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De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

It would be both very pleasant and good if someone could translate this english text for me to spanish language. Thank you in advance!:)

Even though they have escaped the sort of lasting infammy attached to the name of German Vandali, they have fared little better in the historical record. As 'savages' or 'barbarians' on the northern periphery of the classical world, even today Illyrians barely make the footnotes in most versions of ancient history, and more often than not they are simply ignored. Readers generally familiar with the worlds of ancient Greece and Rome are likely to suspect, and rightly so, an attempt to adjust this balance of the historical record, not least because, as the playwright said, it is the only version they know. There seems little to be gained from seeking to create a picture of Illyrians that does not adopt a perspective of them as peoples on the periphery of the Mediterranean worlds of Greece and Rome. On the other hand, it is now less acceptable to order descriptions to such geographically marginal societies according to such categories 'Hellenized', 'part-Romanized'. These labels convey simplistic notions of a diffusion of all material innovation and development from a advanced centre to a more primitive periphery , trough varieties of direct or indirect contact. Happily, we can now seek an esacape from such narrow confines through the increasing archaeological evidence for Illyrians and their way of life. Not that it can be claimed that archaeologists and other students of prehistoric societies are free from a liking for traditional explanations of change and development, among wich diffusion and migration continue to enjoy special favour. While we have to accept that an authentic and comprehensive account of Illyrians will remain out of reach for the foreseeable future, the evidence now available justifies an interim statement. We may best begin with a reconnaissance of progress in Illyrian studies.

For all that Wiliams Shakespear's Twelth Night was set in a 'city of Illyria', two centuries were to elapse before the name appeared on the map of Europe. By the Treaty of Schönbrunn on 14 October 1809 a large tract of land east of Adriatic, including Carinthia, the Istrian peninsula and the Dalmatian coast, was ceded by Austria to the Napoleonic kingdom of Italy to be ruled with the title of the Illyrian Province.

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