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The studio system is a method of film production and distribution dominated by a small number of "major" studios in Hollywood. Although the term is still used today as a reference to the systems and output of the major studios, historically the term refers to the practice of large motion picture studios between the 1920s and 1960s of (a) producing movies primarily on their own filmmaking lots with creative personnel under often long-term contract, and (b) dominating exhibition through vertical integration, i.e., the ownership or effective control of distributors and exhibition, guaranteeing additional sales of films through manipulative booking techniques.

The studio system was challenged under the anti-trust laws in a 1948 Supreme Court ruling which sought to separate production from the distribution and exhibition and ended such practices, thereby hastening the end of the studio system. By 1954, with television competing for audience and the last of the operational links between a major production studio and theater chain broken, the historic era of the studio system was over.

The period stretching from the introduction of sound to the court ruling and the beginning of the studio breakups, 1927/29–1948/49, is referred to by some film historians as the Golden Age of Hollywood. (Many modern film historians dispute that this age was so golden in an artistic sense, due to censorship and the mediocrity of many films made by the studio "moguls.")

During the so-called Golden Age, eight companies constituted the so-called major studios that promulgated the Hollywood studio system. Of these eight, five were fully integrated conglomerates, combining ownership of a production studio, distribution division, and substantial theater chain, and contracting with performers and filmmaking personnel: Fox Film Corporation (later 20th Century-Fox), Loew’s Incorporated (owner of America's largest theater circuit and parent company to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), Paramount Pictures, RKO Radio Pictures, and Warner Bros. Two majors—Universal Pictures and Columbia Pictures—were similarly organized, though they never owned more than small theater circuits. The eighth of the Golden Age majors, United Artists, owned a few theaters and had access to two production facilities owned by members of its controlling partnership group, but it functioned primarily as a backer-distributor, loaning money to independent producers and releasing their films.

El sistema de estudios es un método de producción y distribución de un pequeño número de los principales estudios en Hollywood. Aunque a menudo se sigue utilizando como referencia a los sistemas y resultados de los principales estudios, historicamente el término se refiere a la práctica del gran movimiento de largometrajes entre los años 1920 y 1960 de (a) producción de las principales películas en sus propios lotes de cinematografía con creativa personal a menudo bajo contrato de permanencia, y (b) la exibición dominante mediante la integración vertical, es decir, la propiedad o el control efectivo de distribuidores y exibición, garantizando las vendas adicionales de las películas mediante las técnicas de contratación manipuladoras.

Fox Film Corporation (después del vigésimo aniversario de Fox), Loew's Incorporated (propietarios del circuito teatral más grande de America y la compañía matriz de Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), Paramount Pictures, RKO Radio Pictures, and Warner Bros. Las empresas más importantes-Universal Pictures y Columbia Pictures-están organizadas de manera similar, aunque nunca poseyeron más que pequeños circuitos cinematográficos. El octavo de los United Artists, uno de los grandes de los Siglo de Oro, poseyó unos pocos cines y tuvo acceso a dos instalaciones de producción propiedad de miembros de su grupo corporativo, pero primariamente funcionaba como patrocinador-distribuidor, prestando dinero a productores independientes y lanzando sus películas.