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Usuario discusión:Johyeongryeol

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Hola, Johyeongryeol. Te damos la bienvenida a Wikipedia en español
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Wikipedia en español es una enciclopedia de contenido libre que surgió en mayo de 2001; desde entonces se han establecido varios principios definidos por la comunidad. Por favor, tómate un tiempo para explorar los temas siguientes, antes de comenzar a editar en Wikipedia.
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Esperamos que pases buenos momentos en Wikipedia. Martínhache (Discutir es gratis) 01:48 19 ago 2007 (CEST)



First of all, I'm very delighted with your interest about España or Spain (as you prefer). Obviously I don't know any word of Korean, sorry about it, but i think it's a very interesting question which it could join our both wikipedias. I'd try to translate (better I can) your poll into spanish. A warm greeting for you from Spain. Martínhache (Discutir es gratis) 02:26 19 ago 2007 (CEST)

English version


A public-opinion poll for the entry word of spain in korean wokipedia.

¿Cómo está? Mucho gusto.

My name is hyeong-ryeol. I'm a korean wikipedian.

Recently, there is a debate about the entry word of spain in korean wikipedia.

Two words are available for it in korean.

One is '에스파냐' which is a word based on the sound of spanish word 'España'.

The other is '스페인' which is a word based on the sound of english word 'spain'.

The former is much closer to the sound of 'España', but the latter is in common use in south korea.

One of the main issue of the debate is which word is more preferred by spanish people.

If you are the spanish, please let me know what is your preference.

I have one more question.

If foreign people call your country 'España' instead of 'spain', do you feel good or so-so?

Please let me know what is your feeling.

Muchas gracias!

  • Which word do you prefer?
    • 에스파냐 (which is a word based on the sound of spanish word 'España'. ).
      1. (Please put your name here.)
    • 스페인 (which is a word based on the sound of english word 'spain'.).
      1. (Please put your name here.)
  • If foreign people call your country 'España' instead of 'spain', how do you feel?
    • Good.
      1. (Please put your name here.)
    • So-so.
      1. (Please put your name here.)
    • Bad.
      1. (Please put your name here.)

Spanish version


Encuesta de opinión sobre el artículo "España" en la wikipedia coreana

¿Cómo está? Encantado de saludarle.

Mi nombre es hyeong-ryeoly y soy un wikipedista coreano.

Recientemente hemos tenido un debate sobre la palabra "España" en la wikipedia coreana.

Dos palabras son utilizadas para nombrar este país en coreano.

Una es '에스파냐', que es un término basado en el sonido de la palabra española "España".

Otra es '스페인', que por el contrario se basa en el sonido de la palabra inglesa "Spain".

La primera es mucha más cercana a la palabra originaria, pero la segunda es la de uso más extendido en Corea del Sur.

Una de las principales cuestiones del debate es qué palabra sería mejor acogida por los españoles.

Si eres español, por favor ayúdenos a conocer su preferencia.

Tengo una pregunta más.

Si los extranjeros llaman a su país "España" en lugar de "Spain" ¿qué les parece?

Por favor, permítanos conocer sus opiniones.

¡Muchas gracias por su participación!

  • ¿Qué palabra prefieren?
    • 에스파냐 (que es la traducción basada en el sonido de la palabra originaria "España").
      1. (Por favor, incluya su firma aquí).
    • 스페인 (que es la palabra basada en el sonido inglés del vocablo "Spain").
      1. (Por favor, incluya su firma aquí).
  • Si los extranjeros llaman a su país "España" en lugar de "Spain", ¿qué les parece?
    • Bien.
      1. (Por favor, incluya su firma aquí).
    • Regular.
      1. (Por favor, incluya su firma aquí).
    • Mal.
      1. (Por favor, incluya su firma aquí).

My opinion


I am not from Spain but from Cuba. I think it is a nice thing to hear a foreigner to pronounce well our country name how it is phonetically in our language, more coming from a Korean. That would be a respectful thing to do. I feel we should do the same for you. I don't know how is the pronunciation of 'Corea', 'Korea', in Korean language. At the moment, I have not a way to know it. I had, or have, a South Korean friend; we lost the contact. Thanks for being so special people. --Mercuba 02:52 19 ago 2007 (CEST)

Name for España/Spain


Hello, Johyeongryeol. My English level is not very high but I'll try to do my best. I think, as an inhabitant of Spain, that I would prefer hearing España much more than Spain. But I'm afraid that's not the main point here. An an encyclopedia, Wikipedia must reflect the reality, and if the pronunciation Spain is more used, then that's the way it must be shown at wikipedia. It's very kind to ask here about it, but according to the Original Research policy, we can't choose about those topics, we but reflect the way things are, because if we don't, we're including original information, forcing people to take it as true, we're are not being loyal to real truth. Greetings, Eric - Contact 18:23 19 ago 2007 (CEST)

Ok. Nice to meet you and to be useful. As you see, other users have said the same, that it's not a matter of what we think in Spain, but thanks for asking here. Greetings, Eric - Contact 13:48 20 ago 2007 (CEST)

Hi there


I think it could be better to move that poll to another page rather than "café". Something like "Johyeongryeol/Que opinas" would be great...Anyway here is my opinion:

I prefer 에스파냐 (that according to you means "España"). Of course I don´t know how do you use to call my country. For instance we says Corea to Korea because originally spanish language didn´t use the K letter, and that is the most similar sound.Little bit complicated. Have a nice day !!

--Tarantino Habla ahora o calla para siempre 18:31 19 ago 2007 (CEST)

About the poll


Hi! Best wishes for the Korean wikipedians!

Well, my English is not very good, but I think I will can explain that. As a Spanish, and as a Spanish speaker, I like more the word in Spanish, I like more "España" than "Spain", and I think all Spanish speakers will be in agreement with me. But, of course, if in Korean language, the word used to say Spain is the English word, we can not make anything, Spain is the word which should be used in Korean Wikipedia. For example, in Spanish language, we do not use the German word "München", we use a word deraved from the English and French word "Munich": "Múnich". We use also the word "Copenhague" (as French people), derived from the English word "Copenhagen", and we do not use the Danish word "København". I think this case with the word "Spain" or "España" is similar in Korean language.--Espanish AlB 20:24 19 ago 2007 (CEST)

About España and Spain


Hi. Greetings from Bolivia. I want to say thank you first for thinking that Wikipedia en español can give a solution to your problem. There is a problem tough in your reasoning. No matter what we as Wikipedia en español might think, your problem will remain unsolved unless you find reliable sources. ¿Why? Take a look a this en:Wikipedia:No_original_research. Alhen | Æ 21:09 19 ago 2007 (CEST)