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Región Subregión Altitud (m.s.n.m.) Clima Temp. media Precip. media
Costa Costa Norte 0 - 500 Semiárido tropical 25°C 300 mm
Costa Centro-Sur Árido subtropical 20°C 20 mm
Andes Yunga marítima 500 - 2300 Árido templado 17°C 50 mm
Quechua 2300 - 3500 Templado subhúmedo 14°C 700 mm
Suni 3500 - 4000 Frío o subalpino 9°C 700 mm
Puna 4000 - 4800 Frígido, de puna, de tundra o alpino 4°C 700 mm
Janca 4800 - 6768 Gélido o nival < 0°C 700 mm
Selva Yunga fluvial 1000 - 2300 Subtropical lluvioso 20°C 1500 mm
Selva alta 400 - 1000 Tropical/subtropical muy lluvioso 24°C 3000 mm
Selva baja 80 - 400 Tropical lluvioso 26°C 2000 mm



World map of modern humans patrilineal genetic history according Y chromosome haplogroups distribution and estimated age.

The phylogenetic tree is rooted in the so-called chromosomal Adam, which has African origin and first diverged at A00 more than 250,000 years ago.

A00, A0 and A1a (M31) show an ancient dispersion in west-central Africa; the Khoisan peoples had a prolonged isolation for dozens of years in southern Africa and their ancient gene pool is made up of A-M6 and AM-51.

A-M13 is distributed especially in East Africa and Horn of Africa, mainly in Nilotic peoples.

B was especially dispersed in east-central Africa.

E is quite widespread in Africa, it originated about 65,000 years ago and its main slaves E1a1a (V38) and E1a1b (M215) diverged about 40,000 years ago.

Expansion out of Africa is represented by D, C and F about 60,000 years ago.

F could have originated in the Indian subcontinent,

as its oldest subclades (F1, F2, F3 and F4) have been found in India, Sri Lanka and the Far East

From the Indian subcontinent there was a further differentiation of the distinctive gene pools of eastern and western Eurasia. (southern Asian Pleistocene coastal settlers from Africa would have provided the inocula for the subsequent differentiation of the distinctive eastern and western Eurasian gene pools.)

The gene pool that early colonized the Malay archipelago and the Sahul continent (Oceania) is made up of MS (K*/M/S) and C

The eastern Eurasian gene pool is mainly composed of NO, C (M217) and D (M174) with greater diversity found in the south, whereby the northern lineages form a subset of the populations that migrated from south to north.

In western Eurasia, G, IJ, LT and Q/R are mainly dispersed, which in turn descend from GHIJK, a haplotype from South or Southeast Asia.[1]

Most of the European gene pool comes from Palaeolithic and Neolithic migrations from western Asia.

The early colonization of America corresponds to Paleoindian branches derived from Q-L54 about 15 thousand years ago. The American gene pool is a subset of the Siberian.


Nombre Muestra Cod. Hex. RGB HSV
Beige #E8C39E 232 195 158 30° 32% 91%
Gamuza #E6B57E 230 181 126 32° 45% 90%
Camello #C19A6B 193 154 107 33° 45% 76%
Barbecho #C19A6B 193 154 107 33° 45% 76%
Almendra #C19A6B 193 154 107 33° 45% 76%
Miel #D29340 210 147 64 34° 70% 82%
Ocre #B9935A 185 147 90 36° 51% 73%
Kalua #B78E5B 183 142 91 33° 50% 71%
Avellana #B48969 180 27 105 26° 42% 71%
Siena #C58A3E 197 138 62 34° 69% 77%
Latón #AB9144 171 145 68 45° 60% 67%
Canela #BD8A3E 189 138 62 36° 67% 74%
Ante #BA7C45 186 124 69 28° 63% 73%
Bronce #CD7F32 205 127 50 30° 76% 80%
León #BC8648 188 134 72 32° 62% 74%
Cobre #CB6E51 203 110 81 14° 60% 80%
Caramelo #A67B5B 166 123 91 26° 45% 65%
Cobre #B87333 184 115 51 29° 72% 72%
Caramelo #AE6938 174 105 56 25° 68% 68%
Bistre marrón #967117 150 113 23 43° 85% 59%
Caoba #C04000 192 64 0 20° 100% 75%
Pardo ocre #955F20 149 95 32 32° 79% 58%
Marrón dorado #996515 153 101 21 36° 86% 60%
Marrón cuero #97572B 151 87 43 24° 72% 59%
Herrumbre #A2522B 162 82 43 20° 73% 64%
Marrón #A05000 160 80 0 30° 100% 63%
Secuoya #8A5754 138 87 84 39% 54%
Pardo verdoso[2] #826C34 130 108 52 43° 60% 51%
Habano #844E34 132 78 52 20° 61% 52%
Marrón o café #6F4E37 111 78 55 25° 50% 44%
Bisonte #6C541E 108 84 30 42° 72% 42%
Rojo indio #882D17 136 45 23 12° 83% 53%
Ocre rojo #7D3F32 125 63 50 10° 60% 49%
Marrón #804000 128 64 0 30° 100% 50%
Sepia #663B2A 102 59 42 17° 59% 40%
Nogal #5D432C 93 67 44 28° 53% 36%
Chocolate #592E0B 89 46 11 27° 88% 35%
Café #3F2212 63 34 18 21° 75% 25%


      Af       BSh         Cfa         Cwa         Csa         Dfa         Dwa         Dsa         ET
      Am       BSk       Cfb       Cwb       Csb       Dfb       Dwb       Dsb       EF
      Aw/As       Bwh       Cfc        Cwc        Csc        Dfc        Dwc        Dsc
      Bwk       Dfd       Dwd       Dsd


Familia Idioma Primera persona 'uno' 'agua'
Álgica Proto-álgico *-na:n ≈ 'nosotros' *ne-kwet-
Proto-algonquino *ne- ≈ 'yo' *ne-kwet-wi *akwinčinwa ≈ 'en agua'
Ojibwa niin ≈ 'yo' ningoto-
aislada Kutenai -na:p- ≈ 'me' -nikʔ- ≈ 'uno de' wuʔu / -ku
Proto-mosán *na(y) ≈ 'yo' *k’a / *qaw-
Salish Proto-salish *nək’w-əʔ *-qwa / *-kwa
Coeur d'alene nɛk’w
Tillamook n- ≈ 'mi' néč’- qiw
Kalispel ən- ≈ 'mi' nk’w
Wakash Nutka niw’a ≈ 'nos' ʔ’ot
Heiltsuk -ən ≈ 'yo' n’hxw-
Chimaku Quileute -li (< *n) ≈ 'yo' wí.ł q’wotl' ≈ 'derramarse'
Proto-amerindio *na(ʔ) ≈ 'yo' *(ne-)k’we(t) *aq’wa
aislada Nivejí ni ≈ 'yo' nin č'aӽ


335 a.C. [3]
(Cuvier 1800)[4]
1758 [6]
1848 [7]
1873, 1877[8]
(Haeckel 1874)[9]
1908 [10]
1910 [11]
Kükenthal 1923
Hyman 1940[12]
Whittaker 1969 [13]
Nielsen 2012[14]
Brusca et al.
 Descripción (grupos)
Diploblastica (Zoophyta) Spongiaria Parazoa Parazoa Non-Bilateria  (P) Porifera
 Anaima (Invertebrata) Vermes Coelenterata Cnidaria Eumetazoa Radiata Cnidaria
Ctenophora Ctenophora
Vermes Triploblastica
            ̠ Acoelomata Xenacoelomorpha Xenacoelomorpha
Protostomia  Spiralia Platyhelminthes, NemerteaMesozoa
Mollusca Coelomata Mollusca
Vermes Annelida, LophophorataChaetognatha
Pseudocoelomata Gnathifera, Gastrotricha
 Ecdysozoa Nematozoa, Scalidophora
Insecta Arthropoda Coelomata Panarthropoda
Vermes Echinodermata Deuterostomia Ambulacraria Echinodermata
Vermes Hemichordata
 Enaima (Vertebrata) Pisces Vertebrata  Chordata  peces, anfioxos
Amphibia  anfibios, reptiles
Aves  aves
Mammalia  mamíferos

Material de trabajo


  1. Pille Hallast, Anastasia Agdzhoyan, Oleg Balanovsky, Yali Xue, Chris Tyler-Smith, 2019, Early replacement of West Eurasian male Y chromosomes from the east. bioRxiv doi:
  2. Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; no se ha definido el contenido de las referencias llamadas RAL
  3. Aritósteles 335 a. C., Τῶν περὶ τὰ ζῷα ἱστοριῶν (Investigación de los animales). Introducciónː C. García 2017, ...Sus aportaciones terminológicas, aunque contadas, son fundamentales. Como, por ej., la distinción entre vertebrados e invertebrados, es decir, seres «sanguíneos» frente a «carentes de sangre». Los términos énaimos y ánaimos («con / sin sangre») no están documentados en sentido técnico antes de Aristóteles...
  4. Cuvier (1800) Leçons d'anatomie comparée, 1st ed., vol. 1. Paris, année VIII
  5. Linnaeus 1735, Systema Naturae, 1st edition
  6. Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, 10th ed., vol. 1
  7. Leuckart (1848) Ueber die Morphologie und die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der wirbellosen thiere, ver Agassiz (1857)
  8. Lankester, 1877, Notes on the Embryology and classification of the Animal kingdom: comprising a revision of speculations relative to the origin and significance of the germ-layers. Quartely Journal of Microscopical Science (N.S.), No. 68: 399–454
  9. Haeckel E (1874). Die Gastrea-Theorie, die phylogenetische Classification des Tierreiches und die Homologie der Keimblatter. Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaft, 8, 1–55. [P. 32 & 52:] Zoophyta (Diblasteria = Spongie & Triblasteria = Acalephae), [P. 33:] Bilateria (Sammtlische Würmer =Vermes, Molluscken, Echinotermen, Arthropoden, Vertebraten)
  10. Karl Grobben 1908. Die systematische Einteilung1 des Tierreiches. Subregnum Metazoa = Divisio Coelenterata (Phylum Spongiaria + Cnidaria + Ctenophora) + Divisio Coelomata (Phylum Protostomia + Deuterostomia)
  11. Kükenthal, W. & Krumbach, T. (eds) 1923. Handbuch der zoologie. Berlin
  12. Hyman, L. H. The invertebrates. New York: McGraw-Hill Book. 6 vols., 1940-1967.
  13. Whittaker, R. H. (1969). New concepts of kingdoms or organisms. Science 163 (3863): 150–160. Kingdom Animalia = Subkingdom Parazoa + Subkingdom Eumetazoa(Branch Radiata + Branch Bilateria (Grade Acoelomata + Pseudocoelomata + Coelomata(Subgrade Schizocoela + Enterocoela)))
  14. Nielsen, C. Animal Evolution: Interrelationships of the Living Phyla. 3rd ed. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2012.
  15. Brusca, Richard C.; Wendy Moore; Stephen M. Schuster (2016). Invertebrates. 3rd ed. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.