belonged to the diocese of Cartagena, giving rise to the diocese of Albacete.

In October 1978, the pre-autonomy of the province of Murcia was approved exclusively, while the Province of Albacete was integrated into the pre-autonomous regime of Castilla-La Mancha. After the approval of the Constitution of 1978, which brought with it the creation of the autonomous communities, the pre-autonomous scheme was maintained, approving the statutes of autonomy of the Region of Murcia uniprovincial and that of Castilla-La Mancha with Albacete in 1982.