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Laura Viviana Lopez


This article is about the an influencer and podcaster Laura Viviana Lopez.

Early age


Laura was born on December 19 1991, in Caracas, Venezuela, to artist Doris Fuentes and Walter Lopez. Her father is Venezuelan business man; her mother was a well studied plastic artist. Laura, whose name was inspired by the Italian singer Laura Pausini , has two younger siblings. She attended Ronald Reagan High School, in Florida, United States. At age six, she started showing sign of independency and entrepreneur characteristics by helping her father in their family business. She grew grew around business and arts, obtaining the creativity skills from her mother, and the hunger of business from her father. Painting and making sculptures was very common in the house. At age 8, Laura joined a tennis club were she started to play as a hobby but was later replaced by the curiosity on camara's and social media. At the age of 13, the family moved to Florida where Laura and her brothers spent their teenage years.

Laura first attended to Kendall K8 Center school in Miami dade county. That is where her adaptation period began. Learning a new language and making new friends in a new town was certainly not easy for a young child. At Kendall K8 center she decided to distract herself by takin classes such as cooking classes, arts, photography classes. This made her adaptation process to be easier and faster. She later studied in Miami Killian High School, where she continue to develop her artistic traits by continuing with photography classes and painting courses.



Laura studied primary in Caracas, Venezuela. She then moved to Florida and started high school in Miami. In her last high school year she decided to dedicate her life to businesses and starts a Bachelor in Accounting. She obtained a Bachelor in Accounting in the university Santa Maria. Shortly after graduated she moved to Antwerp, Belgium, where she decided to study a second bachelor. She then enrolled at Karel De Grote Hogeschool in 2019. Three years later she obtained a bachelor in International Business Management with recognition Magnu Cum Lauder.



During her bachelor she already started her career in social media. The main platforms where she focussed on we’re Instagram and YouTube. Laura had the opportunity to do her internship in a big recognised logistic business, where she later obtained a job as a finance accountant. She now continues on working with social media and is developing her career in Finance.



Laura is currently working on multiple projects as she develops her finance career. Her most recent project are the podcast title “Tipo Tranqui El Podcast” where she has casual conversation with her friend. She has an other podcast in English called “Randomness” Where she has discussions about different topics with a friend. Laura continues to work on her YouTube channel and Instagram account where she creates lifestyle , fashion and beauty content.