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Usuario discusión:Iroll

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¡Bienvenido, Iroll! Ésta es tu página de discusión, dónde recibirás mensajes de otros colaboradores. Además, tienes tu página de usuario donde puedes poner lo que quieras sobre ti.

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Te saluda: ManuelGR 02:22 7 mar, 2004 (CET)

Gracias por la traducción


No hay problema con el español. en caso que te resulte difícil te cuento en inglés:

I wasn't watching any movies, I just happened to hear that expression on TV and when I read the captions it was totally new for me. It's great to learn these kind of expressions because I need them to improve my English and talk more fluently. Cheers! Lmb 15:40 13 sep, 2004 (CEST)

Yeah you're right. I don't remember the exact name and maybe the translation in Spanish could change, but it was a comedy about a bunch of farmers who suddenly became rich and went to Beverly Hills. I saw this movie not for the plot but for the blond girl... hehehe. Lmb 00:29 15 sep, 2004 (CEST)