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Ayşe Feride Acar


Prof. Ayşe Feride Acar ( Bursa, Turkey; 14th January 1948) is a turkish political science professor and human rights adviser. She has been a faculty member in the Department of Political Science and Public Administration of Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Turkey. She has also taught in METU's Gender and Women's Studies Graduate Program, of which she is the Founding Chairperson.



Prof. Acar has been active in the international women's human rights and gender equality arena, either as an independent expert or representing Turkey in global and regional events. She has taken part in the negotiations, drafting and/or monitoring the implementation of several fundamental international instruments on women's rights and gender equality (CEDAW, Beijing Platform for Action, CEDAW Optional Protocol, Istanbul Convention). She has organized and carried out 'trainings' on women's rights and gender equality in many countries.

She is a former Chairperson and current member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

She has participated as researcher or coordinator in several nationally and internationally sponsored cross-cultural research and implementation projects, given numerous lectures, and published works on international standards of women's rights and gender equality, including on the links between CEDAW and the Istanbul Convention.[1]

Professional activity:


1. UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

o Start date: 2010

o Name and address of employer: High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva

o Sector of activity: International Organization

o Occupation or position held: Member of the CEDAW Committee (Independent Expert)

o Main activities and responsibilities: Reviewing state reports; writing Concluding Observations; drafting General Recommendations; considering Individual Communications and Inquiry requests under the Optional Protocol [1]

2. EC7th Framework Project: Effective Gender Equality in Academia and Research (EGERA)

o Start date: 2014

o Name and address of employer: EC

o Sector of activity: Research- Implementation

o Occupation or position held: Project Director for the Turkish team [1]

Relevant previous professional activities


1. Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey

o Dates: 1976 - January 2015 (Retired: 14.1.2015)

o Name and address of employer: METU Dumlupınar Bulvarı No 1 Ankara

o Sector of activity: Higher Education

o Occupation or position held: Professor, Head of Department (2001-2007)

o Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching, research, academic administration [1]

2. Gender and Women Studies Graduate Program, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey

o Dates: 1994- January 2015

o Name and address of employer: METU Dumlupınar Bulvarı No 1 Ankara

o Sector of activity: Higher education

o Occupation or position held: Professor, Founding Chairperson (1994-2003)

o Main activities and responsibilities: Teaching, research, administration [1]

3. Ad Hoc Committee on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence (CAHVIO), Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France

o Dates: 2009-2010

o Name and address of employer: Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France

o Sector of activity: International Organization

o Occupation or position held: Turkish Representative to CAHVIO

o Main activities and responsibilities: Participating in the negotiations and drafting of the Istanbul Convention [1]

4. Task Force to Combat Violence against Women, including Domestic Violence, Council of Europe

o Dates: 2006-2008

o Name and address of employer: Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France

o Sector of activity: International Organization

o Occupation or position held: Expert Member

o Main activities and responsibilities: Evaluating the outcomes of the CE Campaign on Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence; contributing to the report of the Task Force [1]

5. UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)

o Start date: 1997-2005

o Name and address of employer: UN Headquarters, New York

o Sector of activity: International Organization

o Occupation or position held: Chairperson 2003-2005; Vice-Chairperson 2001-2003; Rapporteur 1999-2001; Member 1997-2005

o Main activities and responsibilities: Chairing CEDAW Committee meetings and the Bureau; reviewing state reports; writing Concluding Observations; drafting General Recommendations; considering Individual Communications and Inquiry requests under the Optional Protocol[1]

6. UN CSW Working Group on the Optional Protocol to CEDAW

o Start date: 1998-2000

o Name and address of employer: UN Headquarters, New York

o Sector of activity: International Organization

o Occupation or position held: Representative of the Turkish Government

o Main activities and responsibilities: Participation in the negotiations and drafting of the Optional Protocol to CEDAW[1]

7. Fourth UN World Conference on Women, Beijing

o Start date: 1995

o Name and address of employer: UN

o Sector of activity: International Organization

o Occupation or position held: Member of the Turkish Delegation

o Main activities and responsibilities: Participation in the negotiations and drafting of the Beijing Platform for Action[1]

Relevant additional responsibilities


1. Civic Training for the Conscripts (Mehmetçik)

o Dates: 2012-2013

o Name and address of organisation/body: UNDP and Turkish General Staff

o Sector of activity: Training

o Position held: Member of Scientific Committee; Expert responsible for `human rights of women`

o Main activities and responsibilities: Producing the main Training Manual; training the trainers[1]

2. Joint Program of Fostering an Enabling Environment for Gender Equality in Turkey

o Dates: 2012-2013

o Name and address of organization/body: UNDP and Turkish Parliament

o Sector of activity: Research, implementation

o Position held: Senior Expert and Member of Scientific Committee

o Main activities and responsibilities: Research and Capacity Building[1]

3. Quality in Gender and Equality Policies (QUING)

o Dates: 2006- 2011

o Name and address of organization/body: EC

o Sector of activity: Research

o Position held: Project Director for the Turkish Team

o Main activities and responsibilities: Coordination; research; outreach activities[1]

4. Supporting Turkey's Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking and Promote Access to Justice for All Trafficked Persons

o Dates: 2008-2009

o Name and address of organization/body: International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Turkish Ministry of Interior

o Sector of activity: Research

o Position held: Senior Researcher

o Main activities and responsibilities: Research; drafting of the report[1]

5. Human Rights Training of the Inspectors of the Turkish Ministry of Interior

o Dates: 2007-2009

o Name and address of organization/body: Danish Government and Turkish Ministry of Interior

o Sector of activity: Research, training

o Position held: Coordinator and Senior Researcher for gender

o Main activities and responsibilities: Project coordination; research supervision; producing report and manual; training of trainers[1]

6. UN Advisory Panel on Gender Mainstreaming at the UNDP

o Dates: 2004-2005

o Name and address of organization/body: UNDP, New York

o Sector of activity: International Organization

o Position held: Member

o Main activities and responsibilities: Evaluation of Gender Mainstreaming at the UNDP[1]



1. Phd

o Date: 1976

o Title of qualification awarded: Ph.D.

o Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Political Sociology

o Name and type of organization: Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa.,USA[1]

2. MA

o Date: 1973

o Title of qualification awarded: MA

o Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Sociology

o Name and type of organization: Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa., USA[1]

3. BS

o Dates: 1970

o Title of qualification awarded: BS

o Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Sociology

o Name and type of organization: Middle East Technical (METU), Ankara, Turkey University[1]



o Acar, F. & Popa, R. (forthcoming ) "Gender Equality Norms in Regional Treaty Making: The Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention)", Journal Européen des Droits de L'Homme/ European Journal of Human Rights (submitted for review).

o Acar, F. (2014) "CEDAW'dan İstanbul Sözleşmesi'ne: Kadınların İnsan Hakları ve Kadınlara Karşı Şiddete İlişkin Uluslararası Standartların Evrimi," (From CEDAW to the Istanbul Convention: International Standards on Women's Human Rights and Violence against Women) Kadına Yönelik Şiddet ve Ev İçi Şiddet, ( violence Against Women and Domestic Violence) F. Kaya, N. Özdemir, G. Uygur (eds.), Savaş Yayınevi, Ankara.

o Acar, F., Altunok G. (2013) "The 'Politics of Intimate' at the Intersection of Neo- Liberalism and Neo-Conservatism in Contemporary Turkey," Women's Studies International Form, vol. 41 (1) pp. 14-23.

o Acar, F., Arıner H.O., (2012) "Women's Human Rights and Gender Equality," Human Rights Handbook, Turkish Ministry of interior, Ankara.

o Acar, F., Altunok G., (2012) "Understanding Gender Equality Demands in Turkey: Foundations and Boundaries of Women's Movements in Gender and Society," Gender and Society in Turkey: The Impact of Neoliberal Policies, Political Islam and EU Accession, S. Dedeoğlu and A.Y. Elveren (eds.), IB Tauris, London

o Acar, F., Ertürk Y., (2011) "Kadınların İnsan Hakları: Uluslararası Standartlar, Kazanımlar, Sorunlar" (Women's Human Rights: International Standards, Advances, Problems), Birkaç Arpa Boyu: 21. Yüzyıla Girerken Türkiye'de Feminist Çalışmalar (Feminist Studies in Turkey in the 21 Century), S. Sancar (ed.), Koç Universitesi Yayınları, Istanbul. Middle (METU), Ankara, Turkey University East Technical

o Acar, F., (2010) "Kadınların İnsan Haklarında Ulusalüstü Standartlar ve Denetim: CEDAW Örneği Bağlamında Bazı Gözlemler" (Supranational Standards and Monitoring in Women's Human Rights: Some Observations in the Context of CEDAW), Türkiye'de Toplumsal Cinsiyet Çalışmaları (Gender Studies in Turkey), H. Durudoğan, F. Gökşen, B. E. Oder and D. Yükseker (eds.), Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 197-206

o Acar, F., (2010) "Türkiye'de Kadınların İnsan Hakları: Uluslararası Standartlar, Hukuk ve Sivil Toplum" (Women's Human Rights in Turkey: International Standards, Law and Civil Society), Kadın Hakları: Uluslararası Hukuk ve Uygulama (Women's Rights: International Law and Implementation), G. Ayata, S. Eryılmaz Dilek and B. E. Oder (eds.) Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 13-22

o Acar, F., (2007) "Thoughts on the Committee's Past, Hopes for Its Future", The Circle of Empowerment, 25 Years of UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, H. B., Schöpp-Schilling and C. Flinterman (eds.), The Feminist Press, New York, 340-345.

o Acar, F., (2005) "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women", The Essentials of Human Rights, R.K.M. Smith and C. van den Anker (eds.), Hodder Arnold, London; New York, 58-61.

o Acar, Feride; Güneş-Ayata, Ayşe (2000), Gender and Identity Construction: Women of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Turkey (en inglés), Brill. ISBN 978-9-0041-1-5613.

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n ñ o p q r s «CURRICULUM VITAE».