Usuario:J Carolina Valero/Taller

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre


First, I think that neighborhoods changes much in any aspects for example:

This neighborhood will be more ecological we’re going to have more houses and they will also be smart I might have automatic stairs in the houses when there are people with disabilities

In Bogota there are always many inhabitants and there are usually people who take possession of land or houses. I think that in any momento the city will evolve and everything will be more modern including schools, cars, streets etc… Probably in 10 or 20 years the neighborhoods have changed a lot, especially the way to alert a neighbor if a thief entered a house or if there is any other similar incident.

Definitely have a kind of bin in each corner of a house to throw the defecation of the dogs because it is very complicated to walk and find poop in the street.

I could improve security in the neighborhoods since you see a lot of homeless people or thieves walking around quietly and one as a concerned citizen because you don't know when they're going to rob you, since you can't have or wear anything luxurious because they steal your clothes. stuff

Maybe, make gardens inside the houses to have all the vegetables or fresh food and also to save time and money and cook with more tranquility. They may build more schools near neighborhoods so that there is a better opportunity for children to study.

Too , if they build houses with solar panels, they will have energy savings, so it is great to have a house where it helps the planet to reduce pollution since there is a lot of cable everywhere.

They will buy more garbage cans in each corner of the houses, to keep the neighborhood clean of dirt and garbage on the street. Since it is difficult to walk and find garbage all over the street and not be able to see the streets clean.

they are safer if they have good lighting in the neighborhood because it is very important to have security and lighting since one can prevent any incident or event that happens at the moment