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Usuario discusión:Dƶoxar

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Hola, Dƶoxar. Te damos la bienvenida a Wikipedia en español.
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Esperamos que pases buenos momentos en Wikipedia. --Yeza (discusión) 15:30 4 dic 2016 (UTC)[responder]



Hi. Well, let's see. For the first point, who says that the Law of de-communization will survive for long? In a country like the present Ukraine, which has such an uncertain future, I do not see it so clear. What is clear is that this law is not made with consensus, and probably half of Ukrainians are not in favor of it. The Dnipropetrovsk City Council opposed the change of name (and still has the danme), so it must be assumed that more cities and local administrations have opposed these changes imposed by the Rada. Here in Spain it is difficult to find news about this situation, but it is known that there is opposition to the changes. Maybe in two years there is another government that says the names of Soviet times must be back. So that's the first point. But on the other hand, these changes are taking only Ukrainian users to change, curiously on the same dates and at the same time. It is hard to believe that it is not a coordinated action that seeks something ;) In your case, you have been here for a longer time than other users although you have edited relatively little until the beginning of the Maidan process and everything that came after. Manuchansu (discusión) 10:29 3 dic 2016 (UTC)[responder]

I see. Well, I understand your point. However, the government that is making this change is the same government that legislates in the Donbass, although they does not control that territory. And it legislates over the Crimea, even when they does not control it. In fact, it is the same government that says it will regain Crimea. If you speak of seriousness, the current government is the least serious of all that has been in Kiev since 1991. About the changes, no one is giving references. So it's like if I take and change Kiew for Friedrichstadt, without arguments. And last but not least, all of you are eliminating the ancient names of the Soviet era. You all changed the soviet toponym and the old place name disappears. That is quite significant. Manuchansu (discusión) 20:18 3 dic 2016 (UTC)[responder]
No, right now and in the current situation, I oppose totally to this kind of changes. I didn't say nothing you're talking about, so do not manipulate my words. Perhaps in the future, and doing it correctly, of course not with the point of view of Ukrainian nationalists. I distrust users who have erased Soviet toponyms (as never existed) and have not provided references of any kind. Besides, I see you're doing the same job in the Ukrainian wikipedia. Manuchansu (discusión) 15:14 4 dic 2016 (UTC) P.S.: Seeing your point of view regarding the topic of changing names in Donbas and respecting the opinion against non-Maidan, it is clear to me that you are a rather non-neutral and unrealistic nationalist. I suspected from the first day, but now it's clear. You cannot change names from whatever is not your country, or you don't control. You said "it's important to mention them [the Soviet names]", but in fact you didn't do it for months. As I said, I oppose to changing names by Ukrainian nationalists and/or non neutral users.[responder]
Yes, you're not much active in Spanish Wikipedia, perhaps because you're full doing the same Job in other wikipedias, as English, German or Ukrainian, and more, and more. It sounds like a Single-purpose account. I have nothing to stop or blocking, just to expose your real activity and methods. Manuchansu (discusión) 16:23 4 dic 2016 (UTC)[responder]
Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifesta. Manuchansu (discusión) 17:17 4 dic 2016 (UTC)[responder]
Hi Dƶoxar! The previous conversations and conclusions are here. Regards.--Yeza (discusión) 15:30 4 dic 2016 (UTC)[responder]
If you can source the decree/motion or similar approving the new name, there is evidence the pertinent entity (local authority et al) is actually using the new denomination, and there is not a significant usage of the previous term in Spanish-language sources I think a renaming can be performed (although the former name should be featured too). In the meantime (for example, if lacking the evidence the entity is using it or if having doubts about prior Spanish language usage), I think that adding the text above is ok.--Asqueladd (discusión) 16:01 6 dic 2016 (UTC)[responder]



Hi, Dƶoxar. Why don't you start inserting at the end of the lead of the articles something like "En noviembre de 2016 (the precise date) fue aprobado el cambio de nombre de la ciudad/región/... por "transliterated name" (cyrillic writing)" en cumplimiento de la ley de descomunistización", adding appropiate references? Best regards.--Asqueladd (discusión) 20:06 5 dic 2016 (UTC)[responder]