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En 2002 Linki Park empezó a trabajar en su segundo álbum de estudio, Meteora, entre intervalos libres que tenian mientras promocionaban Hybrid Theory. El grupo anunció el disco en diciembre de 2002, y lo publicó en marzo de 2003. Su primer sencillo, Somewhere i Belong se lanzo dias antes del lanzmiento del disco, y su sucesor, Faint, se lanzo en julio. Finalmente, numb se publicó el 8 de septiembre de 2003 como tercer sencillo del album .

Num es la ultima pista de meteora, y es precedida por Session, una cancion instrumental. La canción abarca los generos nu metal y rock alternativo, con influencias de pop rock y metal alternativo. Tiene una duracion de 3 minutos y tiene un tempo de 108 pulsaciones por minutos.

El proceso de creacion de numb empezó en agosto de 2002, una semana antes de entrar al nrg recording studios. A la hora de componerla, la cancion se construyo+ a partir del hook de la introducción y para el grupo surgió de manera facil y son complicacones,


The last song is called “Numb” which starts with a nice keyboard hook. I thinks it was a nice way to end the album because it kind of sums up the record. It’s very recognizable as our sound. It sounds like a Linkin Park song but it does have some mood that Meteora has if that makes any sense. Maybe I can say that better. When you hear it, you can easily recognize it as a Linkin Park song but it obviously belongs on Meteora. It obviously belongs in this new group of songs just because of the way the tone of the song is and the lyrics are. It’s kind of about those times when you’ve got no feeling left or you just don’t care. It’s almost like exhaustion or something which funny enough is how we felt after touring last year.


“I think it was a nice way to end the album because it kind of sums up the record. It’s very recognizable as our sound,” Mike Shinoda told Shoutweb in March 2003 “It sounds like a Linkin Park song, but it does have some mood that Meteora has... When you hear it, you can easily recognize it as a Linkin Park song, but it obviously belongs on Meteora. It obviously belongs in this new group of songs just because of the way the tone of the song is, and the lyrics are.”

Numb was one of the last songs to be written for the album, coming together one week before the band went into NRG studios in August 2002 to start recording. Working around the intro hook, the band said “the song came together quickly and almost effortlessly".

“It’s kind of about those times when you’ve got no feeling left or you just don’t care,” Mike told Shoutweb of the meaning behind the song. “It’s almost like exhaustion or something which funny enough is how we felt after touring [Hybrid Theory] last year.”


Numb which stands out as the album’s highlight and Linkin Park’s defining anthem. Opening with an instantly recognisable keyboard refrain that builds into one of the bands most colossal, anthemic cuts, it’s the track that best summed up the “epic and cinematic, powerful and dynamic” vision the band had for Meteora.

Despite being sick for five weeks during the recording sessions and having to record his vocals while the rest of the album was being mixed, it’s one of his most powerful performances. Having already talked at length about his own struggles with mental health, the song lays it all out on the slab. Following the heart-wrenching melancholy of the verses, you can hear his voice splinter under the weight of loneliness, self-loathing and disaffection when the chorus hits: “I'm tired of being what you want me to be. Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface... All I want to do, Is be more like me, And be less like you.”


Perhaps the most emotional performance of Numb would come after Chester’s death in 2017. On October 27 that year, the band and 17,500 fans packed into LA’s Hollywood Bowl for a tribute concert to honour his life and bright, fierce talent. And some of rock’s biggest stars signed up in their droves to pay their own respects. That night, Korn’s Jonathan Davis took the mic for One Step Closer and Blink 182 performed What I’ve Done, while Avenged Sevenfold’s M Shadows sung Faint and Burn It Down and BMTH’s Oli Skyes fronted Crawling.


However, as the intro to Numb played over the speakers, none of Chester’s metal contemporaries stepped forward. Instead, the stage was dark and empty, one spotlight illuminating a lone leaf-adorned mic stand while the crowd began to sing, tearfully carrying Chester’s lyrics all the way up to the rafters. It was a gut-punching reminder of Chester’s singular talent to put into words how it felt to be a disappointment, how it felt to feel invisible.


Desde su debut, esta canción se convirtió en un himno para una generación entera, resonando en los corazones de millones de fans alrededor del mundo. Su letra honesta y emocional, combinada con la energía inconfundible de Linkin Park, logró trascender barreras culturales y generacionales, convirtiéndose en un símbolo de identificación y catarsis para muchos. El logro de superar las 2000 millones de reproducciones en YouTube no es solo una muestra del poder atemporal de “Numb”, sino también del impacto duradero de Linkin Park en la industria musical. A lo largo de su carrera, la banda dejó una huella imborrable con su fusión única de rock alternativo, rap y electrónica, capturando la esencia de una generación y conectando con sus seguidores a un nivel emocional profundo. Esta canción fue y sigue siendo el soundtrack de innumerables momentos, acompañando a muchas personas en sus triunfos, desafíos y momentos más difíciles. Su popularidad en la era digital demuestra que sigue siendo relevante y poderosa incluso después de casi dos décadas desde su lanzamiento.[1]

The “Numb” music video hit one billion views back in 2018, a year after fans launched an unofficial campaign following the death of frontman Chester Bennington on July 20, 2017, to help push the video to the one billion view mark.[2]

Reaching 2 billion views on YouTube is a testament to the enduring legacy of Linkin Park and the impact their music continues to have on listeners. “Numb” remains a powerful anthem that transcends time and connects with people on a profound level.[3]

  1. Rock, Gusto a (30 de mayo de 2023). «"Numb" de Linkin Park superó las 2000 millones de reproducciones en YouTube». Gusto a Rock. Consultado el 5 de julio de 2023. 
  2. Aniftos, Rania (1 de junio de 2023). «Linkin Park’s ‘Numb’ Video Surpasses 2 Billion YouTube Views». Billboard (en inglés estadounidense). Consultado el 5 de julio de 2023. 
  3. «99.7 The Blitz - News». Consultado el 5 de julio de 2023.