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Discusión:Inmigración chilena en Venezuela

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Eduardo Jara el rey del filete[editar]

Parte de entrevista con el jinete chileno Eduardo Jara llamado el rey del filete. Emigro a Venezuela en 1947 hasta 1959.

R.R .: What is the most important factor that you consider, helped him win so many races in Argentina.

Don E .: Well, as I came from a different equestrian race like the Chilean and the same Venezuelan, I was used to running with steak and both hands holding the reins, and at that time in Argentina it was braked, which made the riders They only used one hand in full competition, but I definitely managed to show that with the brake the wear of the horse was superior and therefore I was more prone to trauma in the rear oars.


R.R's Note:

Fillet or bite: It is a special metal bar that goes to the end of the rein, used for the handling of the horse and that is placed in the mouth.

Brake - is a complement to the fillet that, in addition to this, has another metal support in part of the chin.


R.R .: Does this mean that the change from steak to brake in Argentina is due to your recommendations?

Don E .: I think that helped me a lot, I find an equestrian center of world renown, because the horse, being used to the brake, when it encountered any problem, this impaired its rhythm in a strong way. What was initially sought is that there were no clashes within the competition, but as I said it forces the horses to make more severe efforts, so the horses suffered from the "hocks", in this way with the fillet when one has a drawback, the horse always works with all four legs, which makes it easy to change reins, crossing them forces the horse to change pace, hand and head up, picking up more speed. At first, using the fillet, I carried them with a brake-style hand, when I moved them the horses ran a lot, in this way I won many races.



R.R .: Is that what they called the King of the Steak?

Don E .: Yes ... when imposing this fashion, the Argentine riders realized the good results and little by little they were changing to the fillet, as it is run all over the world today