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El bombardeo de Shimonoseki fue una serie de combates poco conocidos que ocurrieron entre 1863 a 1864 y en los que participaron las fuerzas navales de Gran Bretaña, los Países Bajos, Francia y los Estados Unidos en contra del poderoso feudal de la guerra japonés o daimyō, Mori Takachika del clan Chōshū. El combate se concentro en la ciudad de Shimonoseki, Japón.

Antecedentes al conflicto


Desde que el Comodor Matthew Perry de EE.UU. Marina navegó por la baia de Edo (Tokio) el 8 de julio ,1853 con su amenazakurofune, black ships, terminaron dos siglos de aislamiento autoimpuesto y (Sakoku) exigiò que el Japón abriera el comercio con el Oeste. En Marzo 31, 1854 Japón firmó el Tratado de Kanagawa con los EE.UU. y más tarde con otras grandes potencias europeas; esto, le permite de imponer una serie de derechos y poderes exorbitantes, que muchos intelectuales japoneses consideraran ampliamente como desigual.

Sin embargo, a pesar de los esfuerzos de apaciguamiento por la shogunato Tokugawa para establecer un clima pacìfico y de solidaridad, muchos feudales "daimyos permanecieron amargamente resentidos de la polìtica shoguna de puertas abiertas a la West.

Belligerent opposition to Western influence erupted into open conflict when the Shimonoseki-based Chōshū clan, under Lord Mori Takachika, began a private war to expel all foreigners. Openly defying the shogunate, Takachika orders his forces to fire without warning on all foreign ships traversing Shimonoseki Strait. This strategic but treacherous 112-meter waterway separates the islands of Honshū and Kyūshū and provides a passage connecting the Inland Sea with the Sea of Japan.

Even before tensions escalated in Shimonoseki Strait, foreign diplomats and military experts, notably U.S. Foreign Minister to Japan Robert Pruyn and Captain David McDougal of the U.S. Navy, were aware of the precarious state of affairs in Japan. A letter to the Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles dated June 12, 1863 written by McDougal stated, "General opinion is that the government (of Japan) is on the eve of revolution, the principal object of which is the expulsion of foreigners.".

"Revere the Emperor and Expel the Barbarians!"


The first attack occurred on June 25, 1863. The U.S. merchant steamer Pembroke, under Captain Simon Cooper, was riding anchor outside Shimonoseki Strait, when intercepted and unsuspectingly and fired upon by two European-built warships belonging to the rebel forces. The crew of one enemy vessel taunted the frantic American seamen with the loud and unnerving cry, "Revere the Emperor and drive out the barbarians!" ("尊皇攘夷", pronounced "Sonnō Jōi"). Under incessant cannon fire, Pembroke managed to get underway, and escaped through the adjacent Bungo Strait, miraculously with only slight damage and no casualties. Upon arrival in Shanghai, Cooper filed a report of the attack and dispatched it to the U.S. Consulate in Yokohama, Japan.

Next day, June 26, the French naval dispatch steamer Kienchang was also riding anchor outside the strait, when rebel Japanese artillery atop the bluffs surrounding Shimonoseki opened fire on her. Damaged in several places, the French vessel was lucky to get away with but one wounded sailor.

On July 11, despite warnings from the crew of the Kienchang, whom they had rendezvoused with earlier, the 16-gun Dutch warship Medusa cruised into Shimonoseki Strait. Her skipper, Captain François de Casembroot was convinced that Lord Mori would not dare fire on his vessel, due to the strength of his ship and longstanding relations between the Netherlands and Japan. But Takachika did just that, pounding Medusa with more than thirty shells and inflicting nine killed or wounded seamen. De Casembroot returned fire and ran the rebel gauntlet at full speed, fearful of endangering the life of the Dutch Consul General, who was on board Medusa that time.

Within a short time, the Japanese warlord had managed to fire on most of the foreign flags of those nations with consulates in Japan.

Despite retaliatory action from the treaty powers, another attack occurred in July, 1864, when the rebel forces fired upon the U.S. steamer Monitor after she entered a harbor for coal and water. This provoked further outrage, even after a British squadron was returning to Yokohama after delivering a multi-national ultimatum to Takachika, threatening military force if the strait was not opened.

The First Battles


The coastal waters off Shimonoseki were no stranger to bloodshed. At the watershed naval Battle of Dan-no-ura on April 25,1185, a major engagement in the Genpei War which was fought in the strait, a fleet belonging to Minamoto Yoshitsune of the Genji clan wiped out the navy of rival Heike warlord Taira Kiyomori.

The French engagement at Shimonoseki, with the warships the Tancrède and the Dupleix, under Captain Benjamin Jaurès. "Le Monde Illustré", October 10th, 1863.

In the morning of July 16, 1863, under sanction by Minister Pruyn, in an apparent swift response to the attack on the Pembroke, the U.S. frigate USS Wyoming under Captain McDougal himself sailed into the strait and single-handedly engaged the European-built but poorly manned rebel fleet. For almost two hours before withdrawing, McDougal sank one enemy vessel and severely damaged the other two, along with some forty Japanese casualties, while the Wyoming suffered extensive damage with fourteen crew dead or wounded.

On the heels of McDougal's engagement, two weeks later a French landing force of two warships, the Tancrède and the Dupleix, and 250 men under Captain Benjamin Jaurès swept into Shimonoseki and destroyed a small town, together with at least one artillery emplacement.

On August 14, 1863, a British naval squadron led by Vice Admiral Sir Augustus Kuper mimicked the French attack, sweeping into territory of the Satsuma clan in the Bombardment of Kagoshima, leaving behind the burning town of Kagoshima and three sunken enemy steamers in its wake, at a cost of sixty-three British killed.

Diplomatic row

French Navy troops taking posession of Japanese cannons at Shimonoseki.

Meanwhile, the Americans, French, British and Dutch feverishly opened diplomatic channels in an effort to negotiate the reopening of the passage to the Inland Sea. Months dragged by with no end in sight to the delicately growing dilemma.

By May 1864, various bellicose Japanese factions had destroyed thousands of dollars in foreign property, including homes, churches and shipping. This wanton destruction included the U.S. Legation in Tokyo, which housed Minister Pruyn.

Throughout the first half of 1864, as Shimonoseki Strait remained closed to foreign shipping, threats and rumors of war hung in the air, while unsuccessful diplomatic maneuvering remained deadlocked. Then the British Minister to Japan Sir Rutherford Alcock discussed with his treaty counterparts, the feasibility of a joint military strike against Takachika and were soon making preparations for the combined movement. Under the wary eyes of the Japanese, fifteen British warships rode anchor alongside four Dutch vessels, while a British regiment from Hong Kong augmented their display of military might. The French maintained a minimal naval presence, with the bulk of their forces in México trying to bolster Maximilian's unstable regime.

In the meantime, the insurgent prince procrastinated with all peace negotiations by requesting additional time to respond to the allied demands; a course of action unacceptable to the treaty powers. The allies decided that the time for unified action had arrived.

Final Engagement and Outcome

The British naval brigade and marines storm the stockade at Shimonoseki (Illustrated London News, December 1864)

On August 17, 1864, a squadron consisting of nine British, five Dutch and 3 French warships (among them the Dupleix) together with 2,000 soldiers steamed out of Yokohama to open Shimonoseki Strait. The U.S. chartered steamer, the Takiang accompanied the operation, in a token show of support. The two-day battle that followed on September 5 and 6 did what the previous operations could not: it destroyed the Prince of Nagato's ability to wage war.

Unable to match the firepower of the international fleet, and amid mounting casualties, the rebel Chōshū forces finally surrendered two days later on September 8, 1864. Allied casualties included seventy-two killed or wounded and two severely damaged British ships. The stringent accord drawn up in the wake of the ceasefire, and negotiated by U.S. Minister Pruyn, included an indemnity of $3,000,000 from the Japanese.

A full and interesting account is contained in Sir Ernest Satow's A Diplomat in Japan. Satow was present as a young interpreter for the British admiral, Sir Augustus Kuper on the British flagship HMS Euryalus. It was also the action at which Duncan Gordon Boyes won his Victoria Cross at the age of seventeen. Satow described Boyes as receiving the award "for conduct very plucky in one so young." Another VC winner at Shimonoseki was Thomas Pride, and the third was the first American to win the medal, William Seeley. De Casembroot wrote his account of the events in De Medusa in de wateren van Japan, in 1863 en 1864.

In 1883, twenty years after the first battle to reopen the strait, the United States quietly returned $750,000 to Japan, which represented its share of the reparation payment extracted under the rain of multi-national shells.

Several life-size replicas of the guns used by Chōshū (probably the same as the ones in the image above) are now to be found at Shimonoseki in the spot where they were captured. They were put there by the Shimonoseki city government in 2004, in recognition of the importance of the bombardment in Japanese history. (The replicas are made of hollow steel and include coin-operated sound effects and smoke from the barrels.)

Historical Significance


With dire resemblance to the series of little conflicts fought by the Western powers in Asia, Africa and elsewhere during the Nineteenth Century, the troubles in Japan then seemed to exemplify their typical gunboat diplomacy, a prevalent tool in imperialism. Bitter resentment against foreign influence, coupled with defiance against their own government, made it justifiable for the Chōshū clan to engage in acts of foolish attrition, but also made it compelling for the U.S. and its European allies to use military force in upholding the treaty with Japan. Later, the same nationalistic anger directed against foreigners, as then demonstrated by the Japanese, would again flare up in the Chinese Boxer Rebellion.

For the U.S., while July, 1863 was a momentous month for Northern arms at Gettysburg and Vicksburg, it was bitterly embroiled in the Civil War, and the world was carefully watching President Abraham Lincoln's government for signs of weakness and indecision. While the actions of USS Wyoming made it the first foreign warship to offensively uphold treaty rights with Japan, the fact coupled with the possibility that events threatened to mire the U.S. in a foreign war made the battle of Shimonoseki, a significant engagement.

While the battles of Shimonoseki Strait were almost mere footnotes to the histories of the European powers, an interesting aspect to the affair was the resourcefulness in Japanese culture, something another generation of Westerners, eighty years later would come to appreciate. The feudal Japanese did not set eyes on a steam-powered ship until Commodore Perry's arrival, and a decade before USS Wyoming's battle. Yet they learned the ways of the West rapidly within that brief time span, purchasing foreign vessels and arming them with foreign weaponry. The quality and abundance of these armaments in 1860s Japan shocked the world.

See also


See also


Bombardeo de Shimonoseki