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Usuario:Welle 1/Sherif Sonbol Tadros

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Sherif Sonbol (nacido 6 de diciembre 1956 en Egipto) es un fotógrafo especializado en arquitectura, artes escénicas y fotoperiodismo.

Biografía temprana


Sherif Sonbol nació en Giza, El Cairo. Perdió a su madre a la edad de tres años; poco después se le diagnosticó diabetes.
Estudió para asegurador en la Universidad de El Cairo Cairo University y asistió a la Chartered Insurance Institute en Londres. Trabajó para la Egyptian Reinsurance Company como asegurador de riesgos marítimos (marine underwriter). Allí fue testigo accidental de un altercado entre el director general de la empresa y el jefe del sindicato. Atrapado en una situación burocrática delicada, Sonbol se vio obligado a testificar sobre el incidente. Como represalia, el director general decidió acabar con la carrera de Sonbol en el mundo de las aseguradoras. Sonbol aprovechó la ocasión para volcarse de lleno en una de sus pasiones, la fotografía. Llamó a la puerta de periódico egípcio Al-Ahram, donde pronto comenzó a trabajar como freelance.[1]

Carrera Profesional


En pocos meses, Sonbol ya se encontraba trabajando como fotógrafo fijo a tiempo completo en la plantilla de Al-Ahram, bajo el auspicio de Antoun Albert.[2]​.
También fue responsable de fundar y encabezar el departamento de fotografía en la revista Nesf-El-Dunia.
A pesar de consiguir objetivos profesionales y reconocimiento público, el sueldo de un trabajdor de un organización del estado resultaba demasiado bajo; lo que le indujo a solicitar la posición de fotógrafo en la embajada de los Estados Unidos de América. Esto implicaba tener que dimitir de su trabajo en Al-Ahram. Lamentablemente, el trabajo de fotógrafo en la embajada no se materializó, ya que nuevo puesto fue anulado por cuestiones presupuestarias antes de que él fuera contratado. A pesar de todo, Sonbol fue reclutado por el departamento de informática de la embajada americana como diseñador gráfico y profesor, una situación en la que Sonbol no se sentía demasiado cómodo ya que volvía a estar trabajando tras una mesa de oficina. [1]
Se las arregló para combinar esta función con su trabajo en la nueva Opera de El Cairo (Cairo Opera House), donde había estado ejerciendo de fotógrafo desde que abriere sus puertas en 1988. Finalmente, Sonbol renunció a su puesto en la embajada de Estados Unidos y regresó a Al-Ahram, esta vez al Al-Ahram Weekly,[1]​ en donde pronto asumiría el cargo de jefe del departamento de fotografía.

Apart from his work at the Weekly, Sonbol became the main photographer of Kalam-El-Nass and Maraya-El-Nass magazines, permetaing the publications with his own particular style: As celebrity photographer for Kalam-El-Nass, his first cover feautirng actress Ghada Adel revolutioned the local industry, as it was the first cover portrait done outside a photo-studio in Egypt.
Sonbol stayed six years as main photographer of Kalam-El-Nass. On his last year there, the Maraya-El-Nass magazine project saw the light. This was an interior design magazine belonging to the same group as Kalam-El-Nass. The project´s key artistic resonsibles were to be Sonbol and writer Moguib Rushdi, so Sonbol was fully transferred to the new magazine, despite he asked to keep his position at Kalam-EL-Nass. Here too Sonbol managed to shake the foundations of Egyptian interior photography with his use of natural light. Unfortunately, an unsuccessful advertisement strategy resulted in Maraya-El-Nass having to close its doors a few years after.
Currently Sonbol manages to combine his responsabilities as chief photographer in Al-Ahram Weekly and in the Cairo Opera House with other projects.
As a freelancer, he occasionally contributes to other publications -including Kalam-El-Nass-. He participates in photography campaigns and other job assignments too. He has also collaborated with important cultural centers such as the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. His work has been displayed in various exhibits worldwide and has been the subject of doctorate thesis[3][4]

Sonbol has given seminars at AFCA (Académie Francophone Cairote des Arts )[5]​ and teaches photography at the Ahram Canadian University [6]​ since 2008.
He has worked on several books, and has managed to bring to life some of his own initiatives such as "Mulid! Carnivals of Faith", "40 Pyramids of Egypt and their neighbors" (both English and Arabic versions) or "The Nile Cruise, a Photographic Guide".
Through one of his most recent freelance projects, Sonbol tries to bring Western and Arabic cultures closer together in order to promote better a understanding and communication. Despite his efforts, the project is moving slowly as he depends on his own resources given the difficulty of finding proper sponsors.

Technique and style

  • One of Sonbol´s trademarks is his use of natural available light; a technique he developed under the encouragement of Antoun Albert.[7]
  • An accute sense of timing is also characteristic of his images. This is especially evident in his ballet shots and The New York Times referred to it as "a particular agile eye" and added that "Even when Sonbol concentrates on stillness, he exemplifies Martha Graham's adage that a pause is not a pose but "an act of accomplishment" ".[8]​ Sonbol developed his eye for dance under the supervision of Erminia Gambarelli Kamel, former prima ballerina and artistic director of the Cairo Opera House Ballet.[7][8]


  • The first Egyptian photographer ever to have a picture book published ("Mulid! Carnivals of Faith").
  • The first Egyptian photographer to have a picture book about Egyptian antiquities ("40 Pyramids of Egypt and their Neighbors").
  • His book 40 Pyramids of Egypt and their Neighbors was the first photography book to be ever published about the Pyramids in Arabic language.

Photography books

  • Swan Lake for Children, (Cairo Opera House)
  • Aida, (Cairo Opera House 1999)[9]
  • Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten : Nefertiti : Tutankhamen, (Bullfinch Press & Boston Museum for Fine Arts 1999, ISBN 0821226207 & ISBN 978-0821226209 ) Contributor.
  • Mulid! Carnivals of Faith, (AUC Press 2001, ISBN 9774245199 & ISBN 978-9774245190)
  • Mamluk Art: The Splendor and Magic of the Sultans (Museum with No Frontiers & Transatlantic Publications 2001, ISBN 1 874044 37 6 )
  • The Pharaohs, (Bompiani Arte & Thames and Hudson 2002, ISBN 8874230230) Main contributor.
  • Der Turmbau Zu Babel – Ursprung Vielfalt von Sprache und Schrift (Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien & Skira 2003, ISBN 3854970552 & ISBN 8884915431) Contributor.
  • Egyptian Palaces and Villas, (AUC Press & Abrams Inc 2006, ISBN 0810955385 & ISBN 978-0810955387)
  • 40 Pyramids of Egypt and their neighbors, (Cyperus Press
  • 40 Pyramids of Egypt and their neighbors, Arabic version (Cyperus Press
  • The Churches of Egypt: From the Journey of the Holy Family to the Present Day, (AUC Press 2007, ISBN 9774161068 & ISBN 978-9774161063)
  • Arts of the City Victorious (Yale University Press 2008, ISBN 9780300135428 & ISBN 0300135424) Main contributor.
  • Opera 1988-2008 (Cairo Opera House, 2009)
  • Al-Tahra Palace, A Gem in a Majestic Garden (CULTNAT 2009)
  • The Nile Cruise, a Photographic Guide (AUC Press 2009, ISBN 9774163028 & ISBN 978-9774163029 )


  1. a b c Al-Ahram Weekly October 2003, entrevista tras una exposición de cinco semanas de duración en el Lincoln Center de Nueva York. (Inglés)
  2. Cultnat sobre Antoun Albert, pequeño perfil incluido en la sinópsis del libro "Nubia through two Eras".
  3. Eszter Dobay, The Hungarian Moholy-Nagy Academy of Arts. Thesis title: “On the portrayal of movement/action in photography
  4. Paula van Akkeren, Amsterdam. Thesis titles: “What is the role of photography in Egypt” and “The relation between photography and art
  5. AFCA Photography Course, 2006-2007.
  6. Ahram Canadian University´s official website.
  7. a b Egypt Today February 2006, article on the history of Photography in Egypt.
  8. a b New York Times October 2003, review and interview on occasion of Lincoln Center Exhibit.
  9. Al Ahram Weekly October 1998,article on "Aida" show at the Giza Pyramids. Sonbol´s book was based on this unique production.