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Little writers are creative people who have the gift of the word, currently the writers are present in the digital world, they make publications that reach a larger audience in relation to the last century where a book had to be published in years and the number of writers it was limited. In past decades to become a writer you had to have a very intense academic training, today you can be a great writer with the help of technological advances that allow you to write articles, collaborate on research, publish them correctly and be reviewed by peers. Now it's more interesting to be a writer.

Types of Writers[editar]

Writers can choose from a variety of literary genres to express their ideas, for example, a literary work, a play, a film, newspaper article, and research. Writers can start their career with one genre and switch to another.[1]Dorothy Sayers, for example, wrote crime novels, but she was also a playwright, essayist, translator, and critic. The genres best known by the audience are: Poets, Novelists, Playwrights, Screenwriters, Speechwriters, Critics, Editor, Essayists, Historian, Researcher and academic, Translator, Blogger, Columnist, Journalist.[1]​ John Mauk Culture: A Reader for Writers is part of a series of single issue short books from Oxford University Press designed for today's college writing courses. Mauk addresses key issues such as work, consumerism, language, social media, identity, entertainment, nature, and politics. , technology and war.[2]

Process and Method[editar]

There are a variety of approaches that writers take when writing.[3]​ The work of a writer is lonely, arduous, many hours of writing work. Before the invention of photocopiers and electronic text storage, a writer's work had to be stored on paper, which meant that it was very susceptible to being easily destroyed, for example, The essayist and historian Thomas Carlyle, lost the only copy of a manuscript of The French Revolution: A Story when a maid mistakenly threw it into the fire. She rewrote it from the beginning. Writer's Block is a common experience among writers, this can be due to reasons other than lack of skill or commitment.[1]


Writers have different motivations for writing, they are a world of self-expression ideas, record of facts or research results. Some writers write extensively about their motivation and the likely motivations of other writers.[1]​ For example, George Orwell's essay Why I Write (1946) takes this as its theme

Protection and Representation[editar]

The professional interests of the writers are protected by the law of the press, intellectual property. In the United States, there is a Writers Guild and a National Union of Writers that protect copyright law. Most countries have national guilds or unions that help protect intellectual property and prevent plagiarism.


The recognition of writers for their excellent work is rewarded with the literary prize "Pulitzer Prize", as well as international prizes "Nobel Prize of Literature" awarded to the most brilliant works and that provided a contribution to the knowledge of humanity.[1]


[1]​«Escritor». Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. 21 de octubre de 2022. Consultado el 12 de noviembre de 2022.



External links[editar]

  1. a b c d e f «Escritor». Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. 21 de octubre de 2022. Consultado el 12 de noviembre de 2022. 
  2. a b «,contains,little%20writers%20articles&pfilter=pfilter,exact,books&offset=0». (en inglés). Consultado el 12 de noviembre de 2022. 
  3. a b